Breaking AI News: Government Report Suggests Urgent Action
Breaking AI News: Government Report Suggests Urgent Action
A government-commissioned report stresses the critical need for immediate and decisive action in regulating AI development, a national security issue that could pose an extinction-level threat to humanity if left unchecked.
From Time. The U.S. government must move “quickly and decisively” to avert substantial national security risks stemming from artificial intelligence (AI) which could, in the worst case, cause an “extinction-level threat to the human species,” says a report commissioned by the U.S. government published on Monday.
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“Current frontier AI development poses urgent and growing risks to national security,” the report, which TIME obtained ahead of its publication, says. “The rise of advanced AI and AGI [artificial general intelligence] has the potential to destabilize global security in ways reminiscent of the introduction of nuclear weapons.” AGI is a hypothetical technology that could perform most tasks at or above the level of a human. Such systems do not currently exist, but the leading AI labs are working toward them and many expect AGI to arrive within the next five years or less.
The three authors of the report worked on it for more than a year, speaking with more than 200 government employees, experts, and workers at frontier AI companies — like OpenAI, Google DeepMind, Anthropic and Meta — as part of their research. …
The finished document, titled “An Action Plan to Increase the Safety and Security of Advanced AI,” recommends a set of sweeping and unprecedented policy actions that, if enacted, would radically disrupt the AI industry. Congress should make it illegal, the report recommends, to train AI models using more than a certain level of computing power. The threshold, the report recommends, should be set by a new federal AI agency, although the report suggests, as an example, that the agency could set it just above the levels of computing power used to train current cutting-edge models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini. The new AI agency should require AI companies on the “frontier” of the industry to obtain government permission to train and deploy new models above a certain lower threshold, the report adds. Authorities should also “urgently” consider outlawing the publication of the “weights,” or inner workings, of powerful AI models, for example under open-source licenses, with violations possibly punishable by jail time, the report says. And the government should further tighten controls on the manufacture and export of AI chips, and channel federal funding toward “alignment” research that seeks to make advanced AI safer, it recommends.
The report was commissioned by the State Department in November 2022 as part of a federal contract worth $250,000, according to public records. It was written by Gladstone AI, a four-person company that runs technical briefings on AI for government employees. (Parts of the action plan recommend that the government invests heavily in educating officials on the technical underpinnings of AI systems so they can better understand their risks.) The report was delivered as a 247-page document to the State Department on Feb. 26. …
Outlawing the training of advanced AI systems above a certain threshold, the report states, may “moderate race dynamics between all AI developers” and contribute to a reduction in the speed of the chip industry manufacturing faster hardware. Over time, a federal AI agency could raise the threshold and allow the training of more advanced AI systems once evidence of the safety of cutting-edge models is sufficiently proven, the report proposes. Equally, it says, the government could lower the safety threshold if dangerous capabilities are discovered in existing models.
The proposal is likely to face political difficulties. …
The report focuses on two separate categories of risk. Describing the first category, which it calls “weaponization risk,” the report states: “such systems could potentially be used to design and even execute catastrophic biological, chemical, or cyber attacks, or enable unprecedented weaponized applications in swarm robotics.” The second category is what the report calls the “loss of control” risk, or the possibility that advanced AI systems may outmaneuver their creators. There is, the report says, “reason to believe that they may be uncontrollable if they are developed using current techniques, and could behave adversarially to human beings by default.”
Both categories of risk, the report says, are exacerbated by “race dynamics” in the AI industry. The likelihood that the first company to achieve AGI will reap the majority of economic rewards, the report says, incentivizes companies to prioritize speed over safety. …
The Gladstone report identifies hardware — specifically the high-end computer chips currently used to train AI systems — as a significant bottleneck to increases in AI capabilities. Regulating the proliferation of this hardware, the report argues, may be the “most important requirement to safeguard long-term global safety and security from AI.” …
Share this vital article to raise awareness about the urgent need for AI regulation!
