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Does Transgender Surgery Prevent Suicide? Research Says No

The idea that transgender surgeries prevent suicide is yet another lie used to manipulate. These people need prayer, not irreversible harm. From LifeSite. Fox News host Tucker Carlson exposed the claim that transgender surgeries prevent suicidality, arguing that those who have obtained the destructive operations are actually far more likely to commit suicide than those … Continued

CEO Doubles Down against ‘Anti-Woke’ Americans

Not only are CEOs pushing for woke policies, they are also labeling those of us who disagree with them as “dangerous.” We must pray. From Daily Caller. Unilever CEO Alan Jope declared his company would “not back down” on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) issues during a Tuesday forum at the Clinton Global Initiative. … Continued

How Google Manipulated the 2020 Election

Newly released information reveals that Google used censorships and blacklists, among other methods, to aid the Biden presidential campaign. Analysis. From Kanekoa’s Newsletter. For many of us, using the internet means using Google. As the number one visited website in the world Google receives 5.6 billion searches per day controlling more than 90 percent of global search … Continued

High Court Disregards ‘Shocking Development’

Analysis. Last week the U.S. Supreme Court left a Jewish university in limbo about its First Amendment freedoms. But a powerful dissent led by Justice Samuel Alito criticizes the court for ignoring a “shocking development” in the school’s battle with an LGBT activist group, so the case may be far from over. Have you taken … Continued

True the Vote Needs Your Prayers!

True the Vote needs your prayers. They have been sued as a result of bringing to light problems with election software connected to China. From The Epoch Times. A federal judge has temporarily restrained a Texas organization [True the Vote] involved in the documentary “2000 Mules” from accessing any more of Konnech computers and ordered … Continued

Corporations Are a Battlefield and a Mission Field

Analysis. Our Founding Fathers were diligently attuned to the threat of tyrannical government, but a lesser-discussed threat has arisen in the last few decades. Post a prayer for your state!   Big corporations and large companies have become international purveyors of ideology and wield immense influence. For example, Amazon has four times as many employees … Continued

Intercessor of the Month: Carolyn

IFA’s intercessors are spiritually mighty men and women who often bear the mantle of the unsung. They operate behind the scenes and have no desire to draw attention to themselves. They “see” into the unseen, they move with authority, and they are characterized by a laser focus — like an arrow sent directly to the … Continued

Man Kills Teen because of Politics

This tragic story involves a man admitting to running over and killing a teenager he called a “Republican extremist.” Intercessors, what is the Lord speaking to you about the political hatred and violence brewing in our nation? Please share your prayers and insight in the comments. From The Daily Wire. The 41-year-old man who allegedly … Continued

Stacey Abrams Calls Fetal Heartbeats Fake

Democrat Stacey Abrams said recently that the heartbeats of unborn children are not real but are in fact manufactured to oppress women. We should be praying against this misinformation. From The Daily Wire. Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams said in a recently surfaced video that at six weeks, unborn babies’ heartbeats aren’t real but a “manufactured … Continued

Out-of-Touch Biden Says ‘Watch Me’

In response to questions about his mental and physical fitness, Biden told his critics, “Watch me.” He’s invited us to watch and judge his performance. What is your conclusion? Share your prayers in the comments. Analysis. From The Washington Stand. In the eyes of the Biden administration, the summer of 2022 has been going so … Continued

Putin Threatens Nuclear Retaliation in Rant

We must pray for the protection of Ukraine, America, and the rest of the world as Putin issues more grievous threats. Analysis. From Daily Mail. Threats of nuclear retaliation against the West have been issued in the past by Soviet and Russian leaders but never — not even at the height of the Cold War … Continued


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