Border Video Shows It Like It Is
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Border Video Shows It Like It Is
Intercessor, what’s really going on at the border? Behind all the politicization from both sides, what’s it really like?
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This past Thursday, Elon Musk visited the border at Eagle Pass in Texas, discussing the situation with congressmen and sheriffs from the area. He posted the conversation to his X account. You can watch the video below:
Went to the Eagle Pass border crossing to see whatās really going on
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 29, 2023
What did you think of this video? Share your thoughts, prayers, and scriptures below.
(Photo Credit: John Moore/Getty Images)
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Horrible!!! Absolutely unbelievable!! Lord Jesus we need Your help. Donāt know what else to say!!
Oh Lord, help us keep our southern border safe and secure instead of letting anything and everything come through. This huge problem is creating so much havoc throughout this country! Give wisdom for all the political people in charge of this overwhelming mess. Only you can help us Jesus and we desperately need you!
Jesus Bless Elon Musk’s heart who takes time out of his life being present at the border, when in contrast the so called VP and POTUS are at the beach or anywhere else to indulge in all kinds of decadence. There’s going to be a judgement day coming for willfully negligent government leaders who are obvious haters of humanity. Lord have mercy on their souls.
This is so wrong to allow people to come in to our nation. If this doesn’t stop, apart from the Lord’s intervention, our nation is severely compromising national security. This is extremely dangerous for the future of America. Biden is truly a puppet for the New World Order, facilitating the ruination of America. The demoncrat party denied God three times in 2012. There’s your answer for why we are where we are. Supposed believers who continually vote democratic well you get what you vote for
Our Lord Jesus had Satan test Him over and over, but Christ always wins. Please Lord Jesus put all this wrong in it’s place. Please help these people living in our American cities that are being test by Satan. Hold them in your arms and heart and let them see how you win over Satan once again. With God and His Son Jesus Christ, all things are possible.
Kudos to Elon Musk for caring enough to actually visit the border firsthand. The video itself is kinda lame, in that it doesn’t show any of the actual illegals coming over, and the interviewing is not done well. But the information from the sheriffs, Mayor, and other officials was very valuable, though certainly needs to be confirmed.
Even though we hear about this crisis, itās very disconcerting to see and hear from those on the ground who out their life on the line every day.
Thanks to Elon Musk for airing the enormity of the situation.
American lives are at risk and we are invaded. The news is not making people aware of this. Human trafficking is on the rise and it’s very common they say on YouTube and Movies. Drugs and Cartels are increasing too. Our own Government are trying to pass laws that are in plain sight illegal. Our young people are being attack. Fuel prices increasing beyond insane prices. Our President is not taking a stand for American People. Our Military is a mess. Off the wall topics are in our Government. Our Democracy is under attack, and We the People are not being heard. Crime is increasing. Most of all. We kicked God out and these are the results. Our church is being under attack too. Our Government wants us to use drugs and alcohol, so we won’t be able to make right choices. In the Bible, it says we should seek the Kingdom of God first and he will add everything unto us. Faith and Prayer is what our Nation. The God that created everything. We all need help, no one is righteous it says in the Word of God. The Lord’s Prayer speaks of these very things happening in our lives and around the world. Forgiveness is a big one. We need to make it known to God our struggles and sins. Yes God forgives. His Love is Abundant. Holy God is the answer. We must put him first.
Well said Dewayne !!
An eye opener. This is so wrong and we the taxpayers are paying for all these people (health care, housing, food, cell phones, education, etc.). I do not mind if they are vetted and come through legally but all of these people crossing the border illegally are not welcome. They are bringing in disease (parasites, viruses, fungal agents and more). They do not assimilate into our culture yet we continue to pay for everything. This is so wrong. Our veterans and our own poor have been discarded and forgotten. Where are our priorities? Obviously not where they should be.
As a legal immigrant almost 16 years ago, a naturalized citizen for almost 9 years and NOT getting any benefits or taking any money from the US I find this particularly disturbing and upsetting. I am 78 years old and have another 2 years to work to gain the most basic social security and medicare.
Lord, I have no problems with anyone arriving in the US legally as I did and ask that You would intervene in this disastrous border crisis and give ICE everything they need as they battle with this enormous daily influx. Keep them safe as they go about this soul destroying work.
Thank you for bringing this to the attention of so many that don’t really care to know. Too many times we see this crisis/invasion and nothing gets done because the Biden admin and puppet handlers want this invasion, thinking they will get more votes. Sick people!
Our borders have always been crossed illegally sporadically. But this is a complete invasion from more countries than just Mexico. This is not the America I grew up in! Sure it wasn’t perfect back then, but this is treason by our government officials and NOTHING is being done to stop it!
I’m getting to the point, as so many, that I don’t want to be called an American!
I lived in Mexico for 15 years and the people there are pretty acquainted with their gov’t being corrupt… it’s out in the open. But the states’ gov’t tries to hide it…. and they get away with it more than not!!! Thanks for listening to my rant. š
I’m praying that the Lord, Almighty God returns soon for His Bride.