(Excerpt from Time. Photo Credit: metamorworks/Getty Images)
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Father, you are sovereign. You are shaking our world on so many fronts. Help us to look to you, to seek your face. Whatever we face, may we trust you and occupy till you come in whatever way you call us.
Lord God Almighty, this new technology of AI is a bad, bad thing. Replacing robots and fake images over mankind is never a good thing. America, cast on Jesus Christ our one and only Savior through high technology!
While too late at night to comment clearly, would suggest that like any technology, AI has potential for good or evil application. (Eg nuclear powee can be used both for good, eg provide needed power. Or for bad- to create weapons of mass destruction.Yet granted, this AI technology has power perhaps beyond anything we’ve seen before.
This article suggests as I understand regulating policy by government controls. The
“Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton.
So in whose hands can we trust to regulate this powerful technology: Big Government? Big Corporations? Or Big Tech Companies?. Or simply an educated, wise and godly citizenry. The article while quite interesting seems to be written by those involved the the government sector.
This I believe is vital question for prayer.
You alone are sovereign, Lord of all creation! The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and departing from evil is understanding. We are to be learning from YOU, O God, and teaching YOUR ways to our children and grandchildren, hiding YOUR Word in our hearts and loving YOU with all of our minds, hearts, souls and strength.
Artificial intelligence, by it’s very name, is contrived and counterfeit to Your ways in many ways. Forgive us.
Cause repentance, Lord God, untangle the snarl of different agendas that is working through this computer science and loosen the snares that humankind will not be trapped and in bondage to this, we pray.
YOUR Kingdom Come, YOUR will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You, LORD.
These are related scriptures. Proverbs 14:19 “The evil will bow before the good, And the wicked at the gates of the righteous. “
And another verse says: Proverbs 15:3 “ The eyes of the Lord are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good. “ These verses are answers to A I. for us.
Father God, we seek your face. May your will prevail in this matter. We pray for good, sensible regulations of how far the implementation of A I can go until we know more about it. May you intervene, dear Heavenly Father, as needed to protect us by your Sovereign Power that controls all that happens. Also we ask that the production of hardware be limited. Dear Father may you prevent any harm that might be done and cause an emphasis on what good can come out of A I and possibly more laws against any evil uses. We give this concern to you in the Name of Jesus. Thank you. Amen
I remember watching the I Robot movie in the early 2000’s. Never did I dream that we would be living it 20 years later! Praying that we will not be deceived or fall away as we live in these last days. Lord, give us discernment and keep us close to You 🙏🏻
This is certainly a matter of prayer. It is sad to think that computer will replace human. Satan is certainly behind this. And I also pray that our politicians will see the dangers of AL.
As a student who is studying computer programming, I want to add a third risk that the article doesn’t mention: AI generated content will be deceitful to the point where it is unrecognizable from real life. Those who don’t have the ears to hear and the eyes to see, so to speak, will fall further into the evil one’s lies and deception. Knowing a little bit about how a computer is programmed, I’m not concerned that the computer will “outmaneuver” the programmer. My concern is the youth who are already staring into their phone all day everyday and being fed lie after lie. Look at the fiasco with Google’s AI image generator, and how under the guise of “inclusivity and diversity”, their AI generated images of Asian Nazi soldiers or black founding fathers. Lies, lies, lies! If the dark forces continue to get their way, history will be changed and the truth will be altered, all using AI! Imagine what’s it gonna be like in 20 years when the youth who grew up like this are out in the real world! We really might be living in cages and eating kibble because people will willingly give away their sovereignty because of what they were led to believe under all the falsehoods that AI will unleash! I will be praying for discernment of our youth!
Sadly, our own government via DARPA is utilizing this technology on its own citizens. They developed toxic injectable technology using luciferin hydrogel and graphene to create glowing self-assembled parallel neural circuitry for human surveillance. Sci-fi has become reality, and even the elect have been deceived by it, some perishing for their lack of knowledge. Pray for God’s mercy and deliverance!
Any time that someone develops a bot that has conscience, there needs to be safeguards to “intelligence” beyond normal human intelligence.
I can’t help but wonder if AI is the new Tower of Babel? But then I remember who You are, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Amen.
