God’s Great Reset

What do you think about the Church, the blood-bought Bride of Christ, called to be without spot or blemish? Do you have a sense that something might be missing? Does she resemble the early Church that turned the world upside down (or right side up!), and does she love people as Jesus does? Most important, … Continued

Ordinary People Make a Difference in Schools

We are re-running this encouraging piece! In a sweeping victory, Tarrant County conservative school board candidates won 10 of the 11 vacant school board seats in last week’s election. The Texas Tribune wrote a negative review of the elections and credited the conservative revolt to parents’ reaction to what they considered non-issues not germane to … Continued

CNN, AP Photographer Connected to Hamas

Revealed: a connection between Hamas and CNN/AP. From Daily Caller. A photographer for CNN and AP received a peck on the cheek from the head of the Hamas terror group, according to newly reported photos. Post a prayer for your state!   The photos, shared by Free Beacon writer Noah Pollak and Honest Reporting, show photographer … Continued

Veterans Face a Suicide Epidemic

Thousands of veterans each year are taking their own lives. Today is Veteran’s Day. Please take time to pray for America’s veterans. From Newsweek. The suicide rate among U.S. veterans may be much higher than estimated by state and national data, according to a study that sheds new light on what experts say is an … Continued

This Veterans Day, the Military is at Risk

Lord, we pray for our divided Nation. Division is not from you, we pray against this spirit and pray for unity in America. On Veterans Day, Americans and elected leaders around the country give thanks and pay their respects to the members of our military, both here and in generations before us. This year, though, … Continued

Is Every Hill Worth Dying On?

Friend, are you wearing yourself out by “fighting to the death” on every hill you see? “What do you mean by that?” you ask? Just this: The world is full of people, and all of them are unique. Each person’s uniqueness means that we think in unique ways, say unique things, and do things differently from … Continued

Things are Heating Up

“Things are heating up!” As I heard those words, I knew God was confirming what He had spoken to me earlier that day concerning a coming storm. Not only had He spoken it, but He displayed in plain sight the Word He had shared with me. Join others crying out to the Lord day and … Continued

Hitler’s Plan to Rewrite the Bible

“Pure Christianity … leads simply to the annihilation of mankind. It is merely wholehearted Bolshevism, under a tinsel of metaphysics.” Those words were spoken by mass murderer Adolf Hitler, a demonically possessed leader who was no friend to Christianity or the Jewish people. His twisted vision for humankind demanded the eradication of both. “Do you … Continued

What Happened at Tuesday’s Debate?

The third Republican debate was just a fiery as the other two. In the wake of this debate, how are you feeling about the candidates? From The Christian Post. The top contenders for the GOP presidential nomination, excluding former President Donald Trump, faced off Wednesday night as they tried to make their cases to voters … Continued

From Darkness to Light – Shifting Atmospheres

The ten-hour drive seemed to be washed away as I stepped from my vehicle and the atmosphere of the city engulfed me. The very air was electric with faith, a tangible faith that one could feel. I had never experienced anything like it before. That day was life-changing for me. I learned that you can … Continued

A Prophetic Call to Pray for New York City

Crime continues to be a major problem in America’s cities, so we bring you this article from February 2022. Sunday morning last November, I was walking east on 43rd Street on my way from my apartment on 10th avenue to New York City’s Grand Central Station. I was planning to take the commuter train north … Continued

Prayer for a Focused and Effective Military

For several years, media headlines have been full of news about our military. However, the news has not always been good. Instead of hearing about how our armed forces are fully focused on our national defense, we have seen headlines, lawsuits, arguments, and more about how the military is focusing on “wokeness” and not on … Continued


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