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Intercessors: Prepare to Stand Faithful

This analysis by IFA Contributing Writer Mavourene Robinson is written for Maryland but has applications for us all in the wake of the election returns.Ā  Analysis. To most intercessors, it appeared that Godā€™s choice for Marylandā€™s next governor was clear; we expected that our years of intercession would culminate with the election victory of Dan … Continued

Encouragement: A Post Midterm Challenge

Analysis. The mid-terms have come and gone. We didnā€™t see the results that historically have taken place in our nation which is the Party in the majority will lose seats and usually lose the majority. Nor did we see the prophesied Red Waveā€”which we should have seen based on Bidenā€™s incredibly low approval rating. What … Continued

Post-Election Coverage on Pray with America’s Leaders!

Today, on Pray with America’s Leaders, join us for a time of breaking down the nationwide election results and discussing the next moves on the global chessboard. Find out what we make of what happened on Election Day. Dave Kubal is joined by international journalist Bill Koenig to also discuss the situation in Brazil and … Continued

Updates on the Midterm Elections

While the GOP may take the House, the Senate is still too close to call one way or another. Let’s pray that God’s will is done. From The Center Square. Control of Congress remained in the balance early Wednesday as votes continued to be counted in key U.S. Senate and House races in Georgia, Wisconsin, … Continued

Biden’s Stock Market: Record Lows

With reckless spending and global crises, our economy is in dire straights. Let’s pray that God would restore all that has been lost. From CNN. The stock market started the Biden era with a boom. But it heads into the midterm election looking more like a bust. Who is praying on the wall? Entering Monday, … Continued

Florida Sees Historic Wins, Blue Counties Flip

Amid many disappointing results on Tuesday night, Florida’s victories give hope. From Fox News. Florida saw Republican incumbentsĀ Gov. Ron DeSantisĀ and Sen. Marco Rubio achieve easy victories in highly watched races, thanks in no small part to several South Florida counties voting for the GOP in far greater numbers than in years past. Do you want … Continued

Coach Kennedy: ‘Don’t Be Afraid’

Coach Kennedy’s Supreme Court case serves as a powerful testimony for the church today. We can learn from his faithful example. From Movieguide. After winning a first amendment court case, Joe Kennedy, a former public high school football coach in Washington state who lost his job after leading his team in prayer, will be reinstated. … Continued

True the Vote on IFA–Prison Update

On IFA’s Election Day webcast, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote appeared to share an update about her recent time in prison, which resulted from her exposures of Chinese Communist Party ties to U.S. elections. For the first few days, she and Gregg Phillips were in solitary confinement and treated as convicted criminals. A prisoner … Continued

Midterms: Proceed with CautionĀ 

Analysis. As I was praying for the nation concerning the midterms, these words, “proceed with caution,” bubbled up in my Spirit.Ā  Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   Moving forward from the midterms, I believe we must be vigilant and equally careful.Ā  Many voices have begun to prophesy a red wave … Continued

Join Dave Kubal Tonight on Victory News!

IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal has called this “one of the most important elections in the history of America.” The lives of the unborn are at stake in many states, and the need for righteous leadership is as important as ever. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   To call the 2022 … Continued

Should Christians Vote? What Would Jesus Do?

How should Christians treat the midterms, or any other election? Should we vote? Would Jesus vote? What do you think? From Fox News. WhenĀ election season rolls around, Christians tend to go to one of two extremes. For some, the election becomes all-consuming. … Get prayer updates from IFA.   Others view the election with distaste. … Continued

Join IFA for Election Day Prayer!

Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote is on IFA’s webcast TODAY! Today is a critical election day. Intercessor, don’t miss this special broadcast! Join IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal, Chief Program Officer Kris Kubal, and key IFA state prayer leaders to intercede for the important midterm elections. Join others crying out to the Lord day and … Continued


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