Biden Admin Calls on Doctors to Normalize Transgenderism

Transgenderism has infected every aspect of American culture, even the current administration. We must cover our children in prayer. From Breitbart. The Biden Administrationā€™s Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine called on doctors to serve as ā€œambassadorsā€ in the attempt to normalize transgenderism. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   Levine, a man who identifies as … Continued

Walker to Georgians: ‘Vote, Vote, Vote’

Georgia is in urgent need of our intercession as we approach this critical runoff election. Herschel Walker says “vote, vote, vote.” The Church needs to pray, pray, pray.Ā  From Breitbart. Republicans will be able to keep the Biden administration in check with a Republican victory in Georgiaā€™s Senate runoff Tuesday, Republican Herschel Walker told Breitbart … Continued

Answered Prayer on Porn

Twitter’s actions to clamp down on child porn are a direct answer to prayer! Just days ago, IFA’s Pray with America’s Leaders focused on combatting child porn. Check out our Watch page if you missed this powerful time of prayer.Ā Ā  From The Daily Wire. A cyber security and data analyst funding research into Twitterā€™s alleged … Continued

Attack on Power Substation Raises Concerns

We need to get to the bottom of this. Let’s pray that what is in the dark will be brought to the light. From CNN. With no suspects or motive announced, the FBI is joining the investigation into power outages in a North Carolina countyĀ believed to have been caused by ā€œintentionalā€ and ā€œtargetedā€ attacks on … Continued

An Advent Prayer for America

Advent 2022 is well underway. It is a season marked on many church calendars as a time to commemorate all the miraculous events leading up to the birth of the Messiah, now more than 2,000 years ago. Miracles like securing the cooperation of a birth mother and her fiancĆ©, her conception, and an emperor’s decision … Continued

Emails Prove Twitter Censored Biden Laptop Story

Executives at Twitter sat on the Hunter Biden laptop story for purely political reasons, by all appearances, and it’s clear that this sort of chicanery has got to stop if our nation is to survive. From The Daily Signal. After Twitter CEOĀ Elon MuskĀ teased a massive reveal Friday afternoon, journalist Matt Taibbi released a Twitter thread … Continued

Civil Disobedience for Nativity Scene

A simple nativity scene in a public park, part of the annual Christmas traditions of one Arkansas city for decades, is now the latest instance of a growing spirit of anti-Christian hostility and bigotry in America. UPDATE: The Mayor of Eureka Springs announced that the display would be allowed in the park. Randall Christy posted … Continued

Musk on ā€˜Coordinatedā€™ Attacks

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has led to a barrage of political attacks and accusations, some of which have been shown to be inaccurate, as even outsiders have observed. From The Daily Wire. Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Tuesday that several top Democrats launched a ā€œcoordinatedā€ attack against him. ā€¦ Get prayer updates from IFA.   … Continued

CA Considering Reparations for Descendants of Slaves

Certain groups in America have been pushing for reparations for years now. In a time of rampant inflation is it really the best idea? From Daily Mail. A reparations committee inĀ CaliforniaĀ has suggested that descendants of slaves in the state could be compensated $223,200 each for ‘housing discrimination’. Let the IFA community know how to pray … Continued

SCOTUS to Tackle First Amendment Rights Once Again

Religious freedom is back on the judicial chopping block. These court cases are extremely important and need our prayers. From The Federalist. This coming week the Supreme Court will hearĀ 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, a case that offers the court an opportunity to reconcile the growing tension between the First Amendmentā€™s free speech guarantees and … Continued

Planned Parenthood Sexualizing Kids?

Can the evil grow any more obvious? Planned parenthood isn’t just attacking the unborn, they’re attacking children after birth as well. From Fox News. An executive director at aĀ Planned Parenthood‘s sex education arm claimed that children are born “sexual” while simultaneously advocating for comprehensive sex education from kindergarten through 12th grade and porn literacy for … Continued

UN Votes to Celebrate ‘Day of Catastrophe’ on Israel’s Birth

The international hatred of Israel and love for Palestine has seemed to reach a fever pitch. We must pray for Israel in this crucial time. From CBN News. The United Nations General AssemblyĀ passed a resolution Thursday by a 90-30 vote to commemorate the Palestinian “Nakba” or day of catastrophe coinciding withĀ the 75th anniversary of the … Continued


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