Unlike God’s restorative outcomes from the trials that David had at Ziklag, and Moses faced when his people had no water, in the coming sudden “snare” that Jesus spoke about, God’s written judgement of the world, will for Saints, have nothing to do with restoration or recovery. The Bible instead switches to an end-of-the-world focus that mandates simple endurance and survival. Every Christian’s daily goal will be to have basic needs met. The Bible directs believers to “endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” Mt. 24:13. Avoiding the mark of the beast will become paramount to everyone’s new lifestyle. This IS our Lord’s single biblical instruction in the face of Satan’s wrath and God’s end-of-the-world judgement! The only “recovery” plans offered are to endure unto the end, into ‘sleep’, or the rapture – to enter heaven! Further, as uncomfortable as it is in our grace-soaked culture to accept, we are told the enemy will soon overcome all nations and saints worldwide… “And it was given (by God) unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Rev. 13:7. Also, in Dn. 7:25: “he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High.” [No one is preaching this…]
We live now in a comfortable society; a very stark contrast to the described snare. Believers everywhere will be thrust into a retro pioneer survival mode in the face of fulfilled prophecy. Everything is at stake, including our lifelong efforts to influence others for Christ. No one who receives the mark of the beast may enter heaven. When you think about it, the Bible-preaching and faith-emphasizing Christian leaders of today may, as the people unjustly turned on David at Ziklag and Moses when water was lacking- be unfairly harangued, for failing to recognize, embrace, and warn- or at the very least share with people the possibility that verses are matching activity today. A must-read book, “Dear Christian, Do Not Fall Away!” illustrates details that we are living at the end of the world, a casual topic discussed by Jesus (and avoided today). The Bible is surprisingly clear; like a snare/trap, global violent “red-horse” change is fixed on the calendar. God knew that we would struggle to break focus with our day-to-day activities; that we’d naturally resist accepting the signs when they showed up. Jesus has mercifully punctuated this transition using the most extreme visuals in the Bible: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”. Mt. 24:35.
We’ve all read the verses repeatedly our whole life. According to a very reasonable application of timing given by Jesus in Matthew 24, the great tribulation will likely begin this year. A new book on Amazon: “Dear Christian, Do Not Fall Away!” delineates this high probability. It seems far fetched, but a panorama of verses are now backed by exact matching biblical prophetic identifiers. Like the noble Bereans, we must examine these things with scripture and “take heed”. Neglecting study is unbelief. If believers are snared along with the worldly, and enter blindly the chaos and confusion, many may fall away! Christian leaders are mostly silent on applied prophecy today, and persistently avoid the term, ‘the end of the world’.
Our Lord has made this last transition very plain to understand; it is well detailed in the Bible. A host of new evidence shows that the end of the world prophecies are either activated or are all poised and aligned. Friend, Jesus expressed doubt that we would recognize, grasp and rightly respond to these sudden stark changes: “when the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” Lk. 18:8 Even as you read and begin to know in your heart that these things are relevant for this moment, faith enough to act in response may be a struggle. All history of man is tragically rife with failure to believe God. Not you and me! I want to encourage you; if what is “written” is actually happening, in Jesus’ name believe with every fiber of your being… I’m asking God what to do; please do the same!
As Jesus shared God’s plan for his execution, Peter offhandedly rebuked him (Satan spoke through him). Peter naturally reasoned that such a horrific course of events could not be God’s good intention. Likewise, the Israelis casually turned away from their trust in God- necessary to fight giants. The Pharisees “hyper-obedient” with a law-soaked (self-serving) mindset, rejected Jesus… Noah’s culture universally turned away from his preaching. Today, we have silence from perhaps all Christian leaders on a topic that should be headline news, ‘the end of the world’.
