Deadly Tension and Troops Ramp Up in Israel’s West Bank

Israel is currently dealing with one of the worst surges of terrorism in the country’s history. Amidst this terrorism, the country’s leaders and preparing the military for whatever might come next. From The Wallstreet Journal. Israel is beefing up its military forces in the West Bank and carrying out a wave of arrests as its … Continued

Federal Judge Calls Out Double Standards in Sentencing

A federal judge sentencing protestors from the Capitol riot has called out the hypocrisy of the Biden administration, which defends Black Lives Matter protestors but seeks to prosecute Trump supporters to the fullest extent of the law. From PJ Media. A federal judge blasted U.S. prosecutors seeking excessive sentences for some nonviolent participants in the … Continued

Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Genius Move with the Biden Laptop

Amidst the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop Florida Representative Matt Gaetz has submitted it into the Congressional Record. From The Washington Times. Rep. Matt Gaetz, Florida Republican, entered the hard drive of President Biden’s son into the Congressional Record at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday. “Moments ago, I successfully entered the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop … Continued

Will Economy Return to Normal?

As the well of government benefits for Covid runs dry, economists say that people are expected to return to work. Some are even hopeful that we will return to pre-pandemic levels this year. From The Daily Wire. On Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that an estimated 11.2 million job openings still remain on the market … Continued

Pelosi Extends House Proxy Voting into May for Covid

As many states continue to relax Covid restrictions amidst the shift from pandemic to endemic, Pelosi pushes to extend voting by proxy well into May. From Fox News. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday extended the period by which House vote by proxy through May 14… In her announcement, Pelosi, a California Democrat, cited a memo from … Continued

Scientists Discuss Censorship Regarding COVID-19 Information

Three dozen scientists, academics and journalists gathered in D.C. last week to discuss censorship in science and ways to push back. From Just the News. The average American was unlikely to see mainstream scientists challenging COVID-19 conventional wisdom outside of Fox News until recent months, when New York Times columnist David Leonhardt started shifting the Overton Window for … Continued

Disney Reimagines LGBTQ, Genderless Society

Disney has spent the past decade gradually pushing their own LGBTQ agenda. Recent videos of top-level employees show that LGBTQ themes in Disney media will only become more prominent. At the same time, Disney parks have dropped greeting guests with “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.” Disney is embracing and promoting an unbiblical view of … Continued

Prayer Directives for End Times

The war in Ukraine seems to have become a focal point for global attention more than any other war in recent decades. It is relatively small in scale compared to, say, World War II, the Korean War, and even Vietnam. But its implications for the future of the world are huge. And we live in … Continued

Unjust Income Taxation

Are you surprised to consider that income taxation may be unjust? I love when God lays a particular burden on my heart for prayer.  I have learned when He does, it is because He wants to move in that area. Therefore, when He began to urge me to research payroll taxes and how exorbitant they … Continued

Praise! Utah Bans Bio Men in Women’s Sports

Following Lia Thomas’ NCAA win, America has been abuzz with debate about biological men participating in women’s sports. Amidst this controversy, Utah legislators overruled their governor in favor of a bill that would ban biological men, regardless of what they identify as from participating in women’s sports. From CBN. Utah legislators voted Friday to override … Continued

Mounting Terrorism in Israel

At such a critical point in the history of Israel, its people are suffering greatly. We must continue to lift up our brothers and sisters in Israel in prayer. From FAI Mission. Four Israeli civilians are dead this evening after a Palestinian gunman ambushed their car on the streets of Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv. … Continued

Ukraine Pushes Russia Out of Kyiv

Although they are still struggling, Ukraine has made significant advances, taking down a Russia colonel and chasing forces out of Kyiv. They still have quite a way to go before they win the war, however. From Yahoo News. Ukraine’s military says they have “eliminated” another Russian colonel, adding to a long list of high-ranking Russian military … Continued


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