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Pray for all those citizens who are in the path of these wildfires in and around California. Pray for the fire fighters safety while working to extinguish these fires.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Heb 4:16)

“Everything is extremely dry. It’s like the perfect recipe for a major fire,” a fire official said.

Dry, scorching California summer heat on Monday plagued more than 12,000 firefighters battling 17 wildfires that have burned a quarter-million acres of the state, killed at least eight people and destroyed more than 1,000 structures, most of them homes.

Firefighters worked overnight to build lines to control the biggest of the fires, the Carr Fire in Shasta County, about 150 miles north of Sacramento, which started July 23, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire.

Shifting winds, dry timber and other fuels hampered crews fighting the fire, which had charred more than 103,000 acres at and around Redding, a city of 91,000 people. Cal Fire said the blaze had destroyed more than 800 homes by Monday evening, along with more than 300 other structures.

Among those whose homes were destroyed was Redding Police Chief Roger Moore, who remained on the lines around the clock, even as he was losing his own home.

“I saw everything around it ignite, and I go, ‘It’s gone,'” Moore told NBC Bay Area.

The fire was reported to be 23 percent contained on Monday night. But the high temperature in Redding reached 105 on Monday in a heat wave that the National Weather Service said would persist through the first half of this week. Those conditions “will only exacerbate the ongoing threat,” it said.

Redding police and Shasta County sheriff’s officials said five people had been arrested on suspicion of looting as almost 40,000 residents have been evacuated from the county.

“Law enforcement is in full force and looting will not be tolerated,” the sheriff’s office said Monday.

The Carr Fire has been blamed for the deaths of six people, including two firefighters and three members of a Redding familyā€¦.

Two firefighters have also been killed in the Ferguson Fire near Yosemite National Park, which started July 13 and had burned more than 57,000 acres by Monday night, when it was reported to be 30 percent contained, authorities said.

“Everything is extremely dry,” said Amy Head, a spokeswoman for Cal Fire. “It’s like the perfect recipe for a major fire.”

The Mendocino Complex, two fires only 30 miles apart in Mendocino and Lake counties that started on Friday, reached 45,000 acres Monday night and was only 5 percent contained, authorities said Monday afternoonā€¦.

Fourteen other smaller fires span the state from Susanville in the extreme north to central San Diego County about 40 miles from the Mexican border. No deaths have been reported. (Excerpts from ā€™s article on NBC News)

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August 2, 2018

Father in Heaven, I join with the others intercessors asking You to calm the winds, decrease the high temperatures, and send gentle falling rain to put out the fires in CA. I ask for protection for all those who are fighting the fires, helping people move out of their homes, preventing the looting, and all people who live in the areas of the fires. Please bring restoration to all those who have lost homes and other possessions. Comfort those who have lost loved ones in these fires. Thank You Father that we can come boldly to Your throne of grace and find mercy through the blood of Jesus. Amen

Jerry E Sauls
August 2, 2018

I lift my voice to the Creator asking You to reach out your strong hand to stop the wind and send rain to the areas of California that are experiencing those destructive fires. I pray for the fire fighters, for their protection and protection of those who are in the path of destruction. Father God we your people believe that there is nothing you cannot handle so we place this issue into your hands in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

August 1, 2018

Our sovereign Father in Heaven, we pray that it is your will to end these terrible fires with great haste, help all the firefighters to do exceedingly great efforts at extinguishing these blazes over the state of California and keep them safe so that they may return to their filies. Our hearts go out to all who have suffered loss and know that God’s only son Jesus will console and give them comfort and aid them in their recovery. Dear Almighty, God, please calm the winds and allow the environment to settle so that this inferno might cease as soon as possible.Father God, you told your loving servants to “let their request be made known”. Therefore in the residents of California’s time of need, please honor this request, I beseech you, in the name of Jesus, our one and only Savior who is the Light of the World, Amen

August 1, 2018

Lord, we unite and agree together in heart, mind and spirit with these anointed, passionate pleas of fellow intercessors. Such suffering and anguish, loss and pain, sacrifice of brave and committed servants across this vast state of California! Bring rain, quenching rain O Lord–bring comfort and refreshing ease of body, mind and spirit to those in the midst of this crisis and tragedy. May they know they are not alone, and that the LORD is among them–that Your peace, provision and Presence are REAL. Your redemptive LOVE is over ALL in Your Name, and for Your glory.

