Offer thanks to the Lord for the testimony of lives like Peter Sprigg’s that have been changed forever by Billy Graham’s dedication to the Gospel message to so many.
Did he affect you? Leave a comment below sharing with us how he impacted your life.
“His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Matt 25:21)
My parents were missionaries before I was born. My father served as a pastor and a denominational executive while I was growing up. I am sure that my parents prayed for me, including for my spiritual life. Ironically, those prayers did not bear their fullest fruit until I was in my mid-20’s—my mother had died, my father was again serving overseas, and I was living alone.
My passion growing up was not for my faith, but for politics. After getting my degree in political science and economics, I got a job with my Congressman. When that job ended because he did not seek re-election, I decided to take the plunge and run for office myself. At 24, I ran for the School Committee in my home town in Massachusetts.
My dreams were dashed, however, by a decisive defeat. That loss started me on a period of soul-searching—first in terms of my career goals, but eventually in a more literal, spiritual sense. Over a period of several months, a number of key events led me to a turning point in my life.
One of those events took place at my church, where I remained a regular attender. One Sunday, two men did a dramatic reading about the Lord’s Prayer—the one taught by Jesus to his disciples. One repeated the memorized words—while the other, off-stage with a microphone, played the voice of God, actually answering. The man would say, “Our father, who art in heaven . . .”—and the voice answered, “Yes, what can I do for you?” Startled, the man continues, “Hallowed be thy name.” The voice asks, “What do you mean by that?”
Continuing in the same vein, this short, humorous reading made me realize how easy it is to go through the motions of religion without thinking about it. I went home from church that day and began to pray and read my Bible daily—disciplines I had never before adopted….
Thus, my relatively new habit of daily prayer became one of nearly constant prayer throughout the day. Sometimes I would pray for Billy Graham, sometimes for loved ones, and sometimes just, “Lord, be with me.” And He was—as I became increasingly aware….
I will always be grateful that her prayers—and mine—were answered. (Excerpts from Peter Sprigg’s article on FRCBLOG.COM)
Did he affect you? Leave a comment below sharing with us how he impacted your life.
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I was saved at the All Scotland Billy Graham Crusade 1955. My father sang in the choir and I still have his song book from that year. I was 15 yrs old. May parents were Christians, as were all the relatives and friends that i knew growing up. I am confident that the prayers of my parents and the keeping power of the Holy Spirit of God kept me until 1972 when the Lord Jesus Christ took the veil off my eyes, He baptised me in the Holy Spirit and my life has been forever changed. Dr Graham started the process Jesus was faithful to appear to me and lead me forward till today I will soon be 78. Goodness how time flies!!Thank you Dr Graham for coming to Scotland so long ago.
I grew up in a church going Christian home in the 50s so I heard about GOD and Jesus as a child. Then in 1963 or 64 my confirmation class went to see a movie the Billy Graham Association made called the “The Restless Ones”. After watching it I gave my life to follow Jesus. Now at 65 I still enjoy hearing Rev Grahams messages. They never get old. Still serving Jesus anyway I can.
My husband came to know Christ as his Savior through a Billy Graham crusade while he was in college. He dedicated his life to the Lord as a result of that crusade and was a loving and godly husband and father. He is in Heaven with his Savior and one day we will be reunited with him. I would love to thank Billy Graham for his obedience in preaching the word of God which had a major impact directly on my family.
My Father was convicted by Billy in his 20’s at a crusade. He came to faith in Jesus at home many years later watching a crusade. I will see him again when i go home cuz of Billy.
Praise the Lord.
He came to Enterprise Oregon in the 80’s and I remember praying for those unsaved I knew and today are saved I believe because of him coming here to our high school gym
You don’t see big name people of God even bothering with a county of only 7900 and a town of 2000 the other towns small as 150. For him I am so grateful.
1974 at ASU’s Sun Devil stadium a small group of us from a little one stoplight cow-town came to hear Dr Graham. At the end they gave an invitation to come down to the field. Honestly I couldn’t tell you anything at all about what Dr Graham spoke of that evening but I remember I wanted to go down and pray with them; I was 16 at the time.
They told me that someone would be contacting me in the following couple of weeks so I waited in great anticipation but no one…. except the Holy Spirit. I couldn’t get enough of God’s Word and it all made sense to me. My walk has looked more like a stagger due to lack of discipleship and discipline but God is Faithful and staggering or not He has lead me consistently closer to Himself.
