We Must Fight for Religious Freedom

Analysis. At the IFA Policy & Prayer Summit, Ambassador Sam Brownback disclosed to intercessors how Chase Bank “de-banked” his ecumenical, bipartisan, religious-freedom organization. He explained how our Constitution protects religious freedom and discussed why organizations like Chase Bank want to strip those protections away. Have you taken your place on the wall?Ā    Brownback has … Continued

Prayer for a Focused and Effective Military

For several years, media headlines have been full of news about our military. However, the news has not always been good. Instead of hearing about how our armed forces are fully focused on our national defense, we have seen headlines, lawsuits, arguments, and more about how the military is focusing on ā€œwokenessā€ and not on … Continued

How a Gay Rights Strategy Shaped Our Culture

It seems like the entire world has wholly accepted the LGBT agenda. This is no coincidence. It is the result of a decades-long, concerted strategy. From WORLD. Why have award shows, professional sports, politics, commercials, education, childrenā€™s entertainment, and even churches witnessed such a steep rise in messaging that promotes LGBTQ lifestyles in recent years? … Continued

Are Blackouts Our New Normal?

As our electricity grid struggles under the weight of oppressive policies and attacks, blackouts are being touted as our new normal. But blackouts are not what we have been used to in this nation. What’s behind this? From AIER. On Christmas Eve, 2022, in North Carolina, something happened that had never happened before in living … Continued

Americans Score Biden’s International Influence

Many Americans feel that America’s international standing has fallen since Biden took office. Let’s pray that our country will be strengthened on the global stage, not weakened any further. From Townhall. [A] new poll found that most Americans believe the U.S.ā€™s influence on other countries is sharply declining. According to aĀ Pew Research Center Poll, 47 … Continued

Musk, Twitter, and the State of Legacy Media

Amid countless attacks and endless slander, Elon Musk seems to be fighting for transparency and free speech. Let’s pray for media and for those who are working to reform it. From RedState. Weā€™ve seen how the left and the liberal media havenā€™t been at all happy with Elon Musk buying Twitter and championing free speech. … Continued

Globalist Plans for the ‘Metaverse’

The WEF has troubling plans for the Metaverse and virtual reality. Let’s pray that these plans come to nothing. From The Dossier. During its 2023 Davos conference, the World Economic Forum will host a press conference on its ā€œBuilding The Metaverse Initiative,ā€ and release key ā€œstudiesā€ and details about its efforts to further facilitate what … Continued

ICE Lost Over 300,000 Illegal Immigrants

Our government has lost track of countless illegal immigrants that immigration officials were supposed to be monitoring. Our immigration system is in desperate need of prayer. From The Daily Wire. U.S.Ā Immigration and Customs EnforcementĀ (ICE) has ā€œno recordsā€ of hundreds of thousands ofĀ illegal immigrantsĀ it released into theĀ United States. Post a prayer for your state!   The … Continued

A Place of Rest for Intercessors

New Year’s Day is a great time to ask the Lord for direction in the new year and to reflect on our lives. This reposted article by IFA Contributing Writer Remco Brommet addresses the vital importance of rest. For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, ā€œIn returning and rest you shall … Continued

Actress Comes to Christ: ‘I Talk to Jesus All the Time’

This is an encouraging testimony of a celebrity finding Christ and becoming a believer. Praise God! Do it again, Lord! From CBN News. “Wonder Years” star Danica McKellar recently discussed her faith and how her life was changed forever this year after receiving Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Pray for your fellow intercessor. … Continued

Some Good News

The news can often be discouraging. Let’s take time to focus on the positive and see what God is doing across the nation. From The Washington Times. With the daily news filled with so much pain, desperation and negativity, itā€™s always refreshing to find stories that elevate positivity and point to human natureā€™s better side. … Continued

The Uprising of Muslim Women

Muslim women are making progress in the fight against the sexist oppressiveness of Islam. Let’s pray for their safety and that they would find the Lord. From Israel National News. On the front pages of newspapers around the world, we are now privileged to witness the extraordinary strength of women oppressed by fanatical forms of … Continued


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