Policy and Prayer: The Intercessorsā€™ Wars

ā€œAfter two days of being encouraged and praying around the nationā€™s Capitol, today you will hear from policy experts, and weā€™re going to pray,ā€ IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal announced on Wednesday, Oct. 26, to those attending IFAā€™s Policy & Prayer Summit. The venue ā€” America First Policy Institute (AFPI) ā€” was fitting. ā€œIn … Continued

Policy and Prayer: The Intercessors Speak

IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal opened the first Policy & Prayer Summit, praying that those in attendance would ā€œexperience God in a real wayā€ and ā€œdevelop lifelong friends.ā€ Answers to both prayers were in evidence by the second day. You can read a summary of the full event here. Get involved in state level … Continued

Afghan Refugees Still Need Help and Hope

Analysis. In March IFA covered some of the work that Marty Angell is doing to liberate from Afghanistan the people who were targeted for destruction after Joe Biden ordered a hasty U.S. troop withdrawal from that distressed country. Angell continues his rescue effort, and he has given me permission to share from what he has … Continued

World Cup Fans Embrace Christ in Gospel Campaign

As untold scores of people gather for the World Cup, a former soccer player is using the event as a stage for the gospel. Praise God! From CBN News. A former professional soccer player-turned-pastor is on a digital mission to reach World Cup fans with the Gospel. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA. … Continued

Taliban Carry Out Public Execution

The Taliban’s rule has been nothing but harmful for the Afghan people. This anti-God group needs to be supernaturally stopped. From The Epoch Times. TheĀ TalibanĀ on Wednesday executed an Afghan convicted of killing another man, the firstĀ publicĀ executionĀ since the terrorist group took over Afghanistan last year, a spokesman said. Do you want state prayer alerts?   The … Continued

Country Singer Bank Free from Cancel Culture

These days, our bank accounts are being weaponized and used against us. Country singer John Rich has a potential solution. From Just the News. Country music singer John Rich on Wednesday announces the creation of a new bank for Americans who support freedom of speech and have concerns about their existing bankers punishing them ā€“ … Continued

Could AI Challenge Our Education System?

Every day, a new threat arises against our kids. We have to pray that our education system will be able to adapt to these new challenges. From Fox News. “The introduction of new artificial intelligence technologies into schools that enables students to auto-generate essays has the capacity to blow up our entire writing education curriculum,” … Continued

Democrat Senator Declares Herself an Independent

This is a MAJOR update. As Sen. Sinema steps into this new chapter of her life, let’s pray that God would make her a righteous leader. From The Center Square. U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona says sheā€™s left the Democratic Party and will be unaffiliated with either major political party. Get involved in state … Continued

Biden Releases Billions to Aid Pensions

The president is expanding his power ā€” all the more reason to pray. From CNBC. President Joe Biden on Thursday is announcing the infusion of nearly $36 billion to shore up a financially troubled union pension plan, preventing severe cuts to the retirement incomes of more than 350,000 Teamster workers and retirees across the United … Continued

The End of Triumphalist Christianity

Analysis. There is a Christianity that struts and boasts, a Christianity full of riches and swagger, a Christianity full of carnal energy and worldly success. It is a Christianity so full of self that it is virtually devoid of God. That kind of Christianity is headed for a major fall. Connect with others in your … Continued

Give Him 15 ā€“ If We Pray ā€¦

Prayer is a powerful weapon. If we want to be used by God to bring salvation and revival to our nation, we must be praying. From Give Him 15. I will be leading us in Communion at the end of todayā€™s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread … Continued

Restaurant Denies Service to Christian Group

Despite claiming to be inclusive, this restaurant refused to serve The Family Foundation because of their Christian views. From The Christian Post. The head of a Christian pro-family group in Virginia says a local restaurant refused service to the organization last week over its views on marriage and abortion. Post a prayer for your state! … Continued


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