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Lord Jesus, we pray that You would inspire the court to rule in favor of religious freedom.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver will present oral argument tomorrow to the U.S. Supreme Court in Shurtleff v. City of Boston, arguing that the city of Boston violated the First Amendment by censoring a private flag in a public forum open to “all applicants” merely because the application referred to it as a “Christian flag…”

Liberty Counsel represents Boston resident Hal Shurtleff and his Christian civic organization, Camp Constitution. Shurtleff and Camp Constitution first asked the city in 2017 for a permit to raise the Christian flag on Boston City Hall flagpoles to commemorate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (September 17) and the civic and cultural contributions of the Christian community to the city of Boston, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, religious tolerance, the Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution.

For 12 years from 2005-2017, Boston approved 284 flag raisings by private organizations with no denials, but then denied Camp Constitution’s flag solely because of the word “Christian” on the application. The year before Camp Constitution’s application (2016-2017), Boston approved 39 private flag raising events, which averaged three per month. In 2018, Boston approved 50 private flag raising events, averaging nearly one per week. One included a flag of a private credit union. 

This case will affect the free speech of every person. If Boston can open a public forum for all applicants but then close the forum to disfavored viewpoints, then every government will be able to censor viewpoints under the guise that every private speaker in the forum was engaging in government speech.

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(Excerpt from Liberty Counsel. Photo Credit: Getty Images)


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January 21, 2022

Heavenly father in heaven I stand at the foot of the cross Lord and bring my petition to you; father we have sinned; your people are in chaos wandering around with no end in sight. my land is suffering from the pandemic of illness, abortion, drugs, prostitution, We have leaders who are abusing their people , we have been surrounded by those who feel and believe your people, as Christians, should not be heard seen or represent your name. . Father give us the strength and the courage to stand against this evil, Walk among us and may we feel your presence , may we be bold as your prophets in the old testament. Give us the strength to be the light that shines in a darkened world I ask all these things in Christ name amen

Roxanne Rice
January 19, 2022

Father let Your wisdom and power rest upon Mat Staver as he presents his arguments before the Supreme Court. May his words be irrefutable, clear and concise.

And bless our beloved Supreme Court Justices as they listen. Give them Your wisdom, insight, and clarity, and the courage to rule what is just in Your eyes.


Judy Knight
January 19, 2022

Father, I grieve for my nation as I read the John Winthrop 1630 sermon, ”Dreams of a City on the Hill’. It brought tears to my old eyes to think how far we have strayed as a nation to have this special historical city to deny the Christian flag. Christians be encouraged by the strength God will give us just as he did with the early settlers.

We have a mighty God who turns man’s statistics into rubbish when we are faithful. Thank you for this 400 y old sermon to Puritan voyagers; it reminded me of your power in our history. I pray for forgiveness when I feel discouraged; may we do your will and grow stronger in your Word without reluctance to follow your directions.

I pray your will continues to guide the Christians in America to turn our nation around. May your Holy Spirit move mightily in the heart of America into all of our institutions and homes, and especially in our political parties and government employees.

Thank you for the victories we are already seeing in America. May we experience a mighty revival and return to faithfully to your Word. May America grow stronger in Jesus Christ every single day! Thank you for America, Lord. Amen

January 19, 2022

Father in heaven hear my prayer; father this country is a Christian country, it’s inhabitants are Christians which follow you, believe in you, and worship you. Father I ask for you to intervene that your word will go out among the community the country and continue to represent those who choose to follow you. Father we are losing most of our rights , But we know that stronger is He who is in us than those that are in the world. Father cover us with your spirit that we might stand up for our beliefs and our relationship with you. In Christ name


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