Want to Live Longer? God Is the Answer!

Studies show that optimistic people live longer. One man, Chuck, has used his optimism and faith in God to live his life to the fullest. From Socal Christian Voice. A study reported by The Washington Post notes people with the highest level of optimism live between 11 and 15 percent longer than those with a … Continued

Census Error Costs Red States More

An error made by the U.S. Census Bureau allowed blue states to keep extra congressional seats, while preventing red states from gaining more. From The Washington Times. In a shocking report, the U.S. Census Bureau recently admitted that it overcounted the populations of eight states and undercounted the populations of six states in the 2020 census. Let … Continued

Biden Moves to Fortify DACA

As the nation continues to struggle with the results of awful border policies, Biden and the DHS are working to fortify DACA. From The Daily Signal. As if the American people needed further evidence of the misplaced priorities of the Biden administration, there’s more. Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   … Continued

Zuckerberg: FBI Pushed for Censorship

We HAVE to get to the bottom of who is running the FBI and what is really going on there. Let’s pray for truth, clarity, and justice. From Daily Caller. Mark Zuckerberg alleged Thursday on “The Joe Rogan Experience” that the FBI warned Facebook of a “Russian propaganda” dump just before the Hunter Biden laptop … Continued

Intercessors, This Is Our Time

Analysis. On IFA’s Pray with America’s Leaders, Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski shared an encouraging message for American believers. I pray that his words will stir your faith, despite what we see happening around us. Get prayer updates from IFA.   Followers of IFA’s Headline Prayer know Pastor Pawlowski’s story. His arrest in April 2020 for … Continued

War Over Abortion Has an Unfortunate Victim

While American Christians are overwhelmed by the number of international and spiritual battles they face, one of the most sinister, revenge-fueled attacks is getting little attention. Have you taken your place on the wall?   In light of the overturn of Roe v. Wade, pro-life pregnancy centers are under attack. In fact, they are receiving … Continued

The Alarm Is Sounding–Respond in Prayer!

Analysis. Imagine you’re lying in your cozy, warm bed when all of a sudden the alarm goes off. How do you respond? Do you stay tucked under the covers while the loud, shrill sound continues? Do you turn it off and go back to bed? Or, does the sound drive you to jump up and … Continued

Afghan Christians in Danger One Year Later

Analysis. Last August the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan in disastrous fashion. Who can forget the images of chaos, confusion, and desperation at the Kabul Airport as the infamous Taliban forces quickly reclaimed control of the nation’s capital? Now, one year later, reports are documenting dangers for religious minorities who remain — especially Christians. Connect with … Continued

Answered Prayer: Tide Turns against Transgender Activism

Analysis. Just as we should have compassion on those who truly struggle with their gender identity, we should stand firmly against transgender activism. Thankfully, there are more and more signs that the tide is turning against this latest example of sociological contagion. Get prayer updates from IFA.   It is true that, in some significant ways, … Continued

Conservatives Sweep FL School Boards

Several conservative, DeSantis-backed candidates saw victories in school board races across Florida. This is a big win! From The Daily Signal. School boards in five Florida counties flipped to conservative majorities Tuesday with help from the endorsements of Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican. Do you want state prayer alerts?   Miami-Dade County, Sarasota County, Duval … Continued

Can Republicans Take Congress?

For months now, Republicans have been eagerly discussing a “red wave” in November. Will they actually be able to win back the Congress? From PJ Media. Analysis. The late spring scenario of a massive GOP win — in historic proportions analogous to 1938, 1994, or 2010 — is said now to be “iffy.” Post a … Continued


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