Prophetic Word: God Is Restoring the Wellsprings of Our Nation

God wants us to know that He is restoring the wellsprings of our nation. If you were on the Pray With America’s Leaders webcast held on the 70th annual National Day of Prayer, you may remember seeing the picture below. It’s always fascinated me to see the “Summerhouse” on the Capitol grounds–I can imagine visitors … Continued

Lord, Protect Pro-Life Workers and Organizations

As news is coming out of a potential overturn of Roe v. Wade, we need to double our efforts to pray. Although many areas of focus are important, I felt led to encourage people today to pray together over the people and organizations who tirelessly advocate for life every day. Would you join me in … Continued

Pro-Abortion Protests Erupt Across America

Protestors gathered to demonstrate at the homes of some Supreme Court Justices and headquarters of pro-life organizations following the leaked draft of the Dobbs decision.  From Fox News. Demonstrators rallied outside the Northern Virginia home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Monday evening to protest his draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade. Videos … Continued

Keep Praying for Ukraine!

Some media outlets like Moneyweek are beginning to warn that we should not get bored with the war of Ukraine as it drags on. From a world economic viewpoint, this hybrid war (that involves not only military operations, but propaganda wars, economic sanctions, and social media influence) is continuing to upset supply chains, inflate prices, … Continued

‘Sleeping Giant’ Awakens, Brings Revival

Years ago they were called a sleeping giant. Now, Native American believers are starting to greatly impact the kingdom as giants for the Lord. We believe this is one of the healing works of God mentioned in Prophetic Word: God Is Restoring the Wellsprings of Our Nation. From Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. They came from … Continued

Christians and Politics, Part 3

In this video, Dutch Sheets explains how government is often tied to a dangerous political spirit, and how the church must separate the two. This video is part of an excellent 4 part series every national intercessor should watch. You can also read the transcripts at How are you praying for a better understanding … Continued

Good News! Bible Class for Schools

It is legal to teach the Bible in public school! We can pray for organizations equipping teachers and schools to teach the Bible. From World.While schools in many states have offered Bible classes for years, BibLit represents a foray into online learning. In a day when many Americans are surprised to hear public school Bible classes … Continued

CDC Tracked Americans

Are you surprised to learn that the CDC tracked Americans for compliance with lockdown and vaccination? From NY Post. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used location data from tens of millions of Americans’ phones to track compliance with lockdown orders and vaccination efforts, according to newly revealed documents. The CDC specifically monitored Americans’ … Continued

Help for Christians to Get Involved in Politics

IFA believes that the Lord is calling many intercessors to run for office. We love to share encouragement to all of us to get involved and exercise our civic duties. This video features American Renewal Project. You can also check out Christians Engaged. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Christians and Politics, Part 2

In this video, Dutch Sheets explains that God is government, and that the ability to rule and govern is a privilege afforded by Him. What did you think of this video? Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments. (Video from Give Him 15. Photo Credit: Davide Cantelli on Unsplash)

Biden Seeks Green Cards for Potential Terrorists?

As dangerous, poorly vetted individuals run amok in our country, President Biden seeks not to expel them, but to grant them citizenship. From Breitbart. President Joe Biden is seeking to provide green cards to tens of thousands of Afghans who were quickly resettled in American communities over the last eight months amid a federal investigation … Continued

Israel’s Response to Russia’s Antisemitism

In his defense of his country, Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov recently crossed the line into outright antisemitism. Israel has demanded an apology for this. Christians must continue to pray for hearts to be changed and eyes to be opened in Russia.  From The Guardian. Israel has summoned the Russian ambassador and demanded an apology … Continued


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