I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Give thanks to the Lord for the wonderful ways He is weaving the Body of Christ together to accomplish His will for our nation.

For the kingdom is the LORD’S and He rules over the nations. (Ps 22:28 NKJV)

You may have been one of the nearly 7,000 callers to our First Friday Prayer Conference Calls in October, or one of the 3 million who saw an IFA Facebook post, or one of nearly 100,000 who receives our alerts on a weekly basis.Ā  Or you may have been in conversation with a fellow intercessor about humility on an Informer article or website comment. Or encouraged a fellow Facebook intercessor from another state who is praying alone for the nation at his church. Or agreed in prayer on a spontaneous conference call on the IFA line with people you have never met.Ā  These things build community and itā€™s happening at Intercessors for America.

We are constantly encouraged and heartened to see the interaction of intercessors on the various media formats we share with you, the intercessors. Providing opportunities to interact, encourage, inform, and even challenge one another is one of our goals of Intercessors for America. We love seeing it happen.Ā  Keep doing it. Here are some of the recent interactions that have encouraged us over the past weeksā€¦

Rutheann:Ā  Lord God thank you for all of these wonderful prayers warriors and our shared love for you. May you hear our prayers and dear Lord may you please forgive me a sinner that I may not be a stumbling block to your answered prayer. We need you now in our country for so many things we have managed to mishandle in your behalf. I pray for your mercy and love to be poured out on us as we seek your Face and pray that you would save our land. You are our God, the able, merciful, forgiving, loving, perfect, all knowing, alpha and omega, lovely, wise, majestic, eternal, beautiful, kind, gentle and true. I exalt you Lord! I glorify you Lord! Praises to our King! Thanking you Lord for all things. Amen. (IFApray.org comment)

Joan: I, too, join in praying the prayers of the intercessors here, adding agreement to the multitudes who have been called to stand the gap to intercede for our country, the elections, repentance and forgiveness of our sins, exposure of what has been/is hidden to come to light, for truth, honesty and a return to the biblical, moral bedrock foundation of how we conduct business and treat each other. (IFApray.org comment)

KD: I stand with Iva and others who are coming to You by the authority of Jesus and asking You to move mighty through these polls in every corner of this Nation to remove and expose voter fraud and those who should not be voting. (IFApray.org comment)

Lori: (replying to another poster) Beautiful prayer! Thank you for sharing it. I am praying it along with you and hope many others are as well. God bless you; and may God continue to bless America! (IFApray.org comment)

Joann: Dear Lord, I thank you for all the people who have posted on this board. I have prayed aloud every one of their prayers, in agreement, and I especially appreciate how well thought out each and every post has been. (IFApray.org comment)

Paula: Donā€™t lose hope! (to another IFA Facebook intercessor)

Cathy: Teri donā€™t give up. Keep praying for a true awakening in your state. (to another IFA Facebook intercessor)

Judy: No matter the outcome, God is still on His throne and He is in control. We will keep our focus on Him, not what we see happening around us. (to other IFA Facebook intercessors)

Jane:Ā  I don’t understand but God does.

Marlin: You are not alone! Everyone feels that way! Thankfully, it has to be that way! His ways are light years ahead of us! (to Jane, an IFA Facebook intercessor)

Amanda:Ā  Keep the faith. I just had a baby and God saved her and I from death due to complications. She’s in the NICU. He wouldn’t have saved our lives if it was over!!!!! God is still active and looking after His people. Praise Him

Lisa: Praise God for His protection and blessing in your lives. Yes, Heā€™s in control and has a plan for all of you. (to Amanda, an IFA Facebook intercessor)

Paula: Good morning brothers and sisters! Another day of service ahead. My Christian goal is to walk with God as his elect. Change is inevitable all around me but the peace of walking with God is my strength and my joy. Thanking God for his unchanging Word in an ever changing world. (on IFAā€™s Facebook page)

Debra: ā€œCome to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.ā€ Matthew 11:28-30

Iā€™m sure there are intercessors in this nation who are as weary as I am from praying. I have been praying at least six hours a day since September 25th. I started with Kavanaugh, and rejoiced when he was confirmed. Then I prayed during hurricane Michael, I have been praying for the midterms, the exposure of corruption in our government, for the FBI during the bomb scares and the cyber security expert to catch the Russiansā€™ interference in our elections. It has been very fulfilling and satisfying and I love the intimacy with the Lord, but today I am bone weary. One of those versus the Lord gave me is, I will not concern myself with matters that are too weighty for me. This is an encouragement to not take on things I do not understand or that are not my assignment. I have focused mainly on the Senate. It has been important for me to know that I can trust the Lord that he has given the House as an assignment to other intercessors. We are all in the army of the Lord and our captain is Jesus. He is an excellent strategist in the war against the enemy. Press on, CHURCH. Press on. (encouragement to fellow Facebook intercessors)

These are not allā€”there are many, many more. Praying with one another for burdens, sharing information to help, whispering a prayer of encouragement or a Scripture to uplift or bring truthā€”we are so thankful for the community that God is building among our intercessors. Thank you for reaching out, sharing your hearts, and connecting.Ā  If you havenā€™t participated, join us. Keep commenting and interacting. God is working and blessing it for Kingdom unity and His purposes! (IFA Staff)

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November 12, 2018

Intercede, bless us Father God, Each day we learn from yesterday of God’s great love and care; thank you Jesus.
And every burden we must face He’ll surely help us bear.It takes the storm to prove the real shelter. Bless be the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
Our heavenly father knows best.
Read 2 Samuel 16:5-12

November 12, 2018

Intercede, bless us Father God, Each day we learn from yesterday of God’s great love and care; thank you Jesus.
And every burden we must face He’ll surely help us bear.It takes the storm to prove the real shelter. Bless be the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
Our heavenly father knows best.
Read 2 Samuel 16:5-12

November 10, 2018

I am encouraged and blessed by the thousands of prayer warriors interceding together with Jesus as Godā€™s plans and purposes unfold!!
God has heard every prayer we have prayed, and He is at work on our Nations behalf. Before a word is on our tongue,You Lord know it completely. Psalms 139:4
God is all powerful, all knowing. He has America and Isreal in the palm of His hand. We did not win the House, and I believe it was Godā€™s perfect plan!! He is continuing to expose deceit, lies, and corruption pulling down strongholds taking place in Florida concerning illegitimate votes, and unlawful practices concerning ballot counts. Amazing how they are only benefiting the Democrats!! He is bringing darkness into the light!! Our prayers are being answered!! Had we won the congress the corruption would have stayed hidden!!
I am so greatful to IFA for all they do!! The information they give us is so valuable, in helping us pray.
Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for allowing all of us to work with you in proclaiming the
Good News and setting people free.

November 8, 2018

Thank you for posting this. I want to encourage each person who is faithfully praying for our country. We desperately need the prayers. Please know how blessed we are by your obedience to the assignment God has given you. Thank you Debra for reminding us all that we are given specific assignments, so we must stay focused on those assignments lest we become scattered, overwhelmed, or ineffective. I am encouraged and strengthened by my brothers and sisters in Christ. God bless you all.

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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