Proof That Abortion Traumatizes Women

This is part of the untold side about the harm abortion does to women. We should pray for these women along with the unborn. From The Federalist. While abortion proponents do their best to suppress any narrative that questions the morality, ethics, and safety of snuffing out human life in the womb, an account from … Continued

Woke Military Exposed

Our military has been using federal funds to push a woke ideology on our soldiers. Let’s pray against this! From Fox News. The Biden administrationĀ has launched extensive diversity and equity initiatives in the military that have popularized elements of critical race theory and gender identity and significantly weakened the U.S. armed forces, according to a … Continued

Happy Thanksgiving from IFA!

Intercessor, did you miss our special Thanksgiving call? Visit your state page to pray.   In honor of Thanksgiving, IFA prayer leaders shared answered prayers from the headlines of 2022. We hope that in viewing this webcast, you are encouraged by remembering the good things God is doing in our communities and our nation. From … Continued

Get the Story Straight ā€” Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving

From The Providence Foundation. Innumerable blessings have been bestowed upon the United States of America. Concerning these blessings President Lincoln wrote: ā€œNo human counsel hath devised, nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God.ā€ President Lincoln went on to set apart the last … Continued

Video: Hours of Thanksgiving Music

Listen to the videos below and play them in the background as you eat your Thanksgiving dinner, while you cook, or as you clean up around your house! Choose one of these videos to play as you prepare for this Thanksgiving holiday, and be blessed!     (Photo from Unsplash.) Which was your favorite of … Continued

Post-Roe Pro-Life Laws Saved Over 10,000 Babies!

Answered prayer! Thousands of babies have been saved! Let’s pray that God continues to protect the unborn and saves even more! From The Federalist. Do pro-life laws, whether state or federal, actually save lives? Pray for your fellow intercessor.   According to a new study from the pro-abortion WeCount coalition, the answer is ā€œyes,ā€ with … Continued

The Legacy of the Pilgrims

This year marks the 401st celebration of the first Thanksgiving, and the 402ndĀ  anniversary of the Pilgrims arrival in the New World. To many Americans, Thanksgiving has devolved into a holiday to spend time with family, eat traditional foods, and watch football games. However, it is important that we remember the history behind this holiday … Continued

FDA Sued Over Abortion Pills

Not only do these abortion pills kill the unborn, they are also extremely dangerous for the women who take them. Let’s pray about this. From The Epoch Times. A bloc of national medical associations and doctors focusing on caring for pregnant and post-abortive women is suing federal officials, claiming they illegally approved chemicalĀ abortion drugs that … Continued

AZ Gubernatorial Election In Doubt

Arizona’s elections, especially in Maricopa, seem anything but secure. Let’s pray that any fraud is uncovered and the true winner is elected. From The Daily Wire. Arizonaā€™s attorney generalā€™s office orderedĀ Maricopa CountyĀ officials to submit a report on its botched handling of the November 8 election that led to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbsā€™ apparent victory … Continued

The Dark Money Network Funding the Left

The American political landscape has no place for dark money like this. Let’s pray that all other groups like Arabella are exposed. From Capital Research Center. The countryā€™s largest and perhaps most influential ā€œdark moneyā€ network pulled in nearly $1.6 billion in 2021, according to new IRS filings, a mere $148 million drop from the … Continued

The Current Assault Against Biblical Marriage

As our culture attempts to redefine God’s sacred institution of marriage, we must stand firm on the truth of Scripture. From Give Him 15. Sixty-plus years of the churchā€™s refusal to involve itself in government and culture, coupled with the indoctrination of two generations of Americans by a godless, leftist education system, is taking its … Continued


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