‘SJW’ Mom Breaks Free of the Transgender Cult

It is encouraging to see even “social justice warriors” putting aside politics to do what is right for their children. Praise God! From LifeSite. A self-described “social justice warrior” mother of two boys said she stopped affirming the alleged “transgender” identities of her sons after she realized that transgender ideology is a “cult.” … Post … Continued

NYC Mayor Criticizes Wokeness

Could this be evidence of God changing Mayor Eric Adams’ heart?  From Fox News. New York City Mayor Eric Adams accused woke Democrats of driving away minority voters during an appearance on MSNBC Wednesday. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   While responding to President Biden’s State of the Union, Mayor Adams said “There’s a hemorrhaging … Continued

Is the FBI Targeting Catholics?

The FBI is warning against “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology.” Are their warnings justified, or is this blatant persecution of Catholics? From National Review. The FBI’s Richmond field office released an internal memo last month warning against “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology,” and claiming it “almost certainly presents new mitigation opportunities,” according to a document shared by … Continued

15-Minute Cities—The Devil in the Details

15-minute cities are being proposed as entirely beneficial ideas, but they may be hiding oppressive policies beneath the surface. What do you think? From Children’s Health Defense. The “15-minute city” made headlines this month, spurred by controversy over plans by the U.K.’s Oxfordshire County Council to pilot “traffic filters” to reduce car use as part of … Continued

Bill to Protect Right of Parents of Trans Kids

This bill is crucial in the fight against the transgendering of kids. Let’s pray that it passes. From Daily Caller. The Virginia House approved a bill Tuesday which would prevent teachers from keeping a child’s social transition from their parents. Get prayer updates from IFA.   Sage’s Law is named after a 14-year-old girl who … Continued

Hope for This Generation

It’s easy to lose hope if you focus only on the negative reports concerning the younger generations. They are being bombarded with anti-biblical teachings at every turn, diabolical lies that affect children as young as elementary-school age. Despite how everything looks, however, I have hope for them, because my hope is in Jesus Christ. And … Continued

Prayer Plan for SatanCon – Rally the Church!

Church, we have work to do. Intercessor Carol submitted to IFA a prayer plan in advance of the Arizona SatanCon. A year of intercession and seeking God on this resulted in this new prayer plan for the IFA community now.  I believe we have another opportunity to work together corporately in the next few weeks … Continued

Praise! ‘Silent Prayer’ Charges Dropped

We prayed for the woman who was arrested for silent prayer. Here’s the answer . . .  From ADF UK. The charitable volunteer who was criminally charged for praying near a closed abortion facility will continue to await justice as she states her intention to pursue full dismissal of her charges in court.  Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, … Continued

Answered Prayer! State Stops China

North Dakota barred a potential CCP plan to spy on a military base. Praise God! From Fox Business. Officials in Grand Forks, North Dakota, have voted to strike down a Chinese company’s proposed corn mill after the U.S. Air Force said its proximity to a military base would pose a national security risk. Connect with others … Continued

Victory! California Drops Vaccine Mandates in Schools

This is huge answered prayer! Let’s pray the same for every other state and city! From Breitbart. The State of California has scrapped a plan to require the coronavirus vaccine for children in grades K through 12, as Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) allows a three-year-old “state of emergency” to expire at the end of February. … Continued

What Are Your Thoughts on the State of the Union?

Pres. Biden emphasized his support of abortion and his opposition to the Supreme Court in the state of the Union speech. What did you think of the State of the Union address? Please share in the comments. From Daily Caller. President Joe Biden attacked the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade during the … Continued

Trans Protestors Occupy State Capitol

What is happening in our nation? Let’s pray for peace in Oklahoma and for the protection of those standing up for children. From The Post Millennial. Trans activists gathered in the Oklahoma Capitol Monday to protest legislation that would prohibit the sterilization and mutilation of children. “Trans lives matter,” they chanted. Post a prayer for … Continued


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