We Cannot Give In to the Distractions of the Modern World

No generation in history has had so many distractions to deal with. No generation in history has had so many temptations. Who is praying on the wall?   No generation in history has had so much entertainment and defilement available right at our fingertips (quite literally). That means that it is much harder to live … Continued

How to Pass on Faith to Your Children

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” It is vital that we share our faith with our families and keep our children in relationship with the Lord. From The Christian Post. A Christian parenting expert has offered his … Continued

State Senate Approves ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’

This is huge answered prayer! Let’s pray over this bill, and let’s pray that other states follow suit! From The Epoch Times. TheĀ North CarolinaĀ Senate approved a ā€œParentsā€™ Bill of Rightsā€ law on Tuesday written to give parents transparency and authority over their childrenā€™s education. Do you want state prayer alerts?   Senate Bill 49 (pdf) … Continued

Who Killed the Prayer Meeting?

Prayer is a key spiritual discipline that has seemingly been lost in America. As we intercessors keep the fire of prayer going, let’s pray that the rest of the American church will follow.Ā  From Crossway. What about Prayer? An East Indian evangelist described his first experience at an American prayer meeting. He was visiting a … Continued

Give Him 15: Love Crosses the Divide

In such a divided world the love of Jesus is what bridges the ever-growing gaps between people. From Give Him 15. On Tuesday, when introducing this weekā€™s emphasis on generational synergy and the importance of legacy, I mentioned my mom and grandmother. They loved Jesus, lived godly lives, and prayed for their kids and grandkids … Continued

Americans Reject Divisive Political Displays at the Super Bowl

It seems Americans are tired of political statements taking over sports. As our country is increasingly divided, let’s pray for unity during the big game today. From The Daily Signal. The majority of Americans donā€™t want to see politics at Sundayā€™s Super Bowl. Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   Polling … Continued

Shining Light on the Dark World of Trafficking

Update: Links to Special Report are corrected. Every year the Super Bowl rolls around, concerns are raised anew about a spike in human trafficking as tens of thousands of people flood into its host city for the event. Victim groups call it the “ugly underbelly” of one of the greatest sports shows on earth. While … Continued

Sports Gambling Is a Bad Bet

Super Bowl Sunday. Since 2018, when the Supreme Court struck down a federal ban on betting on live games, sports betting has increased tenfold. Online gambling on the Super Bowl is expected to double what it was last year when one in 5 American adults placed a bet — 50 million Americans are expected to … Continued

God Is on Both Sides of the Super Bowl

As the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs gear up for the Super Bowl, it is encouraging to see that both teams are led by Christ-centered quarterbacks. From WORLD. Jalen Hurts lost his starting quarterback job under the glare of college footballā€™s brightest spotlight after leading the University of Alabama to two national championship games. … Continued

Do Super Bowl Ads Show Jesus’ Character?

A series of ads will play during the SuperBowl titled ā€œHe Gets Us.ā€ Ā There is controversy over whether they accurately share the gospel or lean to a social gospel message. Have you seen them? Ā Share your thoughts in the comments below.Ā  From Sportskeeda. The Super Bowl is a time when the best of the best … Continued

The Intercessor’s Joy: Ask God for Signs of Land

Are you tired of waiting and waiting and waiting for the answers to your prayers? I know that you know God is faithful, but do you ever wish He would just ā€œthrow you a boneā€ sometimes and show you that something is happening, even when you donā€™t see results yet? If you feel adrift on … Continued

Govt Weaponization Hearing Highlights

Hearings on the weaponization of the federal government are well under way. Led by Rep. Jim Jordan, this Select Subcommittee heard testimonies from Senators, Representatives, and former FBI agents on Thursday. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   The following video is the full testimony of Sen. Chuck Grassley, who recounted his personal … Continued


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