The Importance of November 29

On this day 75 years ago, the United Nations voted to establish a separate state for Israel. Now more thanĀ ever, we must remember this day. From The Israel Forever Foundation. On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent, in favour of theĀ Palestine Partition Plan.Ā This … Continued

Why We Must Care About Israel

Today is the 75th anniversary of Israel as a sovereign nation. On this special day, let’s remember how important this nation is to God. Analysis. Todayā€™s news media devote more attention to the Middle East than to any other area on earth. Here are centered the issues and conflicts that could ā€” overnight ā€” spark … Continued

How to Pray for a ‘Post-Constitutional’ America

Analysis. Itā€™s a sobering phrase: a post-constitutional America. But Russ Vought, founder of Center for Renewing America, calls it like it is ā€” and he gives us prayer direction and suggests actions we can take for reestablishing America upon that great document our founding fathers sought God for the wisdom to be able to write. … Continued

Jesus Christ: The Hope for Gen Z

Analysis. Opinions concerning the younger generations are often divided ā€” some view them in a positive light, and some view them negatively. All opinions notwithstanding, however, one thing is certain: The members of Generation Z (generally, ages 10ā€“25) are active in voicing their concerns. Whether on social media, in the workplace, or, most recently, in … Continued

Pray for the People of China

Analysis. Mass protests of an unprecedented scale and intensity have broken out in several cities across China, not seen since the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China, told Fox & Friends that the protests erupting last weekend and growing by the day are far more dangerous. He … Continued

Is DHS ‘Complicit’ in Border Crisis?

Our border has been in crisis for too long. How has it gotten this bad? It’s time to look to those in power for answers. From Daily Caller. Republican Texas Rep. Michael McCaul said Sunday that the Department of Homeland Security is complicit in human trafficking at the U.S. southern border with Mexico. Get involved … Continued

The Imminent Danger of the Respect for Marriage Act

Analysis. Abraham Lincoln believed that ā€œall men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.ā€ He stood against slavery and it cost him his life. Do you want state prayer alerts?   President Lincoln said, ā€œIf there is anything that links the human to the divine it is … Continued

Are Vaccine Passports in the Works?

This could be a dangerous precedent. We have to pray that our freedom to travel is not stripped away by globalists. From The Center Square. President Joe Biden signed a G20 Bali Leadersā€™Ā DeclarationĀ agreeing to adopt vaccine passports to ā€œfacilitateā€ all international travel. Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   Paragraph 23 … Continued

Trans Ideologues Shouldn’t Set Medical Standards

This story would have been unthinkable 20 years ago. Now it is a crucial battle for our generation. Let’s pray. From The Federalist. Imagine the Environmental Protection Agency decides that, instead of setting air pollution standards, it will outsource oversight to an industry group called the ā€œEmission Standards Coalition,ā€ which, despite its innocuous name, is … Continued

Itā€™s Time for Federal Agency Enforcement Reform

Federal agencies are now another branch of government, with little real oversight. Let’s pray that they are used for good and not for evil. From The Daily Signal. In January, the United States will enter another period of divided government. If past is prologue, we will see an even more aggressive executive branch, deploying its … Continued

‘Going Wherever God Parts the Seas’

From CBN News. Faith-based film fans are proving once again that there is a growing move to see more wholesome, family content on the big screens. This weekend, “The Chosen Season 3” premiered in the third spot at the box office. ā€¦ The theatrical debut of ‘The Chosen’ Season 3 landed in the top 3 … Continued

Why God Commands Us to Give Thanks

Analysis. This being Thanksgiving week, social media and e-newsletters are loaded with thoughts and devotionals about the significance of Thanksgiving. Sorry. Iā€™m going to add mine to it. Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   Because I found myself wondering: why are weĀ commandedĀ to give thanks? It says so, among other places, … Continued


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