Father, I pray for this country that was founded by You for your glory to be brought into awareness of Your almighty love and grace. Forgive us for being so neglectful of Your ways and allowing the enemy to prosper. I pray for revival of your church. I pray for t he innocent ones trapped in the enemy’s ways, open their eyes and ears to see the truth.
In Your precious name above ALL names, Jesus, Amen
Eye opening to say the least. Biden and Mayorkas should be impeached for endangering the lives of Americans everywhere.
I would care less if I read in the paper Biden or Mayorkas, or both, circled the drain. Good riddance 2nd Amendment-hating Sen. Feinstein is gone, prayers answered!
Very informative, thank you,
Iām amazed at seeing Elon Musk at the border in Texas, I saw him just a few days age & he stated he was going to the Border in Texas to see for himself what is really going on. As I watched this video with different officers telling their stories of what has been going on at these borders for 2-to 3 years, not 1 person made a comment about what we can do about this. Probably because Biden is the one who opened our borders to begin with( I have never understood why??????) I just donāt understand why no one can do something about this? And also why has Biden not been removed from office ??? Iām a strong believer in Jesus Christ & pray for my Country & our leaders, I know God has His plan, trusting in my Lord with our situation, praying for the non believers because we do not have much time left before Jesus returns šš»šš»šš»šš»
Migrants are fleeing poverty, but also incarceration!
These borders are wide open, largely unchecked & a hot mess.
Impossible for border towns to do anything about it in their communities, while government has a blind eye & won’t take action to restore order & protect our country. The borders must be closed before places get overpopulated & over run with desperate migrants stealing whatever they need. The infiltration must stop, our country will become depleted & come to ruin. We do not have an exhaustable supply of resources to go around. Come Lord Jesus, you are the only True source, our eyes are on you!
Since we know we are in a spiritual battle how many times does Paul say ā standā in Ephesians 6:10-20. So, we are to stand against these wicked āleadersā who are out to destroy our lands , property, and people and America itself, which is their agenda. Our hope is God says give place to wrath, vengeance is mine , I will repay. Since God hates sin, maybe its also time America falls on her knees, before our God who is allowing this to happen ,PRAY, repent , and turn from her wicked ways, and stop spitting in HIS face. He tells us to
walk in truth and righteousness. Just what are you āstanding ā for?
Lawlessness and Disorder is in the DNC & RINO’s to destroy America. Our Constitutional REPUBLIC from within to bring Socialism Marxism Communism Endtime one world rule.
Pray to stand, be bold, speak truth and not to be deceived. Yeshua HaMachiach is Coming Quickly, IN a moment, twinkling of an eye, “as a thief in night”.
Father, deliver us and save us. I pray for those in the thick of the battle, the border patrol, the local law enforcement, the citizens, that you would strengthen them and protect them. I pray for the illegal aliens that your Holy Spirit would draw them to you. May you be glorified through this situation.
I pray our laws will be enforced.
We need leaders who do not “fear man’s face”
We have lost our citizens rights! I am surprised people our people are staying in this town. Very dangerous!
I live in a liberal state, Washington state, and I’m often sending emails to my legislators about this situation but it falls on deaf ears. What frustrates me the most is the Republicans aren’t doing anything about it either! This is definitely something that needs to be helped through the populist movement with President Trump at its spearhead! I do pray for the people in the areas of the country the most affected but also even for the migrants that they would be able to live comfortably and freely where they’re at and not feel compelled to take the hazardous and dangerous journey up here to the United states. If they do Lord please let them do it legally not illegally and Lord we asked you would close up our border and help us to keep this country safe free and full of people who believe in America and god.
If you or i lived anywhere in the world and knew that you or i could come here and get paid 3or 4 times as much here. What would keep you there? Especially since the gate is wide open, except for the citizens, who must have a passport.
I, too, live in this liberal state of Washington…sadly. I lived in Mexico for 15 years but the Lord brought me back here to be around family when my husband died. I know God is in control even tho’ it doesn’t look or seem like it… so I stand for Him and pray for all of His children on earth, not just in this country…brothers and sisters all over the world. May God be glorified.! Also I pray that You would use president Trump to help this sorry mess that the Biden puppet masters have caused.
I apprecite and agree with your words.
I have to say though that it is God, not god. There are many gods but, He alone is the one true God.
This needs to be on national news and made a priority with our leaders in Washington. More than that we need Christians all across America on their knees praying for a revival in our nation.
I am praying that what is meant for harm God will use for good and His Glory. People are coming to our country who may never hear the Gospel otherwise.
I think only people crying out to the living God are we going to be able to see help to stop the enemies hand with all this illegal immigration. Until average Americans are personally affected by illegals in their own town and neighborhood, Will u see main Americans stand up. All said and done, Christians like me have to get on our face and cry out for all these deceived poor coming in and the criminals escaping punishment.
No one person alone can breach this whole in America. God help us by your right hand and millions of angel armies release to these cities especially to display YOUR POWER over the enemies and grant order. In the Name ABOVE every name in heaven and earth. Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Very informative article but it needs to get to the general public. Canāt depend on the White House because their interests are democratic voters.
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