Cuba Is Smuggling Chinese Nationals Into the U.S.

Are these communist nations working together? What will be the long-term impact of this alleged alliance? Help us, Lord! From The Daily Wire. China and Cuba have reportedly teamed up to transport Chinese nationals across the Atlantic Ocean’s Straits of Florida and smuggle them into the United States, according to a top Florida Republican lawmaker. … Continued

Satanist Runs for State House

A satanist who leads children into the occult is on the ballot in Virginia. Will we see more like him in elections across the nation? From The Daily Wire. A Democrat candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates in next month’s election has sought to bring an After School Satan Club into schools, raised money … Continued

Anti-Semitism Is on the Rise

Jewish students are being intimidated as anti-Semitic sentiments dominate American culture and some sects of politics. From New York Post. A handful of Cooper Union’s Jewish students barricaded inside the university’s library Wednesday when pro-Palestinian protesters blew past security and aggressively pounded on the building’s doors. Find out when your state prays.   A Jewish senior … Continued

What Are Anti-Semitic Tropes – and Are They Happening Today?

As war rages in Israel, anti-Semitism is rising. What sorts of lies are people spreading about the Jews, and what effect do those lies have? From ICEJ USA. An antisemitic trope is a myth or sensational report, misrepresentation, or lie defamatory toward Judaism or the Jewish people as an ethnic or religious group. This two-part … Continued

Stop the Satanic Steal

Satan plans to accelerate the end times in an effort to block the billion-soul harvest. So the Evil One is blowing on the conflict in the Middle East to cause a conflagration that would rob millions of the opportunity to respond to the gospel. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   But … Continued

Reclaim America From a Spirit of Death

I used to love autumn. Fresh, cooling winds, and lovely, swirling colors. A school year still new with promise, and the delights of hot cocoa, mulled cider, and crisp apples. Have you taken your place on the wall?     But once I became a believer and began to develop a gift for discerning of spirits, … Continued

A Halloween Challenge

When I was a child, my folks would place a full-size cardboard witch atop one of our living room chairs as a fit greeting to tiny trick-or-treaters entering our home to fill their pillowcases with cheap candy. Yes, in the 1970s we routinely walked into strangers’ homes. I was always terrified of that witch, though. … Continued

Are We in a Police State?

Our government is becoming increasingly more authoritarian. How did we get here, and where will this all end up? From The Stream. Do you have friends and family members who think that you’re an alarmist? Who wave you off when you warn about the CIA and FBI cooperating with social media giants to censor medical … Continued

Patterns of Providence in Our Founding: The American Miracle

Tim Mahoney is using the paradigm he honed with his Patterns of Evidence films to look at patterns of Providence — which he defines as God’s presence — in America’s founding. Michael Medved asked Mahoney to turn his book, The American Miracle, into a film, and Mahoney and his team have the project underway. Do … Continued

A Call to Pray for Pastors and the Church

Over the past few years, the Church has come under much scrutiny as its leaders have been exposed for sexual immorality and other sins. Recently, an entire denomination has come under fire for covering up decades of sexual abuse. Sadly, this does not appear to be coming to an end anytime soon. As I was … Continued

16 AGs Target Crisis Pregnancy Centers

These attorneys general are claiming that pregnancy centers mislead vulnerable women, misleading others in the process. From The Christian Post. More than a dozen Democratic attorneys general have signed onto a letter condemning pro-life pregnancy centers for spreading what they say is “misinformation and harm.” Have you taken your place on the wall?   In … Continued

Biden Vows to Defend Philippines From China

Biden is committed to honoring our defense agreement with the Philippines. Will this drag us into war with China? From New York Post. President Biden said Wednesday that the US military is willing to fight nuclear-armed China on behalf of the Philippines after ships from the two Asian countries collided near a disputed, unpopulated island in the … Continued


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