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Your Voice Matters

As we approach the midterm election, it is important for Christians to pray and act, encouraging other Christians to vote for candidates who reflect godly values. From Give Him 15. . . . We continue to pay a high price for our avoidance of and forfeiture of government. A while back, Nancy Pelosi blocked votes on … Continued

Christian Groups Prepare for Midterms

Christian nonprofits are mobilizing believers for the upcoming midterms. IFA hopes to assist in bringing the Bible to the government. From The Christian Post. With less than two months until the midterm elections, a prominent Evangelical political advocacy nonprofit looks to spend upwards of $40 million to mobilize the Christian vote as Democrats and Republicans … Continued

The Gospel Shines through the Queen’s Funeral

It would seem that the death of such a prominent Christian leader has brought Christians of different backgrounds together in unity. As Lectio 365 puts it, “this is not just a moment for mourning the loss of one of the world’s longest-serving and most famous Christian leaders; it is also arguably the greatest evangelistic opportunity … Continued

The Testimony of Dr. Alveda King

Dr. King, a frequent guest on IFA’s Pray with America’s Leaders, uses her testimony to stand for the unborn. We need more voices like hers! From The Federalist. At 72 years old, Alveda King has devoted more than half of her life to protecting babies in the womb. … Get involved in state level prayer … Continued

Social Media and Censorship

Time and time again, conservatives and Christian find themselves on the receiving end of online censorship. We must pray against this. From The National Pulse. The “Good Information Foundation” – a project led by a top Obama aide – appears to have been caught offering social media influencers money to post false claims about President … Continued

Biden: U.S. Will Defend Taiwan

President Biden stated that American soldiers would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion, although the White House disagrees. From The Daily Wire. President Joe Biden (D) declared during an interview on Sunday night that the U.S. Military would engage in war with communist China if China attacked Taiwan, a statement that was quickly walked back by … Continued

The Paganization of America

With abortion, unchecked sexuality, and several others moral failings, America is becoming more and more of a pagan nation. From The Stream. A specter is haunting America. It lurks in its halls of government, its media, its television, its computer screens, its classrooms, its culture, its children. It is the invisible agent transforming America into … Continued

Republicans Vow to Stop LGBTQ Ideology in Schools

House Republicans and parents across the nation have said that enough is enough. We must pray that our children are protected. From The Daily Signal. As parents become more aware of what radical activists are teaching their kids in school, a group of House Republicans held a “Back-to-School Roundtable” on Capitol Hill aimed at protecting … Continued

Sen. Graham Proposes 15-Week Abortion Ban

In the wake of the overturn of Roe, Senator Lindsey Graham has proposed federal legislation to ban abortion at 15 weeks. From The Christian Post. A 15-week abortion ban has been introduced in the United States Senate, the first pro-life legislation introduced at the federal level since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade … Continued

What Does Religious Liberty Look Like in Each State?

Religious freedom has been a hot topic this year, but how many states actually seek to protect this constitutional right? From The Christian Post. A new report reveals that most U.S. states have inadequate religious liberty protections as advocates raise concerns about what they view as the federal government’s hostility toward religious liberty. Post a … Continued

Detransitioners Speak Out in Documentary

In a new Tucker Carlson documentary, many “detransitioners” speak out against the transgender movement that hurt them and so many others. From The Christian Post. A new documentary produced by Fox News host Tucker Carlson examines the consequences of body-disfiguring transgender surgeries and highlights the stories of people who underwent experimental medicalization and how it … Continued

Inflation Rises as Price Increases Broaden

Americans’ livelihoods and the health of our economy are at stake. Let’s pray for leaders with godly wisdom who can help us. From CNBC. For the better part of a year, the inflation narrative among many economists and policymakers was that it was essentially a food and fuel problem. Once supply chains eased and gas … Continued


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