First Friday Prayer is streaming live First Friday Prayer live at 12:15 PM ET

China Relaxes ‘Zero-COVID’ Policy

Amid street protests and a flailing economy, China has decided to take a step back in its heavy-handed approach to COVID. This is an answered prayer! From The Wall Street Journal. China dropped many of its quarantine and testing requirements and curtailed the power of local officials to shut down entire city blocks, as the … Continued

SCOTUS Hears Critical Redistricting Case

This case could have a major impact on election integrity and voting reforms. Let’s pray that God would guide this case as the arguments are heard. From Fox News. TheĀ Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in a congressional redistricting case out of North Carolina that experts argue could give additional influence to state courts over … Continued

Respect for Marriage Act Heads to Biden’s Desk

This is a loss for biblical marriage and religious freedom in America. Despite this, we can’t stop fighting and we can’t stop praying. From Fox News. The House on Thursday passed the Respect for Marriage Act, which will require the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages performed in states where they are legal but does … Continued

Pro-Lifers Receive Death Threats

Pro-lifers are still being threatened by dangerous terrorist groups. Let’s pray that the FBI is moved to step in ā€” as it should. From The Federalist. A recent alleged death threat against pro-life activists indicates that Janeā€™s Revenge ā€” the group that has claimed responsibility for several violent attacks against pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations … Continued

Pray for Ted Cruz’s Family!

It appears that Sen. Ted Cruz’s daughter may have tried to harm herself. May God be with their family. Let’s lift them up to the Lord in prayer. The holidays are a time of increased mental health problems. We invite you to download An Advent Prayer for America and/or Interceding for Family to pray for … Continued

AP Stylebook Censors ‘Late-Term Abortion’

This is yet another attempt to control language and the narrative. Let’s pray that the Lord would open people’s eyes to the horrors of abortion. From Blaze News. The Associated Press Stylebook, a style and usage guide used by news organizations, forbade the use of the phrase “late-term abortion.” ā€¦ Join others crying out to … Continued

Prayer for Safety of School Campuses

School shootings ā€” a crime that used to be unheard-of and unthinkable ā€” are in the news more and more. Mass violence seems to be popping up in the most unexpected places. However, beloved, history belongs to the intercessors. This is a topic for prayer; but as we pray, God will move and help us. … Continued

The Christian Battle Against Child Sexualization

The treatment of children is a defining issue for our generation: abortion, trans surgeries, and sexual abuse. From The Federalist. The American ruling class and its apparatchiks are increasingly post-Christian. This is bad in all kinds of ways, but it does highlight the differences between Christianity and the ethos of our exploitative and incompetent elites. … Continued

Warnock Wins Runoff, Dems Take Senate

Regardless of how we feel about the outcome, the stage is set for the next two years. Now all we can do is pray for our leaders. From Fox News. Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock will defeatĀ Republican challenger Herschel WalkerĀ in Georgia’s high stakes Senate runoff election, The Associated Press projects. Connect with others in your state … Continued

IRS to Force Forms on Transactions Over $600

The IRS should be be a valuable and unbiased service for the American people, not a weapon of the government. Let’s pray for reform. From Daily Mail. Republicans are crying foul after the IRS reminded Americans they will have to report their $600 transactions on Venmo and PayPal to the IRS. Post a prayer for … Continued

Give Him 15 – The Power of Remembering

If we hope to achieve victory over the demonic forces threatening America, we must remember what God has done in the past. From Give Him 15. (I will be leading us in Communion at the end of todayā€™s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you … Continued

Twitter Files: ‘Accountability Is Coming’

Can we really have accountability? We definitely need it. Let’s pray that God steps in wherever our government fails. From The Center Square. A series of document dumps called the ā€œTwitter filesā€ have exposed the social media companiesā€™ collusion with federal law enforcement and the Democratic Party to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story before … Continued


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