Biden’s Covid and Media Manipulation

Biden’s diagnosis showcases how the media has lied to us for years now. The Covid manipulation needs to stop. Analysis. From The Federalist. Remember when bureaucrats and talking heads warned you ominously that Covid was so arbitrarily deadly that you couldn’t go to church, your kids couldn’t go to school, and you couldn’t have Christmas … Continued

Prayer for Politicians to Kiss the Son

“God doesn’t want to destroy anyone, but He will if He has to.” Pray for your fellow intercessor.   Does that statement make you uncomfortable? It should make all of us uncomfortable—because it’s the truth from God’s Word. Let’s face it: 2 Peter 3:9-10 makes it clear that God desires for all men to be … Continued

Mental Illness and Assisted Suicide in Canada

Canada, already known for its harrowing assisted-suicide laws, may potentially start treating mental illness with euthanasia as well. From American Thinker. Canada’s medical assistance in dying (MAiD) law is already the most permissive euthanasia and assisted-suicide legislation in the world…. Find out when your state prays.   For example, as recently reported, A 71-year-old widower … Continued

Gov. Whitmer Slashes Pro-Life Funding

As many states take steps to further protect the unborn, Michigan’s governor is actively working against them. From Breitbart. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) used her line veto power Wednesday to eliminate state support for adoption agencies, pregnancy facilities, and maternity homes proposed as alternatives to abortion. Let the IFA community know how to pray … Continued

Red Senators on Same-Sex Marriage

We are in a major battle over marriage right now. On top of that, Democrats are trying to weaponize the issue to take power. From CNN. Ten GOP senators are needed to join all 50 Democrats in order to overcome a legislative filibuster in support of the House-passed bill to codify same-sex marriage into federal law. CNN asked … Continued

Rep. Jordan: Dems Are Coming for Gun Rights

Representative Jim Jordan on “The Ingraham Angle” claimed that democrats are coming for gun rights. We must pray. From BizPac Review. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is warning conservatives, constitutionalists, and Second Amendment advocates that Democrats are coming for our gun rights and they will do it unconstitutionally. Do you want State Prayer Alerts?   “Now, … Continued

You Are Not Alone

Jesus answered, “But a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home. You will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.” ~John 16:32 So many of us are experiencing intense feelings of isolation. A sense of disconnectedness and an absence … Continued

Abortion is Slavery

Analysis. Since the Dobbs decision was released, supremely correcting a supremely wrong Roe decision, the Left has become even more unhinged. Post a prayer for your state!   Sadly, not unshackled. The amount of mental and rhetorical contortions one must go through to justify the commercialized slaughter of millions of human beings is astounding. And Planned … Continued

The Character of Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas has been attacked viciously since the overturn of Roe. What does he truly believe, and how does he feel about these attacks? From WORLD. The ferocity of attacks against Justice Clarence Thomas in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision exposes liberal bigotry against any black person who dares to question progressive … Continued

Over 100 FL Churches Leave Denomination

Hundreds of Methodist churches are leaving their denomination over faulty teaching and theological liberalism. From The Daily Wire. More than 100 Florida churches have joined a lawsuit against a regional body of the United Methodist Church (UMC), seeking fair terms for leaving the denomination over LGBTQ issues…. Who is praying on the wall?   The Florida churches are … Continued

SCOTUS Denies Biden’s Immigration Policies

The SCOTUS refused to reinstate Biden’s disastrous immigration policies, instead choosing to hear arguments for the case in December. From Just the News. The Supreme Court on Thursday denied a bid by the Biden administration to block a ruling from a federal judge that barred immigration officials from following its enforcement guidelines. Get prayer updates … Continued

Pelosi’s Sarcasm about the Nature of Life

Amid a debate about contraception following the overturn of Roe, Pelosi condescendingly lectured Republicans on Twitter. From The Daily Wire. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sarcastically suggested Thursday that Democrats hold a session to teach Republicans about “the birds and the bees” in light of the current debate on contraception…. Get involved in State Level … Continued


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