Clearly, people in their reactive flesh, spontaneously disdain challenging news. Heavenly Father, we pray that today’s Grace-soaked preaching will not seem like mockery when the “snare” shatters finances and turns civilization into chaos, possibly this year. Put courage in the hearts of your leaders to boldly proclaim your entire infallible Word with accuracy, that your people will prepare. May believers make the instant shift joyfully, as prophecy reinforces faith in scripture, and prompts your people into simple endurance and survival. May no believer ever take the mark of the beast to buy or sell. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Parting thought: how will your church leaders respond if the transition is this year, with faith or scoffing? Maybe get them a copy of the book…
This was excellent. Thank you for your post.
If scripture is interpreted as many have taught, then they end up contradicting other scripture. Your choice of scripture is when God was speaking of the destruction of the life He’d initially set up in the Old Testament until His Son came to fulfill.
Once Jesus fulfilled the law…
”This One offered one sacrifice for sins, and took His seat forever at the right hand of God; now He waits until His enemies are made His footstool.“
Hebrews 10:12-13
”And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and THE GATES OF THE NETHERWORLD SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”“
Matthew 16:18-19
With all due respect…God’s Words were fulfill when His Son cried, “It is finished.” The church now has a job to do by faith in Jesus’ finished work. It is to stand on His overcoming victory to take back His Creation and stop falling to Satan’s lies to weaken Christ’s followers’ faith.
Thank you. I can’t say that I have heard “this year” but I am constantly aware of “be prepared.” Sime take this to mean food, etc. For 2 yrs I would hear “Prepare” and this was after a frightening vision I had. This year, I finally understood…be prepared spiritually. I do not have one single Christian friend who thinks we will be going through the Tribulation. I ask “what do you say about our brothers and sisters in the past ages and even today that are dying horrible deaths because they refuse to turn from their faith? I also ask, what if you are wrong? If I mention “the elect being deceived” they always say “they were never true Christians.” So “why” were these things in God’s Word? I do pray against the darkness still. When we pray against AI in the US, please remember, we are not the only country working on AI!!!
I am not sure they CAN regulate this. How would they monitor an artificial intelligence determined to grow?
We need instead to return to the Source of our being, recognize the false attitude that has led us here, ask for forgiveness and protection. What false attitude? That humans can create better than God because we have technology (a misuse of the creative power we share with God as a result of being made in His image), and therefore we can now do whatever we want and don’t have to listen to God anymore. We can even deny that God exists.
Technology in general is addictive, and is drawing us into living in Cyberspace (of which AI is a part) instead of living in created Nature, doing this by seduction (see how wonderful this powerful tool is and what convenience it gives you) or compulsion (can’t get needed things done otherwise). We need to draw together into compatible community and avoid as much as possible the use of technology., especially to do business or communicate.
Yes, I am using technology to write this. That supports my point. I would rather speak in person.
LORD, thank You that these plans are being brought out into the open. Thank You that eyes ears and hearts are being opened to know Your truth. May the plans for countering these nefarious plans be made by Your guidance and NOT by fear, knowing that You are the source of perfect wisdom in all things pertaining to life and godliness!
Other countries will continue to develop and exploit AI. Stopping the US would be foolish
YouTube “Pastor Jack Hibbs Prayer Before Congress 2024”.
What a blessing it is to see a mighty man of God following the direction of the Holy Spirit and not the rules of prayer for Congress written by man!!
Father, I Thank You that more and more, thousands and hundreds of thousands, millions and millions are here, getting here and arising to speak The Name of Jesus and That Your Protective Hands are holding us near.
We celebrate the harvest of these prayer requests before our eyes see.
As proclaimed in Isaiah 65:24- “
And it will be that before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear.”
Bless Your Mighty Way, in Jesus Name.
Other God, we just come to you in the name of your son Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit to give us discernment, and all these things that the AI is doing now, and will be doing in the future. We give you all the glory, Jesus!
Father in Heaven, You alone are to be praised! Grant our leaders wisdom about this new technology. As always Lord, we know that You can are in control of the Universe and that all things can work together for our good if we are called according to Your purposes. Dispel our fears and guide us. May our leaders be granted Godly Wisdom and follow You. We ask this in the Precious Name of Jesus Your Only Begotten Son! Amen!
