The Generous Church

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional series “Back to the Basics,” written by IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles. All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify … Continued

Why Are Parents Choosing to Home School?

Home-schooling parents are citing liberal schools as their reason for pulling their children. Is a mass exodus underway? From Daily Caller. Almost half of parents turning to homeschooling today say they are concerned about their children being “influenced by liberal viewpoints,” according to a Washington Post and George Mason University poll released Tuesday. This content … Continued

Understanding Deception – for Non-Dummies

Recently, I wrote a piece titled Understanding the End Times — for Non-Dummies (playing off the wildly popular For Dummies series of books). This second article deals with the dangers of deception that Jesus warned would be the primary sign of His eminent return. Do you want state prayer alerts?   No genuine Christian has the … Continued

Discerning the Times: Impending Totalitarianism?

If we hope to glean any fresh revelation in praying strategically for our nation, we’ll first have to ask a series of unsettling questions. I pray that these questions do not breed fear, confusion, or anxiety. We know God is perfect love, and He casts out fear, He does not incite it. We know that … Continued

Border Video Shows It Like It Is

Intercessor, what’s really going on at the border? Behind all the politicization from both sides, what’s it really like? Visit your state page to pray.   This past Thursday, Elon Musk visited the border at Eagle Pass in Texas, discussing the situation with congressmen and sheriffs from the area. He posted the conversation to his … Continued

How One Meeting Changed American Culture

… because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they … Continued

Drug Cartels Have Created a Planned Community in Texas – A Must-Read

Do you know about Colony Ridge, a massive illegal-immigrant settlement in the U.S. created by foreign drug cartels? From The Daily Wire. The Republican Party of Texas unanimously passed a resolution calling on Governor Greg Abbott to convene a special legislative session to address Colony Ridge, the massive housing development north of Houston that’s become … Continued

Former Dem: Why ‘Cities Need Republicans’

The following article, written by Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson who last week switched from the Democratic to Republican party, provides an interesting assessment of the state of cities across the nation. From The Wall Street Journal. I have been mayor of Dallas for more than four years. During that time, my priority has been to … Continued

Judge Rules on ‘Involuntary Homeless’

A judge ruled that a person is not ‘involuntarily homeless’ if their city has offered them any form of housing. From National Review. San Francisco leaders are preparing to ramp up efforts to clean up and clear out homeless camps in the city after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals clarified that people who decline … Continued

Did Fauci Influence the COVID Origins Investigation?

Did Fauci influence the CIA’s COVID origins investigation? Can we believe anything our government has told us about this virus? From Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) revealed new allegations that Dr. Fauci went to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters to “influence” its COVID-19 origins … Continued

Help for Fear and Anxiety

Mental health is constantly in the news.  It is something we are seeing all across the nation. It seems to have touched families across the globe – no one is exempt. Pray for your fellow intercessor   Recently, surveys have reported increased levels of mental illness which have occurred since the beginning of the Covid … Continued

Sen. Feinstein Dies at 90

After a long battle with several serious health issues, Sen. Dianne Feinstein passed away Friday morning. From Fox News. California Senator Dianne Feinstein has died, sources tell Fox News. She was 90. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   The longtime senator had suffered from extensive health issues for more than a … Continued


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