Trans Activists Push for Censorship on Twitter

As more and more conservatives are calling out Boston Children’s Hospital, transgender activists are pushing for censorship. From Daily Caller. Transgender activists have accused … prominent Twitter users of engaging in “terrorism” in an attempt to have them removed from the platform for criticizing child sex change procedures. Do you want State Prayer Alerts?   … Continued

Dave Kubal: 6 Ways to Pray for a New School Year

As we prepare to send our students and educators back to school, it’s impossible to dismiss the numerous education-related issues in our newsfeeds and on our minds. Post a prayer for your state!   For many Christians, the prevalence of inappropriate materials in school libraries, threats to female athletic programs, and the indoctrination of our … Continued

Battleground for Our Children

I still remember the first time I heard about what was really happening in our Arizona schools. I didn’t know that teachers used their own money to buy students essential clothing like underwear, or that schools didn’t have the resources to maintain buildings. I had no idea that teachers gave out canned goods on Fridays … Continued

Boston Children’s Hospital Claims Babies are Trans

While many today claim that kids can be trans, the Boston Children’s Hospital claims that kids know they are trans as soon as they are born. From Breitbart. A harrowing video from the Boston Children’s Hospital claims that children can know that they are transgender “from the minute they were born, practically.” Get involved in … Continued

Dems ‘Shadow Campaign’ to Control the 2020 Election

Analysis. “In a way, Trump was right. There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes…an informal alliance of left-wing activists and business titans…in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy…” In a remarkable 23-page article which ran in Time magazine … Continued

Why a Symbol of Unity Divides Us

Analysis. Americans painfully watched as angry crowds maliciously dismantled the monuments and statues of our nation’s founders. They burned flags while our institutions of learning from K-college disparaged our history. So why should we be surprised at the recent attacks on the Pledge of Allegiance to our nation’s flag? Last week at a Fargo, North … Continued

Praise! Over 200 Trafficking Victims Rescued

Dozens of trafficking victims, both adults and children, were recently found and freed. This is a huge answered prayer! From The Daily Wire. FBI agents and local authorities rescued 141 adult victims of human trafficking, 84 minor victims of child sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, and have identified 37 actively missing children during a two-week nationwide … Continued

Biden Signs Inflation Reduction Act into Law

After a long and drawn out battle in congress, the Inflation Reduction Act has been signed into law. We must continue to pray. From Daily Mail. President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act at the White House on Tuesday, injecting $473billion of new spending on climate and healthcare amid concerns it will do little to reduce inflation. Get … Continued

Former Employee Slams the IRS

More abuse of federal agencies, especially the IRS, is worthy of our prayers. Biden’s plan will hire 87,000 auditors to go after Americans. From Fox Business. William Henck, a former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lawyer who was forced out after making allegations of internal malfeasance, said the government will target middle-income Americans with new audits … Continued

Protect Your Neighborhood–Prayer Walk!

While it is not necessary, prayer walking is a powerful tool, especially when praying for over our neighborhoods. From Give Him 15. While my passion is to generate prayer for America, revival and worldwide harvest, it is good for all of us to be reminded of the home front. If we’re not watchmen for our … Continued

Soros DA Gloats Over Failed Recall

George Gascón, a Soros-backed DA, recently gloated about the failure of a recall against him, calling it a “political power grab.” From Breitbart. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón celebrated the announcement Monday that a recall petition against him had failed, after officials eliminated nearly 200,000 signatures in a controversial review from which observers … Continued

MN Schools Vow to Fire White Teachers First

How can this be? We should pray for fairness and equality between all races. This racism should not be tolerated. From Daily Caller. A contract between a Minneapolis public school district and teachers’ union calls for white teachers to be fired before minority teachers… Pray for your fellow intercessor.   On March 25, the Minneapolis Federation … Continued


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