Computer science research
cannot design a cell phone that’s reliable..Why should we trust them with likely catastrophic AI development ??
I take authority given to me by the Lord Jesus Christ and bind the efforts and activities of the enemy behind the AI technology forbidding and breaking its power and command it be dissolved and destroyed never to be raised up again. I command every aspect of it, it’s documents, etc be destroyed and its enticement be brought down in Jesus Christ Name. In the natural I pray for government officials everywhere to have the wisdom and see the necessity to make the necessary laws to ban it for ever in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
Suggest this would be sent to our Representatives like other critical concepts where the IFA Community sends the message we can sign and submit.
This is very helpful for specific intercession. God bless!
I am praying for America and believing that the eyes & hearts of our leadership will be open.
Declaring the blood of Jesus over us for protection & deliverance from the hand of the enemy.
What the enemy meant for harm; God is turning it around for our good and His Glory!
Thank you Lord that you have made a way for us to be Overcomers!!
Thank You, God for reminding us not to fear but to know You are over ALL things and that You came to OVERCOME and to bring Your Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.
”The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy.“
Colossians 1:15-18
Satan will bring fear but God ALWAYS wins with checkmate.
I pray we have not created Frankenstein in AI or the tower of Babel, trying to accomplish human goals by bypassing God and seeking our own wisdom instead of fearing God, which Proverbs says is the beginning of wisdom. God is the source of all wisdom and knowledge and Truth – there is no substitute or replacement for anything or everything that God has made – Satan attempts to counterfeit (or to destroy) for everything God made He proclaimed “good” and “very good.” God is the author of authenticity – all else is but a poor imitation. Lord, may we look to You alone for what is real and true and not be deceived by poor imitations of man. (post “AI – the real thing?” at
Ps. meant to include after “all else is but a poor imitation” – Joyce Kilmer’s words from the poem “Trees” – “Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree.” so true – also these words from Psalm 139 – “All Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Read Diary of a Robot.
Sounds to me that we are very far behind and AI is rapidly moving forward!
This I believe, we have good news here, those that subscribe to IFA can trust the next chapter because we know the Author. Our Holy God, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit have brought us to this place to stand against the evil that is intent on destruction. And this we do, stand against its evil efforts, that evil is delayed that more can choose the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Holy God, as you bring justice, we ask for mercy for any one who will say yes to Your gift of Life Jesus. And we pray in the Holy Name of Jesus.
Mankind has been able to harness the power of an Ox,a Camel, a horse. These “beasts” of burden. And if they become stiff necked, we know how to control them.
This Beast, is it possibly part of the Anti-Christ scenario ? The bottomless pit beast?
Lord give your servants discernment and wisdom. Help us, guide us, deliver us from evil!
It sounds like AI needs to be carefully and thoughtfully reigned in . Sounds to me that our leaders need to have a very restraining handle on AI in order to keep us safe. It ALL depends upon who gets AI first, and what they try to use it for. Lord, since You have given man the ability to create AI, please, give our leaders Holy Spirit wisdom as to how the AI usage is to be regulated in a safe and sane fashion. We bind any demonic satanic activity that would interfere in the safe and reasonable use of this tool. We loose a spirit of honesty, integrity, and reasonable use of AI. You are in control, and we turn to You for guidance in this situation. Thank You, Jesus.
Father, remind us…
“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…”
“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof…”
Father, we so desperately need You in every area of our lives. There’s so much….we look to You Sovereign Lord, to help us with this AI intelligence and ask that Holy Spirit guide our prayers regarding it. We stand upon Your Word. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My concern is about the Satanic Worshippers that may be part of the development stages of AI! There should be some over site in this area, as people of this persuasion would be tempted to cause evil acts according to where ever their Spiritual Controller instructs him or her! “Think this absurd? Well think again, as there are those who’s mind is given over to evil influence! There will be those who laugh at this, but anyone who knows God knows that in these days man kind will wilfully give themselves over to the works of evil willingly!!!
