Pfizer Vaccine Linked to Blood-Clotting

As more and more information comes out, it seems less and less likely that the vaccine is safe. Let’s pray for protection. From The Epoch Times. Pfizerā€™s COVID-19 vaccine has been linked toĀ blood clotting in older individuals, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Visit your state page to pray.   FDA researchers, … Continued

How You Can Help Missionaries

Even as we celebrate the 12 days of Christmas, let’s be sure to remember the missionaries who are away from home, striving to bring people into the kingdom. From TGC. Frank Sinatra crooned the words of ā€œIā€™ll Be Home for Christmas.ā€ Twinkle lights sparkled red and green in the darkness. The scent of woodsmoke swirled … Continued

Prophetic Prayer for America in 2023

Are you ready to reap a harvest of joy after all the tears you have sown for America? Are you ready to watch the Lord bring us back from the captivity of our land, while we watch in awe like those who dream? Pray for your fellow intercessor.   In past years, as the Scripture … Continued

Share Your Personal Prayer Strategy!

Intercessor, how are you praying for America? Visit your state page to pray.   We are all part of the Intercessors for America national community because of a calling to pray for our nation. But what does your intercession look like on a personal and practical level? Has the Lord given you a particular strategy?Ā  … Continued

Moving Forward Into the New Year With Hope!

Entering 2022, many held out great hope for a better year. Prophetic words declared imminent breakthroughs; prayer was taking place in every state across the nation; hope was in the air. Today I wonder, as we stand on the verge of 2023: Does this same hope remain intact? Let the IFA community know how to … Continued

IFA Report: Georgia State Prayer Group

I joined Intercessors for America in March of 2022, and the Lord began to lead me in the direction He wanted for me. First, He emphasized the necessity of my involvement in a strong, biblically based local fellowship, and especially with its prayer base. A fellow intercessor from that same fellowship has a prayer group, … Continued

Remembering Well

I donā€™t know about you, but I tend to forget things. I exit one room and enter the next but fail to remember why I came in. I grab my phone to call my mother in Canada, and when she picks up, I am confounded as to why specifically I called. Important and weighty things … Continued

Take this Challenge in 2023

Since 2012, I have read through the Bible every year, and I’ve found this to be among the greatest of spiritual disciplines. One of the joys of this discipline is that it means that each year begins and ends with the Tree of Life: The first man and woman were locked out of the Garden … Continued

Catholic College Honors Pro-Abortion Journalist

What is happening? In this crucial time, the Church has got to stand for what is right, and it must stand up for the unborn. From The Federalist. On the first of the month, the nationā€™s only Catholic Spiritan universityĀ honoredĀ NBC News Washington correspondent Yamiche AlcindorĀ with the schoolā€™s inaugural ā€œDuquesne University Award for Ethics and Integrity … Continued

Looking Forward to the New Year

The following is what international prayer leader Rick Ridings is hearing from the Lord regarding 2023. We all need to be thinking about how to pray going into the new year. Share your thoughts in the comments. From Succat Hallel. A key word I am hearing for this next season is ā€œcontendā€, and a key … Continued

There Is No Common Ground Inside the Sorcerer’s Circle

Analysis. Many are passionate to expound, engage and even emulate the miracles of Jesus. Is there anything more heaven-on-earth than a blind man seeing, a cripple walking, or a dead girl coming to life? Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   The first Jesus-sized miracle I experienced was a paralyzed man … Continued

Stories of Hope From Ukraine

Intercessor, are you still praying for Ukraine? As 2022 wraps up, the Ukrainians are still struggling against the Russian army. Nevertheless, the Spirit is moving powerfully in this battered east European nation. We received a newsletter from FEBC, the Far East Broadcasting Company, sharing videos from Ukraine. TheseĀ five short videos feature testimonies from the Ukrainian … Continued


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