August 1, 2018

Lord, we unite and agree together in heart, mind and spirit with these anointed, passionate pleas of fellow intercessors. Such suffering and anguish, loss and pain, sacrifice of brave and committed servants across this vast state of California! Bring rain, quenching rain O Lord–bring comfort and refreshing ease of body, mind and spirit to those in the midst of this crisis and tragedy. May they know they are not alone, and that the LORD is among them–that Your peace, provision and Presence is REAL. Your redemptive

Mrs D
August 1, 2018

Father, we come on Your behalf and by the authority You have granted us through Your Holy Son JESUS, we speak to the wind that has been affecting the fires and we say, BE STILL! We call forth necessary rains and cooler temperatures to douse the fires. We draw a hedge of protection around all life and structures and we declare around the areas of these fires a flame retardant shield. We call forth more-than-sufficient manpower, stamina, wisdom, strength, energy, enthusiasm and effective strategies to put out the fires.

We also call forth Bethel Church to be that beacon on a hill that provides light, revelation and love to the city of Redding so that its inhabitants will seek Your cleansing fire, O GOD. We call forth every heart into openness and receptivity to the gospel — the GOOD news at this time so that beauty in each soul will rise out of the ashes. Amen.

We love You, Precious Father, we thank You for taking what the enemy has intended for evil and bringing great increase to Your Kingdom.

Ruth Rivers
August 1, 2018

It has been 2 months that I have left Redding and living in Rochester MN. My heart goes out to the many people and places that have been touched by the fire. May the Lord touch your hearts as u work side by side with your neighbors to restore your city and May Godā€™s blessings come and restore all the losses šŸ™

August 1, 2018

Father in Jesus name I pray for the protection of the firefighers. Shield them as they endure the flames and that no arrow formed against them will prosper as they fight the flames day and night. I pray for those families that lost their lives and for the families that lost a firefighter may the Lord comfort them with his loving presence. I pray for the protection of the rest of the areas and homes where the fires are taking place. In Jesus name I pray.

August 1, 2018

Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus we lift up the firefighters to you for protection and that no further deaths will occur. Father we ask you to surround them with Your mighty warring angels and ministering hosts as they battle to put out fires, and protect other’s. We pray they will be healed from any trauma by Your Holy Spirit in the precious Name of Jesus. Father we pray for any who’s hearts are hardened to your Word and Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ to have their hearts turned to You as You woo them to You by Your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus Name,
Amen and Amen

maria unkovich
August 1, 2018

Father, You are GOD of the wind, GOD of the sky and of the heavens and the earth. I ask in the name of Jesus that You would cause a major shift in the weather so that by Your hand these fires are snuffed out quickly. I pray that You reduce the temperatures in the areas of these fires by no less than 20 degrees. I pray in Jesus name that You would send a constant mist to retard these fires on the flanks and at the head to cut them off. Father, You are El Elyon, The Highest Sovereign of heaven and earth… nothing is too difficult for You. Save from disaster the families whose homes are in danger, deliver every fire fighter from the flames of the fire… may no evil befall them, may no plague or disaster or calamity come near them.. bring them home to their families safely… May You hand move mightily to quench the fury of the flames throughout California. I ask this in Jesus precious and mighty name. Amen.

Kathleen D. Burns
August 1, 2018

Heavenly Father,
In Jesus’ Name we ask You to unite Your people all across the nation in prayer for California. Where there is need of repentance from those who have sinned against You or have thought they don’t need You, grant them the kindness that leads to repentance.
Bring YOUR people all across the nation to agree in prayer for Your great mercy. We NEED YOU, O mighty LORD and King. Have mercy upon us. Forgive all of us for our independent pride. We humble ourselves before You confessing our pride, confessing our deperate need of You. We surrender our lives afresh and anew to Your Lordship. In Jesus’ Name we ask Your for drenching rains that would help put out the fires that burn in California today.
In some ways these destructive fires remind us of Your eternal wrath that will be poured out upon those who continue to reject the mercy and grace You offer us through Your Son, Jesus.

Are You speaking to us as a nation, LORD?

Isaiah wrote of a time when God’s people had forsaken YOU and provoked You to anger. (Is. 1:7) Isaiah wrote: Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire….
So we all turn to You Father. Help us all as a nation to turn to You with all our hearts and souls and mind and strength. We plead with You to help quench the consuming flames of destructive California fires with the rain from heaven. And along with the physical rains, please send the latter rains of Your Spirit all across our nation in mighty revival for Your Glory. We humbly ask these things in Jesus’ Name — with thanksgiving. Amen!

Clara Shirey
August 1, 2018

Father, I thank You for the hundreds of firefighters who have come from other states to assist in this disaster. Bless them and their efforts to Your honor and glory. I grieve for those who are suffering, and the families who have lost loved ones. Bring Comfort and Peace in the midst of this situation. Our Hope is in YOU, Lord Jesus. Please help in a mighty way, in Your mighty Name I ask. Amen

eleanor kaufman
August 1, 2018

Dear God, I pray asking Divine Mercy on all affected by these terrible wild fires for all their needs & concerns.
Jesus, I Trust In You.

