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According to The New York Post, “President Biden has promised to unify the nation. But candidate Joe Biden also made campaign promises to the radical wing of his party that would widen our social divides. Guess which promises are being honored.

Witness the so-called Equality Act, which candidate Biden vowed to make a priority and which is set to be voted on by the House this week.  . . .

The act “updates” the law Congress passed primarily to combat ­racism, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and adds sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes akin to race. . . .

Rather than finding common-sense, narrowly tailored ways to shield LGBT-identifying Americans from truly unjust discrimination, the bill would act as a sword — to persecute those who don’t embrace newfangled gender ideologies. It would vitiate a sex binary that is quite literally written into our genetic code and is fundamental to many of our laws, not least laws protecting the equality, safety and privacy of women.

If it ­becomes law, such men would have a right to spend the night in battered-women’s shelters, disrobe in women’s locker rooms and compete on women’s sports teams — even at K-12 schools. . . .

Here’s the text: “An individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.” So you can keep separate facilities for men and women, but you have to redefine what men and women are. Likewise, you can ­reserve certain jobs only for men or women — think TSA agents doing pat-downs — but you have to let a man who identifies as a woman do strip searches on women.

The act would also massively expand the government’s regulatory reach.  . . .

The Equality Act would coerce “any establishment that provides a good, service, or program, including a store, shopping center, online retailer or service provider, salon, bank, gas station, food bank, service or care center, shelter, travel agency or funeral parlor, or establishment that provides health care, accounting or legal services,” along with any organization that receives any federal funding. . . .

Religious institutions are very much included. Under the Equality Act, religious schools, adoption agencies and other charities would face federal sanction for upholding the teachings of mainstream biology and the Bible, modern ­genetics and Genesis, when it comes to sex and marriage. . . .

Outrageously, the Equality Act explicitly exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Pope Francis would be treated as the legal equivalent of a Jim Crow segregationist.

It gets worse. Medical doctors, secular and religious, whose ­expert judgment is that sex-reassignment procedures are misguided would now run afoul of our civil-rights laws. If you perform a mastectomy in the case of breast cancer, you will have to perform one on the teenage girl identifying as a boy.  . . .

The act treats any refusal to offer abortion as “pregnancy” discrimination. Decades of conscience protections against abortion extremism at the federal, state and local levels would be undermined.

These threats to our society are just a few reasons why the Orwellian Equality Act should be rejected. . . .

Catholic Bishops Oppose “Equality Act” Because It Would Force Americans to Fund Abortions

According to Life News, “Catholic bishops are urging Congress to reject the Equality Act because it would force Americans to pay for the killing of unborn babies in abortions and “discriminate against people of faith.”

The Catholic News Service reports five leaders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a letter to federal lawmakers on Tuesday outlining their opposition to the bill.

“Rather than affirm human dignity in ways that meaningfully exceed existing practical protections, the Equality Act would discriminate against people of faith,” the bishops said. “It would also inflict numerous legal and social harms on Americans of any faith or none.”

The bishops’ opposition and that of many other pro-life, conservative and religious leaders comes in reaction to President Joe Biden’s and Democrat leaders’ plans to push the pro-abortion bill through Congress.  . . .

The bishops said the legislation includes “an abortion mandate, a violation of precious rights to life and conscience.”

“Human dignity is central to what Catholics believe because every person is made in the image of God and should be treated accordingly, with respect and compassion,” they continued. “This commitment is reflected in the church’s charitable service to all people, without regard to race, religion or any other characteristic.”

The bishops said they “wholeheartedly” support protecting people from discrimination and harassment, but the Equality Act does not do that. . . .

The bishops urged lawmakers to reject the bill because people of differing beliefs also deserve to be protected from discrimination.

The Post Millennial reports the Democrat-controlled U.S. House likely will pass the bill, as it did in 2019.  . . .

Biden included the Equality Act as a top legislative priority for his first 100 days in office on his campaign website. . . .

Will you take action and say “NO” to The Equality Act? Share in the comments below!

(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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February 26, 2021


We thank You for all the religious freedom we have experienced in this country and we do not forget the favor You have shown our country. We plea for this act to never become law in our nation. We ask for You to protect the saints and the remnant of this country who are crying out to You daily. Lord we want to teach our children what holiness and purity is according toYour word without fear of persecution. Regardless of what the world says we will continue to teach Your word and Your commandments. We ask that You raise up both Republicans and Democrats to stand against this bill.

In Jesus name


February 26, 2021

Heavenly Father – save this nation that You established for Your glory and honor. Forgive us – we have wandered far from Your will for this nation. Somehow Lord, please get through Joe Bidens mind and heart that he is living a lie and promoting that lie by embracing this hell driven act. His words of “unity” rings hollow and is diametrically opposed to God’s universal law of what Godly unity should look like. Father, we pray that You would change the direction of this administration and steer it where You want it to be. If they will not listen to Your leading as You direct their conscience, then we give them up to You to do with as Your justice should be for each individuals life. Remove those people from office through whatever means You choose to use and replace them with those who will follow your will. Amen.

Santos Garcia, Jr.
February 26, 2021

Has there ever been another time where Fervent Intercession with Fasting is more needed in America? In my 70-yr lifetime I can truly say that we are on the precipice of losing our freedoms across the board! There is a concerted satanic effort to destroy America, facilitated by the Leftist/Socialist/Globalist agenda.

PLEASE Pray with Fasting… These Guidelines will help: https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2007/07/01/the-joy-of-fasting-discipline-deliverance-and-delight/

Beverly Patterson
February 26, 2021

Father God we your people cry out against Satan’s plan to destroy our Nation, one Nation under God. Father we pull down the evil strongholds of the enemy, the left’s agenda will not prevail in Jesus mighty name, I plead the Blood of Jesus, and the anointing of the Holy Ghost over our government from the White House to governors, judges, and school boards, Amen

Barbara Hesch
February 26, 2021

For all of us who love God and honor the 10 Commandments, read Exodus 20:4-5-6, to learn what God has to say about those who hate Him. I believe this would apply to those who are passing these ungodly laws like the Equality (Inequality) Act and abortion, which the 13th Commandment refers to. That was enough to convince me that God is in control. We fear God not man.

Sue Blair
February 26, 2021

Please, Lord, stop this HR5 “Equality” Act from becoming law in America. Tear this down and destroy it! Cause our leaders to see the horror of it’s evil and do not allow this to pass. I pray that NO weapon formed against us will prosper and all those who rise up against us and against Your laws shall fall. In Jesus’ name.
I decree that God’s righteousness and justice shall prevail over this situation!

Sue Blair
February 26, 2021

Wake up and take a stand against HB5, the “Equality” Act! It is NOT equality, it is demonic.
Please pray, and please contact your State’s Senators and request they vote NO on HR5 “Equality” Act!

Sherry Mallory
February 26, 2021

Lord, sent Your warring angels to our Senate today as the HB5 Equality Bill will be discussed and voted on. Open the Heavens over the Senate and fill the chambers with an outpouring of Holy Spirit. Destroy every evil scheme, whisper, and tactic set on passing this evil, ungodly bill. We appeal to You, O Father, stop this Equality Bill HB5 from being passed. We ask in the mighty redemptive name of Jesus.


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