Love Compels Us to Drop the Transgender Terminology

There are people born with biological or chromosomal abnormalities who do not fit perfectly into the male-female categories. They are called intersex (more precisely, those affected by disorders of sexual development, representing .018% of the population). Find out when your state prays.   They deserve our sensitivity and compassion, but they are the exceptions who prove … Continued

Test This Prophetic Word

Recently, I was in prayer, when the Lord redirected my attention. I’d been praying over some requests I had received earlier in the month. But amid those prayers, I felt powerfully led of the Spirit to begin interceding for our nation’s military — for the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines, the Army, and the … Continued

Yes, God IS Hearing Your Prayers

Friend, are you struggling to believe that your prayers even matter at all? When evil seems to run rampant in our nation every day — and that’s saying nothing of your personal struggles — do you wonder if you are making any difference? If so, you should know today that God says your prayers matter … Continued

Strategic Insight on China

China is on alert, strategically advancing, and open about their goals for their nation. The country consistently tops the list of national security concerns focused on by the U.S. government. While the CIA and the military respond and prepare in their ways, intercessors ask God for spiritual insight and wisdom. Recently, in preparation for a … Continued

Are Trump Supporters Being Targeted?

Hillary Clinton’s recent comments come on the heels of a Newsweek piece explaining that the FBI has created a new category of domestic terrorism for Trump supporters.  From Fox News. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for a “formal deprogramming” for many supporters of former President Trump during a new CNN interview. … This content … Continued

Answered Prayer on Trafficking

Criminals were put behind bars and countless victims were saved and cared for. Praise the Lord for this answered prayer! From CBN. An Ohio human trafficking task force recently arrested and charged 160 people, including an elementary school teacher, a college professor, and a pair of U.S. Air Force members, for attempting to buy sex, … Continued

Rising Anti-Christian Sentiment in Israel

Israeli police are working hard to curb anti-Christian sentiment in Israel. But are they going about it the right way? From The Christian Post. Is it the latest sign of rising anti-Christian sentiment in Israel or simply an ancient Jewish religious custom? Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   Police in Israel arrested … Continued

Revival Breaks Out in a Small Town!

After the far-reaching revival at Asbury University earlier this year, Kentucky is once again seeing a revival in a small town. From CBN. The small town of Slaughters, Kentucky, (pop. 186) is experiencing what has been described as “God doing something unusual” among the area’s young people after a few days of unrest occurred at … Continued

FBI Warns of Cult Targeting Kids

A demonic cult is pushing kids to suicide. This is Satan’s latest attack on our children, and it seems to be one of the most severe. From The Christian Post. The FBI has issued a public warning about violent online groups that target minors on messaging platforms and encourage them to live-stream acts of self-harm … Continued

Hunter Prosecutor Violated DOJ Policy

The prosecution and investigation of Hunter Biden has been plagued by corruption and a disregard for policy. This is only the latest example. From The Federalist. The Department of Justice directed Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss not to respond to congressional inquiries, according to an email provided exclusively to The Federalist. That same email stressed … Continued

Biden Admin Calls for a Border Wall

After shutting down Trump’s plans for the border, Secretary Mayorkas is calling for the construction of a wall. From Fox News. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is citing an “acute and immediate need” to waive dozens of federal laws to build a border wall in south Texas where illegal migration has surged. … Do you want … Continued


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