August 1, 2018

Father! Hear the prayers of your people crying out to you for mercy and grace over California! There are those who love you who still live there – a remnant, Father – show your mercy, please Father, for their sakes and the sakes of their families, just like Rahab. I pray they cry out to you for You to move on their behalf, both physically as in the fires, and spiritually regarding their governing leadership. Father, please don’t let anyone else die. Quench the fires and ignite the spirits in people who don’t know you, have the Holy Spirit convict their hearts, especially those who are hardened to Your Word and Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ!! Amen!!

Meredith Martin
August 1, 2018

Praying against the fires and especially REDDING, California

Dear LORD JESUS we come to YOUR Throne of Grace, Mercy and Love with hearts across our nation, in our Most Holy Faith, our desperate Faith, and our compassionate Faith, lifting to YOU all the hearts affected by fires, because we know that YOU are THE GOD of MIRACLES and YOU love to display YOUR POWER among the peoples! We know that everyone in YOUR Temple cries ā€œGLORY!ā€ GLORY be to YOU LORD GOD! We \o/ praise YOU with our HALLELUJAH’S! We bring liquid prayers flowing with tears from our hearts… We thank YOU that what the enemy has meant for evil, YOU are turning around for good and reversing the destruction, and YOU are restoring all that the locust has eaten, delivering, healing, nourishing and restoring strength, stamina, and energy and wholeness to all the hearts concerned. Providing Wisdom for strategic emergency teams, food, water, shelter and all provisions needed. Heal the sick, raise the dead and bring strength to all the hearts that they will mount up with wings like eagles, walk and not be faint, run and not be weary. Breathe a BREATH from Heaven to clear the air from all fire toxins, extinguish every ember burning, and uproot all that YOU did not plant, rebuke all spirits of evil, death, fear, sickness, disease and infirmity! We thank YOU LORD GOD for YOUR outstretched Arm of LOVE and know that there is nothing too hard for YOU and with YOU all things are possible and YOU are the preserver of LIFE and YOUR LIVING WATERS are flowing to every area of concern! We honor YOU JESUS for YOUR Miracle Working POWER and that YOUR miracles, wonders and signs are MANIFESTING with them now ā€“ healing all the tender hearts! We \o/ praise YOU JESUS for YOU have commissioned YOUR great Army of Archangels lead by Michael and Gabriel, and the twenty four ancient elders, and all of us to suit up in YOUR Whole Armor, equipped with YOUR POWER and YOUR AUTHORITY and in YOUR Mighty Name, YESHUA HaMASHIACH, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO came in the flesh, all together in UNITY and our Most Holy Faith, CONDEMN, BIND, REBUKE and CANCEL all diabolical assignments, encroachments and squatters from hell trying to exalt themselves above The Knowledge of GOD and HIS prosperous ABUNDANT LIFE plans that HE has for these precious hearts involved, and we FORBID satan and all his cohorts of death and destruction, spirits of infirmity, pain torments, lack, infection, sickness, and all spirits of disease, weariness, exhaustion, fatigue, resistance, hindrance, delay, counterfeit, revenge, retribution, retaliation, and all the evil, ā€œitesā€ and false prophets of Baal, Moloch and Ashtoreth, from operating and we CLOSE the gates and doors of hell and SEAL them SHUT with THE LAMBā€™S BLOOD never to be seen again! We DECLARE GODā€™S Kingdom come and HIS Good and Perfect Will be done in these fire areas today, as it is in Heaven! We anoint these areas with the Oil of Gilead and know that they will recover to live their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures with energy and vitality never diminishing, because THE BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST is covering them and the evil one cannot touch them! We \o/ praise YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Blessings, EL~SHADDAI, WHO is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to THE POWER that works in us to YOU be GLORY in all the world by CHRIST JESUS, in WHOSE Mighty Matchless Name we pray, honor and serve, and to all the generations to come, forever and ever! Amen to GODā€™S EXCELLENT GLORY in these burning territories now, and GODā€™S Miracle Working POWER dropping rain without lightning in the Redding area now!

Felicia Penner
July 31, 2018

Lord God, we lift to you the wildfires and residents and pray for the safety of them both. We pray that any arson would be identified and dealt with according to the law. Lord God, we pray that all those homeless or in danger would call upon You in their extremity and know that you hear them. May their loss turn to great gain as they turn their eyes to You. We ask that you would assist the firefighters to contain these fires. In Jesus name, Amen

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