Pray for Israel’s Election!

Israel’s polls close at 10 pm, or 4 pm EST. Thus far, they have seen the highest voting percentages since 1999. Let’s keep praying! Exclusive prayer points from IFA: Today is election day but it is also Yom HaAliyah in Israel ā€“ a national day to honor Aliyah. We are praying for a government that … Continued

Dave Kubal: A Call to Fast

For more than 40 years, Intercessors for America has been a part of calling the Church to fast and pray on the First Friday of the month. We will never knowā€”this side of heavenā€”the countless blessings we have received and the multitude of tragedies we have been protected from as a result of these prayers. … Continued

True the Vote Arrests Made

Breaking update, November 1, 2022 at 3:15 pm ET: True the Vote just posted this from Chelsea, Director of Operations at True the Vote: “I’ve been in contact with Catherine while she currently is sitting in federal prison. She wanted me to share something with you that is so profound: while she was waiting in … Continued

First Amendment Victory in California

Analysis. Recently, Fox News and NewsMax reported that a Kern County (California) Superior Court judge ruled in favor of Cathy Miller, a Christian baker who declined for conscientious reasons to provide a wedding cake for a gay couple in 2017. The Thomas More Society is calling this ā€œa First Amendment victory.ā€ Have you taken your … Continued

Doctor Loses in Fight for Truth about Covid

Dr. McCullough is no longer working for a specific medical journal. He says he was fired on account of his views on covid. His employer claims he left voluntarily. Let’s pray. From Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter. Peter McCullough isĀ an author of 677 articlesĀ published in the scientific peer-reviewed journals. Heā€™s one of the most respected cardiologists in … Continued

Justice Barrett Targeted

Amy Coney Barrett is the most recent conservative to land on the censorship chopping block. Why are people today so opposed to free speech? From Jonathan Turley. We have been discussing theĀ rising support for censorshipĀ on the left in the last few years. Silencing opposing views has become an article of faith for many on the … Continued

Pentagon Won’t Rule Out Nuclear Escalation

In its new National Defense Strategy, the Pentagon left room for nuclear action in response to non-nuclear attacks. Let’s pray. From Bloomberg. The Pentagonā€™s new National Defense Strategy rejected limits on using nuclear weapons long championed by arms control advocates and in the past by President Joe Biden. Get involved in state level prayer with … Continued

Join Us in the Esther Fast!

Will you join us in fasting from the fifth of November until the election day as we pray for God’s will to be done? From GovPray. You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for Godā€™s own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you … Continued

26 Ways ā€” A to Z ā€” This Administration Harms America

Analysis. Recently, Biden told us that the ā€œAmerican economy is as strong as hellā€; that the ā€œborder is secureā€; and that ā€œif Democrats keep Congress, I’ll sign a bill to codify Roe for abortionsā€ (up until birth, nationwide). Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   Millions of hardworking Americans are struggling financially, with … Continued

Push Back on Halloween with Prayer!

Rebellion and witchcraft in America seem to be embodied in Halloween. This year, more than ever, there seem to be massive decorations at many houses. They went up early and seem much more extensive than ever before. Is this related to what is going on in the spiritual realm? Many years ago, IFA founder Derek … Continued

The Horrific Roots of Drag Queen Story Hour

The story behind drag queen story hour reveals untold horrors and a history of grooming. We need to pray for protection for our children. From City Journal. Drag Queen Story Hourā€”in which performers in drag read books to kids in libraries, schools, and bookstoresā€”has become a cultural flashpoint. The political Right has denounced these performances … Continued

Mainstream Media Losing Money

The deception in the media has never been worse. We should pray for fair and balanced news, not carefully controlled narratives. From The Federalist. ā€œThe Washington Post isĀ on track to lose moneyĀ this year,ā€ The New York Times reported. The Atlantic isĀ losing another $10 millionĀ this year, Axios said. And The Los Angeles Times is stillĀ struggling to … Continued


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