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War: Confronting Confusion, Conflict, and Chaos

While all hearts and eyes are upon Israel, it is eminently clear that praying for the peace of Jerusalem involves praying for peace and stability in the Middle East and elsewhere around the globe. We understand that this is a spiritual battle. However, it can be helpful to identify some historical roots the Enemy has … Continued

A Strong Delusion

This is a compelling biblical analysis of the war in Israel, the days of rage, and the answer for delusion. From FAI, Frontier Alliance International. In his second letter to the church in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul reminds the saints of what he has already taught them regarding “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ … Continued

Texas Revival Still Going Strong!

As the world watches Israel, we’re overcome by emotions. It’s nerve-wracking and heartbreaking to hear the daily reports of casualties. We are praying more than ever before for Israel, because we know its importance to God and its place in Bible prophecy. We continue praying for our nation as we sense the Lord’s return drawing … Continued

Godly Conflict Resolution Is Possible

What does biblical conflict resolution have to do with governmental intercession? Everything. The habits we practice in our everyday lives profoundly impact our attitudes and intercession. Disobeying God’s plan for dealing with offense on a personal level impacts our ability to hear God clearly as we intercede for our community, state, and nation.  Do you … Continued

The Promise of the Fourth Watch

And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea (Matthew 14:25). Recently, during the fourth watch of the morning (about 4 a.m.), the LORD directed me to look outside. Specifically, I heard: “Look outside, peer into the dark.” What I considered then to be a simple but unusual … Continued

Kennedy Pushes for Reparations

As we consider who to vote for, its important to know what the candidates believe. What do you think of Kennedy’s reparations plans? From Breitbart. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. departed from his usual moderate posturing by coming out in favor of reparations. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   … Continued

Trump Attorney Pleads Guilty

Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty of election interference in the Fulton County case. How will this affect the other defendants? From Fox News. Former Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor charges in a Fulton County courthouse in Georgia on Thursday. Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   The … Continued

Israel-Hamas Violence – Bleeding Into the U.S.?

Will the war in the Middle East lead to our no longer being safe within our own borders? Have we already reached that point? From CNN. A Hilton hotel in Houston has canceled a conference scheduled for next week hosted by the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, amid mounting violence between Israel and Hamas. The hotel cited … Continued

Drones Targeted U.S. Bases in Middle East

U.S. military bases in Syria and Iraq have been targeted by drones. Are terrorists seeking to drag us into the ongoing conflict? From Politico. The American military thwarted two separate drone strikes in Syria, hours after U.S. forces shot down three unmanned aerial systems targeting troops in Iraq early Wednesday. … Let the IFA community … Continued

Protest at U.S. Embassy in Lebanon

Tensions continue to rise amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, and the rest of the world is suffering as a result. From Daily Mail. The US is elevating its travel advisory and allowing non-emergency personnel to leave Lebanon after the embassy in Beirut was targeted by Pro-Palestinian protestors who started a fire at the complex. This content … Continued

Praying Into the Spiritual Battle in Israel

A viral IFA prayer webcast on Israel has exceeded 100,000 views — Kris Kubal of Pray with America’s Leaders interviewed Avner Boskey of Final Frontier Ministries, in Israel. Boskey shared insider information about what is going on there and about how we can pray strategically about the war. I recommend watching this webcast if you … Continued

How to ‘Fear Not’

Fear is a human response that is triggered by a perceived threat. This can be a good thing. But we must not allow ourselves to live a life of continual fear. The results of that would be detrimental, to say the least. Recently, the Lord led me to send an audio prayer out to the … Continued


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