Heartbeat Bill Architect Targets Voter Fraud

We’ve featured Janet Porter, architect of the Heartbeat Bill in several articles and interviews. Her latest endeavor is to protect pre-born lives by protecting votes. As you’ll see in this article from Charisma, time is of the essence. There are now only days before the ballots from the 2020 election can be shredded. She texted the following:  Pray … Continued

DOJ May Have Obstructed Biden Investigations

We need changes at the DOJ and truth about the president’s role in the Hunter Biden scandal. We must pray for honesty in our leaders. From The Federalist. The recent charge leveled by multiple whistleblowers that FBI headquarters falsely labeled verifiable evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden “disinformation” raises the specter that agents also impeded the separate … Continued

Agency Urges Biden to Remember Christians in Iran

Analysis. While nuclear ambition and geopolitics have elevated Iran in headlines in recent weeks, one U.S. agency is ratcheting up pressure on the Biden administration to not forget the regime’s dismal human rights record. In fact, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCRIF) released two special reports in the last month focused on perils … Continued

Trans Agenda Separates Mother from Daughter

This mom was banned from seeing her daughter over refusing to support her trans identity. We must pray for families in this critical time. From The Federalist. Jeanette Cooper, a mom in Chicago, has missed her daughter’s 13th, 14th, and 15th birthdays. She doesn’t get to be there as her daughter is learning to drive. … Continued

Praise! Pastor Artur Pawlowski Wins Legal Battle

After his arrest, his imprisonment, and a long legal battle, Pastor Artur Pawlowski has emerged victorious. This is an answered prayer! From Christian Post. A Canadian court has ruled in favor of a pastor who gained international notoriety for his steadfast objection to coronavirus restrictions and sought to have a lower court ruling holding him … Continued

White House Denies Recession

The Biden administration is trying to change the definition of a recession to avoid political blowback. We must pray against this. From Daily Caller. The White House has been challenging a commonly-used definition of “recession” in advance of economic data coming out Thursday, but one economist took the air out of the administration’s argument with … Continued

Police Struggle as Liberal Prosecutors Reform

Liberal reforms and policies are making it harder and harder for police to catch criminals as countless murderers go unsolved. From The Washington Times. People are increasingly getting away with murder in America’s big cities, with police saying they are no longer able to roll low-level offenders to get them to snitch on big targets…. … Continued

The Grid and EMPs: Everything You Didn’t Want to Know but Need To

Most Americans are accustomed to a lifestyle that is only made possible by the critical infrastructures we depend upon for shelter, water, transportation, communication, finance and many other functions of our modern civilization. Every one of these life-sustaining infrastructures depends upon one thing – electricity.  If we lose electricity for a long time over a … Continued

6 Terms Redefined to Manipulate

“Recession” is only the most recent in a list of terms that Biden has redefined. We must pray for the preservation of truth and language. From Just the News. As inflation continues to eat away at household budgets and fears of a major economic downturn continue to mount, the Biden administration is attempting to redefine … Continued

Sex Changes a Priority for this Administration

The trans agenda is marching forcefully against our values and bullying the country into compliance. We must pray. From Daily Caller. President Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) moved to strengthen Obama-era rules that could force insurance providers receiving federal funding to pay for sex change procedures in a Monday rule change … Continued

Sen. Cruz Lays Border Crisis at Biden’s Feet

In a recent video, Senator Ted Cruz described the horrific state of the southern border crisis, holding Biden and Harris responsible. From Daily Mail. Sen. Ted Cruz accused the Biden administration of overseeing the ‘worst plague of slavery in America since the Civil War’ on Monday releasing a gruesome video displaying the toll on migrant children…. … Continued

Dems Propose SCOTUS Term Limits

Reeling from decisions they disagree with, the left is looking to remove conservatives from the SCOTUS. We must pray against this. From The Epoch Times. House Democrats on Tuesday introduced a bill to place term limits on U.S. Supreme Court justices in a bid to “restore balance” to the majority conservative bench. Connect with Others in your … Continued


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