Lord, Thank you for your faithful servants like Dr Graham.
I was raised a good Presbyterian, but never learned that I needed to be born again. The man I married was a Christian, and eventually I read some of his books, books written by Billy Graham. When a friend of ours was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was going to kill her, I got to wondering if she had ever given her life to the Lord. Then I realized that I, myself had not given my life to the Lord. I was ironing at the time, and I literally turned off the iron, knelt down by my bed, gave my life to Jesus, and got up and finished the ironing. I had only the vaguest idea of what I had done, but I was serious, and God took me at my word. He has been leading me ever since. That was 50 years ago, and I have never regretted my decision. I am a child of God, and I thank the Lord for Billy Graham’s ministry.
My husband and I had been saved several years when we sold our business. The home we were purchasing was not quite finished. We went to live with my mother-in-law. We all sat and watched the Billy Graham Crusade that was on TV. When Billy said “you come” she got up and said she needed to put her hand on the television and pray. She received Jesus that night and the next day her sister came to visit and she told her I have the most wonderful prayer you have to pray. I had given her a copy of the Sinner’s prayer that night. She began to read the bible and we were at peace when she left this earth. We will see her again.
As a 24 year old working with NBC TV in 1957 I was invited to attend the Crusade at Madison Square Garden. Life. Was meaningless and sad. I went alone for 7 nights and on the 8th night I descended from the top balcony to the main floor and walked to the stage. There I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I had no idea what that meant though I had attended church all my life.
At that moment my life changed and the trajectory of it moved dramatically.
Much has transpired since then: filled by the Spirit, experiencing what Grace and Identity in Christ mean, never alone again, love of the Word, missionary, pastors wife, and now as a widow I am amazed as I see His hand giving me a full life!! Now I am looking forward to the next big step-Heaven.
Praise God for Billy and for my secure life in Jesus.
I was a kid growing up in the ’60’s in Brooklyn, NY and loved the NY Yankees. I would watch the games on my mother’s little black and white tv because my family were not big sports fans. When there was a rain delay or a rain out local channel 11 would rebroadcast Reverand Graham’s Yankee stadium crusades. I would watch from time to time and listen to this man speak in such a powerful way about God and Jesus. He was so genuine and filled with fire for God. I would watch hundreds of people run out of the stand and to the stage to what I know now was to give their lives to the Lord. I never watched the entire crusade or follow Billy Graham much after that because I was a Catholic and did not understand what being born-again meant. I honestly thought those people were kind of “out there.” Years later I left the Catholic church to search for God. I gave my life to Jesus in 1992. Shortly after the Holy Spirit brought to my memory the crusades at Yankee stadium and God showed me that he used those programs on that little black and white tv to plant the seed of Jesus in my heart when I was a kid. God is awesome. So, God used the Reverend Billy Graham to bring me to Him all those years later without the reverend ever knowing it. How many others can say the same. Probably millions.
I prayed with Billy Graham 50 years ago, over a TV program. It’s been a wonderful walk with Jesus. I’ve never looked back and will be eternally grateful to our Lord Jesus, for this faithful man of God.
Looking forward to meeting him one day in heaven.
My love and sympathy to the Graham family.
Question: Did Billy Graham ever preach against false doctrines and heresies? He just sent people back to whatever church they belonged to. Even if they believed in purgatory, prayers to the saints and Mary, and salvation by faith plus works. Salvation must be followed up by clear Biblical teaching and not by church traditions.
While I pray for the comfort of his family, we should also examine any man’s preaching to see ‘if these things are so’ as in Acts 17:11
My husband and I attended a counsellor training with other members of our church in Denver for a Billy Graham Crusade back in the 70’s. I went forward for a prayer of re-commitment that night, one of the many times I would walk through theses decisions throughout the course of my almost 48 years of being a follower of Jesus Christ. The Reverend Billy Graham impacted my life throughout those years, as I heard his testimony of how God lead he and his team through commitments of integrity and purity and accountability. I loved watching him on TV as he gave the Gospel in a simple way. I loved hearing how he and his beloved wife Ruth lived simple, humble, and modest lives. How celebrities would share how Billy and Ruth would not accept their expensive gifts, yet they were gracious and thankful the the generous offer. Humility, integrity, love, honor, respect, The Gospel, faithful to His Lord and to his wife, impacting this nation, and this world, with the love of our Lord. God continually bless his family and friends. Thank You Lord for the Godly legacy that will continue through one of Your faithful servants, The Reverend Billy Graham.
