Are the Unvaccinated Being Tracked?

Our rights are in danger. Now is the time for fervent prayer. From Mercola. As recently discovered and reported by Dr. Robert Malone, the U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for … Continued

Praise! Another State Bans Trans Care for Minors

This is great news! Let’s pray that other states and governors will follow Gov. Noem’s example! From Fox News. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, on Monday, banned gender-affirming care for transgender individuals under the age of 18 after signing a bill into law. Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   Titled … Continued

IFA Is Covering Asbury!

Intercessor, did you miss yesterday’s powerful webcast, featuring testimonies from students and faculty at Asbury University? Connect with others in your state in prayer.   February 14’sĀ Headline Prayer Live webcast featured students and faculty from Asbury University who shared testimonies about their experiences with the current revival. Additionally, we heard from Jeannine Brabon, one of … Continued

Archbishop Instructs Catholic Schools to Resist Transgenderism

Praise God for this archbishop! Let’s pray that other leaders in the Church will be brave enough to follow his example. From OregonLive. The Archdiocese of Portland has instructed Catholic schools in the area to rebuff what it calls ā€œgender identity theory.ā€ Pray for your fellow intercessor.   ā€œThis means that names, pronouns, facilities use, … Continued

Toxic Chemicals Released in Ohio ā€“ Is the City Safe?

Is Columbiana County truly safe as our leaders say, or are its residents still in danger? Either way, we should be in prayer. From Fox News. The Biden administration and state officials are reassuring residents in eastern Ohio that the air is safe to breathe after conducting a controlled release of toxic chemicals. Who is … Continued

China Owns Nearly 4,000 Acres of America

China owns more acres of U.S. land than there are in New York City. We have to pray against any attempts to control us. From American Greatness. A new government report reveals that the total amount of American soil owned by Chinese investors is nearly twice as large as the entirety of New York City. … Continued

Glimpses of a Coming Move of God?

Something is happening ā€” have you seen it? Perhaps you’ve sensed it. For decades, even for centuries, many have prayed and contended for revival in America, and they have refused to give up hope, despite the conditions. Are we seeing answered prayers concerning revival in America? If your answer is no, here are just a … Continued

Dutch Sheets’ Vision of Massive Revival

Intercessor, are you ready for revival? Is your church ready for revival? Have you taken your place on the wall?   The week of 9/11, Dutch Sheets saw a vision during a conference in Boise, Idaho. Just a few weeks ago, in an appearance on the Victory Channel’s FlashPoint, he described this vision ā€” a … Continued

Prayer Is Fueling Jesus Revolution

Jesus Revolution. A film about revival that has been bathed in prayer. Greg Laurie (whose story is told in the film), pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship based in Riverside, Cal., has challenged us to set our alarms to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 every morning and/or evening at 7:14; Lou Engle is launching a 40 day … Continued

House Seeks Documents from Biden’s Family and Friends

As the investigation into Biden’s business dealings continues, Comer is continuing to pursue documents from a variety of courses. Let’s pray that this investigation brings out the truth and leads to justice, whatever its results may be. From Just the News. House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer is seeking documents from Hunter and Jim Biden … Continued

Revival Is Happening at Asbury University

Exciting things are happening at Asbury University in Kentucky. Let’s pray that this revival sweeps across the nation! From The Christian Post. Asbury University has become the sight of a revival gathering, with students and staff engaging in continual worship and prayer on campus over the past few days. Do you want state prayer alerts? … Continued


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