While this threat can look overwhelming, let us not forget the sovereignty of God and His almighty power and authority.
you are so right. The devil leads man to take all things good and turn them to evil but like you I am grateful we have a Savior who promises to take what is meant for harm and turn it to good. Stay encouraged, we KNOW who wins!!!
Sherman, this is already happening and is evident by the fact that sometimes, when AI programs don’t know an answer, these systems create false responses. Most are also programmed by far-left atheist technicians who infuse a prejudiced view of Christianity.
AI cannot move beyond human capabilities because each system is programmed by humans. Remember that Jesus said a student cannot move beyond his teacher’s knowledge? The danger lies in who’s programming these computers.
We no longer trust our high-level government national security leaders to regulate honestly as evidence revealed they have been compromised by global interests. One outcome of this Report could be the censorship of honest AI programs such as the Gab AI system created by the outspoken Christian, Andrew Torba. If the government is in charge of regulating AI, then honest AI systems could be banned in the same manner that Google still quietly censors free speech through its algorithms that only populate far-left links. Have you noticed that even Duck Duck Go who was bought out by Google only populates far-left links like the Chinese-owned New York Times, Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post, MSNBC, Politico, etc?
Heavenly Father:
Thank You for revealing the wonders of Your vast intelligence to man through AI. We know this tool can be used for the good of mankind but we also know there are nefarious actors attempting to use it for evil.
We ask that Your Son intervene to thwart satan’s evil plans to use AI to destroy innocent minds and that Your Holy Spirit imparts wisdom into the hearts of the citizenry to discern what is true versus what is false.
In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
Yes I agree – yet am surprised at the naive thinking many believers are still living in and praying towards, when the scriptures are very clear how things will unfold near the end of time, including: ” It was permitted give breath to the IMAGE of the beast, that it should both speak, and cause whomever would not worship the IMAGE of the beast should be killed.” Rev.13-15, surrounding verses – also concurring scriptures in the book of Daniel…..
For those who comfort themselves that theywill be raptured (taken out) prior to these events (taught to believe this time is the “wrath of God”), and that believers will not be here during such times, I urge all of us to reconsider all we have been taught, & prayerfully seek God for wisdom and discernment like never before.
JK, the Church’s Rapture sparks the 7-year Tribulation when, at the end of Chapter 3 and beginning in 4:1, John was called to “come up here” so believers will miss the wrath of God. However, you are correct that believers now, and throughout the ages, experience cruel persecution. We are not exempted from either God’s common grace nor His common discipline as is evident by our own experiences within our own Country.
Thank you Keith and Megan. I frequently appreciate your input in IFA discussions, and am very familiar with the verse you mentioned, its interpretation, and how often it has been used over the years while excluding verses in Matthew 24, Revelation 20:4 for example, which may indicate that the whole word of God is not being carefully considered in unfolding end time matters. The same often surfaces in discussions of once save always saved, depending on man’s teaching instead to seeking out the full word of God; to the exclusion of verses that are explained away or ignored in Hebrews 6, for example, those who “fall away” etc.and “those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom”, Of course God also reaches out to the prodigal to bring him back!
Blessings to you both. May we continue to seek greater understanding as we pray and consider entire word of God!
Where did you find information that Duck Duck Go was bought out by Google? As of February 23, 2024, Google was still trying to prove it wasn’t a monopoly by citing Duck Duck Go and Neeva, among others, as its competitors. Also, according to August 24, 2023 article at Four Week MBA, Duck Duck Go is still privately owned.
Google did acquire On2 Technologies which owed the domain name dut finally relinquished the link to Duck Duck Go after they (Google) used it to direct searches to Google.
If you have other information about this, please post the source.
There have been many articles written about this and all you have to do is use browser DUCK DUCK GO and enter topics such as The Globalists Agenda; The NEW America; The Elitists. Look up individual Names Gates Foundation. What is its goal? Why is Gates buying up so much land?
The Lord said He would sow us all Truths. We would not be surprised , In the up and coming time we have left He would lead us into all Truth. But to find it, we must seek it, IN HIS WORD daily!
I know folks who have been neurologically injected with ai based nano technologies without their consent while undergoing surgical procedures.