Special Counsel Sought Info on Twitter Users

Not only is Trump being investigated, but people who favorited or retweeted his tweets are also in the crosshairs? From The Federalist. Special Counsel Jack Smith hunted information on X users who liked or retweeted posts published by former President Donald Trump, according to redacted search warrants and other documents released Monday. Who is praying on the … Continued

Interesting News About Trump

Trump is being supported by Black Lives Matter, and he’s being called the antichrist? What does this all mean for 2024? From Breitbart. Black Lives Matter Rhode Island leader Mark Fisher said Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” that he was endorsing former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. Do you … Continued

The Acceptance of Polygamy and the Slippery Slope

For decades, conservative Christians have been warning about our nation’s slide down the proverbial slippery slope, only to be rebuffed for crying wolf. “There is no slippery slope!”, we have been told repeatedly. Visit your state page to pray.   That’s why, for quite a few years now, I have documented just how real (and … Continued

Cruz Calls out the ‘Spiritual Component’ of the Left

As the Left continues its relentless attack on God, Senator Ted Cruz is encouraging pastors to stand for truth, no matter the cost. From The Christian Post. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, urged Christian pastors to push back against the “spiritual component” of the modern Left, which he claimed is rooted in Marxist thought and fundamentally … Continued

Keep the Sabbath

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet. Exodus 20: 8–10 says: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.” Post a prayer for your state!   … Continued

The Teacher Who Wouldn’t Bow – Heartwarming and True

Don’t miss this! In a season when many people watch made-up stories with impossibly happy endings, this true story about someone you have prayed for will give you chills and make you cry. Scroll down to watch the stirring video. This true story is amazing. Please let us know if you agree! I’m so thankful … Continued

Inside the Mind of a Terrorist

“I can’t do justice in words to the horrors I witnessed, but it will stay with me for the rest of my days,” tweeted British Parliament member Preet Kaur Gill after viewing footage of the atrocities committed by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023. More than 70 members of the Parliament watched the same footage, which … Continued

Immigration, Naturalization, and Child Trafficking: Hope Through Prayer and Action

The crisis at our southern border exists mainly because of confusion between immigration policies and the process of naturalization. Very simply, the U.S. Constitution only grants to the federal government the authority to adopt uniform laws of naturalization. This means that the federal government gets to establish the laws determining how immigrants may become citizens. … Continued

How to Be Biblical in Our Stand With Israel

Behold, I will gather them out of all countries where I have driven them in My anger, in My fury, and in great wrath; I will bring them back to this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely. They shall be My people, and I will be their God; then I will give … Continued

Following Jesus Into 2024

Through an encounter with someone in an elevator recently, I was reminded of something the Lord says to those who belong to Him. This happened during a time of personal need, just as I was giving in to worry, but the lesson applies to any believer, no matter where we are in our walk with … Continued

Why There Can Be No ‘Two-State Solution’

As followers of Yeshua, we must be careful not to co-sign onto any “diplomatic” and “peace-keeping solutions” of the anti-Semitic, anti-Christ spirit in any way. Have you taken your place on the wall?   The politics of a two-state solution in Israel have proved foolish — spiritually and naturally. This is true whether the proponent … Continued

The Newest Abortion Ballot Initiative

After securing the enshrinement of abortion in Ohio, activists are turning toward Arkansas. Will they be successful in overturning this state’s numerous protections for the unborn? From Breitbart. Activists are working to put abortion on the ballot in Arkansas, adding to a growing list of states that may be voting on the issue in 2024. Join others … Continued


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