Arizona: Recount Incoming?

With key races headed to potential recounts and runoffs, we need God’s hand and protection over them. Let’s pray. From Fox News. The Fox News Decision Desk can project that Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs will be the next governor of Arizona. She defeats GOP candidate and former local news host Kari Lake. Connect … Continued

Conservatives Split on Future of Mail-In Voting, Ballot Harvesting

As leftists perform well with mail-in voting, conservatives are left to ask themselves, “if we can’t beat them, should we join them?” From The Daily Signal. In light of recent election results, Republicans and conservatives are debating whether to beat or join the mail-in ballot rush that Democrats have excelled at in most states. Have … Continued

Urgent: Religious Freedom at Stake in Senate

The Senate intends to vote to codify same-sex marriage which would have far-reaching implications for Bible-believing Christians. We have to take action and pray to stop this bill from passing. From WORLD. Here is a law of politics you can take to the bank: You should be most worried when a legislator smiles patronizingly and … Continued

Counterfeit Climate ‘Repentance’ Ceremonies

Analysis. The climate change narrative is saturating our world ā€” and its promoters aim to transform every aspect of our lives. The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development held ceremonies of climate “repentance” on the Sinai Peninsula, in Jerusalem, and in London, on Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022, in partnership with the Elijah Interfaith Institute and The … Continued

Using the Church to Achieve Environmental Goals

The message of the Bible is being used against us by the climate change movement. Let’s pray against these deceptions. From Capital Research Center. Creation care has been locked in a kind of stasis for most of the past decade, but there are reasons to believe activists havenā€™t given up. In fact, theyā€™ve launched a … Continued

China Preparing for War?!

China unveiled a new weapon. Is this part of their plan for world domination? How are you praying? From The Epoch Times. Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping is ordering Chinaā€™s military to comprehensively strengthen its preparations for war, even as the regime reveals its latestĀ hypersonic weapon. … Do you want state prayer alerts?   … Continued

Praise! Nine New ‘Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn’

Amid a tumultuous and saddening election cycle, pro-life victories like these are encouraging. Do it again, Lord! From LifeSiteNews. A total of nine municipalities in the states of Texas and Nebraska have passed measures outlawing abortion within their jurisdictions, making them ā€œSanctuary Cities for the Unborn.ā€ Join others crying out to the Lord day and … Continued

Republican Leadership Elections Need Prayer

We need God’s hand to guide these leadership decisions in a very important week for Congress. Let’s pray for righteous leaders. From Fox News. House and Senate RepublicansĀ are in for a chaotic week after disappointing midterms ā€“ with GOP leadership elections set for both chambers amid simmering discontent with party bosses. Connect with others in … Continued

Why Is Biden Obstructing Afghan Investigation?

The Biden administration continues to obstruct this investigation. Why? Let us pray that God would expose the truth that man is attempting to hide. From The Committee on Oversight and Reform. Today, House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) and Subcommittee on National Security Ranking Member Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.) sent a … Continued

The Link Between Food Security and National Security

Our food security is a critical issue. We need to identify and solve the issues facing our food supply. Let’s pray. From Center for Security Policy. America is the worldā€™s greatest producer of food. Americans take their food supply for granted, but the dependability of that supply is fragile. The 2020 Covid pandemic made that … Continued

Biden Refuses to Change Anything Following Midterms

Our country has gotten off track. We need change ā€” and Biden’s words are not promising. Let’s pray that the Lord would make him a strong leader. From Breitbart. President Joe Biden taunted the media, pundits, and pollsters on Wednesday for their predictions of a Republican ā€œred waveā€ in the midterm elections, telling Americans he … Continued

Biden to Meet with Xi Jinping

Biden and Xi Jinping are meeting today to discuss a variety of issues. We have to lift this meeting up in prayer. From CBN News. President Joe BidenĀ will meet Monday withĀ President Xi JinpingĀ on the sidelines of next weekā€™sĀ Group of 20 SummitĀ in Bali, Indonesia, a face-to-face meeting that comes amidĀ increasingly strained U.S.-China relations, the White House … Continued


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