my life dangling by a thread after the first 23 years of my life involved in false religion cult, the following ten years serving the enemy with worldly desires and ending up at a Billy Graham crusade and giving my life to Jesus Christ and two years later being filled with the Holy Spirit (early 1990’s). my testimony i share with friends up until a few years back was, i didn’t know God until the crusade,but God knew me and had / has a plan for each of us in His glorious out pouring Kingdom of God right here on earth, it is never to late to give your life to Christ.
i’ll always remember the start of my life transformation started because, Billy Graham and many faithful Christ followers was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
love in Christ Jesus,
Hello I am sorry to be asking this but I was told that Billy Graham was a free mason #33. Can you find out if this is true or just false reports, accusations and gossip. thx
The gospel overrides 33 masons in his life if he was. Billy always points sinner to Christ. So i cannot set in judgement on him because I never saw where Jesus is hiring to judge his children.
I thought Billy Graham’s life was just amazing. He loved GOD so much and his life spoke alone of this. I just think about all the people he led to CHRIST. Simply just Amazing!! I am taking mental notes too on his life. I just bought one of his books too on the HOLY SPIRIT! Can’t wait to read that and I hope to learn as much as I can from him.
I am an elder in my local church. I have listened on-line to dozens of Billy Graham’s sermons that were recorded during his crusades over the years, and he is truly one of my heroes of the faith. One thing that impacted me was that no matter what the topic of a sermon is, there is always a way to use it to lead into an invitation to receive Christ as your Lord and Savior at the end. I have the opportunity to preach a couple of times a year. I endeavor follow Billy Graham’s model whenever I preach, and will continue to do so for as long as I have the honor and privilege to share God’s word from the pulpit.
I thank God for this preacher, servant. I am thankful to have heard Rev Graham’smessage of Jesus ‘ Love over the years. In 1894 I was blessed to have heard Rev Graham in person when in Charleston, WV, he preached the opening night for start of Franklin Graham Crusade. I had trained as a counselor and my husband sang in the Crusade choir. During this Crusade I was tweaked by the Sign Language interpreters which led to study and 7 years later I began interpreting for church. Rev Graham’s love for the Bible showed me the wonder of God’s Word and helped me in my faith. His preaching of the love of Jesus helped to deepen my faith in our Lord. Rev Graham’s witness to the world has and will continue to bring people to Jesus. Prayers that this ministry will continue covering the world with his message.
Correction- April 1994 for the year.
A great man of God and he was not afraid to let you know it. We would watch him on TV. He did help us to know and feel the touch of God and Jesus with three sons to raise up to believe in Jesus as the only way to heaven.
I feel as if God is telling us to come back by taking Billy home now to having prayer and bible in the schools and work place. Think about it-some years back we had respect in school and the law.We didn’t do any thing when we were told that would not be aloud any more.No history for the young to understand the freedom that many gave their all and the devil came in. Please help to get God back in the schools-what would it cost to do that ??????? Thank God for Billy and Ruth.
I saw a clip of him once. It astounded me. The whole aura around him made you believe in God. He’s not talked about a lot in the church circles I’ve been in but, I know he was a special agent of Christ. There was a special carved out place of influence he was given…from government leaders to the segregated person it the tent. His face was the same. I am thankful for his life.
My mother went forward at a Billy Graham crusade in 1958 at the Cowpalace in San Fransico. At that time she was advised to find a faith based church. She found a church not very far from our home and it was there I was lead to the Lord.
I had no idea of Rev. Billy Graham’s impact on my life. I remembered seeing him and hearing from time to time during my 23 years of active duty U.S. Army. I spent many years overseas and hearing him talking when he was invited to speak for us all in Washington D.C. This let me known there is a God not just a government official standing for His people in America. This gave me the ability to serve my country being so far from home in a comforting place of peace. Rev. Billy Graham was comforting me and many others during those times and I was not aware of it till the Lord brought to my memory when I heard of his going home. Even as I’m in tears typing these words. I realize that Rev. Billy Graham had much to do with my becoming a Christian and serving in Christian Ministry to date. I did not know that I would even miss Rev. Billy Graham but I do, and we will all see him in heaven very soon according to God’s timing and our belief. All is well in Christ Jesus… Amen
Pastor Billy Graham reached my husband as a young collegian in 1956. He was watching TV at his fraternity house when Billy gave the invitation to receive Jesus Christ into his life. I got a great husband in 1957 and our lives were never the same. We were able to house many young people who had drug problems and see them receive the same Lord and Holy Spirit who led them to exalt the Heavenly Father for all of their lives. I have and will be eternally grateful for the message he brought to the world.
Our country desperately needs men like him to Stand and speak Biblical TRUTH like he did. As a child, my family always watched his messages. He will be greatly missed!
I was saved one evening in February 1973 after responding to an invitation by Dr. Graham on tv at the end of a crusade broadcast. At the time I really didn’t take it too seriously. I was living alone, 22 years old and told no one about it. Within a few days I felt conviction in my heart about my old habits of drinking and pornography and gave them up. After that I felt a desire to read the Bible and purchased one. My life was changing rapidly. I wouldn’t at the time have dreamed that being “Born Again” meant a whole new life. Thank you Jesus! It’s been glorious and I am forever grateful to Dr. Graham and BGEA.
I have such a love and respect for this man of God . when i was a young girl i would watch the crusades on TV with my grandmother and then after she went home to be with the Lord i would still watch the crusades. One time i had it on in my bedroom and my son Jacob around 7 years was listening and came into my room to ask me all about what he was talking about. We did end up praying asking Jesus to come into his heart.Not sure he was saved then ,but years later he went into missions in China & New Zealand and now has a beautiful Christian family- God is good !!! The one thing that stands about Billy Graham too me is he always made his message clear and stayed to scripture and was bold where the rubber meets the road as far how to know Jesus and to what Jesus did for us and how we are to live for Jesus after excepting him into our hearts plain and simple. Im happy for him being with Jesus now
Billy Graham is one of my heroes of the faith. (Listen to Newsong’s song, “Billy” about Billy Graham’s life. I never met him personally, but I listened to his crusades thru radio and television. He wasn’t perfect, but he had a heart for pursuing God and he tried to live his life with moral integrity as an Ambassador of Christ. He was a wonderful example to me to be Christlike, loving and faithful. I look forward to meeting him soon, when Jesus introduces us in heaven!
I wholeheartedly agree with this post
Praising God for the life and legacy of the Rev. Billy Graham and praying for his family in this time of grief and transition. May each of them find strength and grace to carry on his legacy of faith in Jesus Christ and living this life with Heaven in view!
DR.BILLY GRAHAM and crusade came to Seattle for Kingdome meetings, 60k plus, most ever in the structure. As a Teen Challenge resident in 1976, I worked for our LORD revealing Christ and Him crucified to a few folks on the asto-turf floor. Those moments were most joy filled, His gift of repentance was poured out on the ears that heard.
I was saved at 8 in my home church. I always respected & enjoyed Billy Graham’s extra-special crusades as a child & teenager. The crusades were the one time my Mom enjoyed the television. My new husband & I had the privilege of attending a crusade in NYC in 1969. We will be married 50 years in August, that night was Amazing! Thank You, Lord, for Dr. Graham, most of all for his great image of You!! May I finish, as well!!
I came to faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ at the age of 9 while listening to a Billy Graham crusade on television. I will thank him personally when I go home. Billy is now enjoying the splendors of Glory!
Growing up, Bill Graham was a household name.
My Childhood Church was lacking and when I listened to Billy, I could hear the truth. I could hear The Holy Ghost speaking through Him and He always left me feeling refreshed and renewed.
Billy had such courage. He was so bold! He was a true Christian Soldier!
He gave the gift of pure worth. He gave the world JESUS CHRIST!
I will never forget Billy Graham!
Thank you, Jesus, for blessing soo many people, through the life of Billy Graham. We love Him and He will be missed and remembered.
With all my love,
Kathleen D. Smith
I thank God for allowing Billy Graham to grace our lives. His constant reminder of the love of God and His wonderful gift of Salvation is something I heard about throughout my entire life. He has left us absolutely wonderful and awesome legacy of love. I am truly grateful to have experienced his ministry.
I thank GOD for a man so very bold and courageous who always spoke of repentance. When he said the name Jesus Christ, you knew Billy knew first hand, the desperate need of forgiveness through His blood.
A powerful and consistent message.