You may have heard that our true selves are revealed when we are “squeezed.” We are seeing the true intentions and plans of many government officials and organizations during the coronavirus crisis. Some are leading with wisdom and grace. Others are exercising governmental power to control citizens beyond what the Constitution permits—all under the pretense of protection and safety.
In Vermont, the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development limited the sale of merchandise in stores that are open and essential. Food, medicine, and beverages may be sold, but not sporting goods, paint, gardening supplies, crafts, electronics, and even clothing. This decision was made by a department that normally deals with housing, community development, economic development, and historic preservation, with the stated mission, “. . . we work to grow our economy, help businesses create jobs, and support vibrant and resilient communities.” The mission and limits on merchandise sales seem to be contradictory.
“BIG BROTHER: Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste” is IFA’s new Special Report on government overreach, control, and surveillance during COVID-19. Download to read more about these issues and pray!

Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, has also limited what may be sold in her state’s stores. Off-limits as non-essential? Seeds and plants. Permitted? Lottery tickets. Michigan has banned fishing with a motorboat, lawn care, and the purchase of home improvement or repair materials, according to Michigan’s Speaker of the House, Lee Chatfield. Michigan citizens are pushing back—a protest of thousands showed up in Lansing to demand the state reopen, some calling for Whitmer to be recalled. Over 225,000 signatures have been collected in the recall effort.
From Detroit Free Press: Demonstrators drove thousands of vehicles — many draped with protest signs — to Michigan’s state Capitol Wednesday, loudly protesting Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home order intended to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
Police watched as horns honked and commercial and private vehicles from around the state jammed Capitol Avenue and other streets surrounding Michigan’s seat of government.
“Liberty once lost is lost forever,” read a sign draped across a commercial van. “Security without liberty is called prison,” read another, stretched across the Capitol’s front lawn. “Recall Whitmer,” a third sign said.
Pray for those who are protesting the overreach—for safety and for their message to be heard.
What is happening? In the effort to stay safe, some officials are going too far. Many Americans seem to be willing to trade liberty for security and safety during this crisis. But where will we be after the crisis is over? What will be the lasting damage to liberty and constitutional freedom? How do we as God’s people respond in prayer and action when we are faced with these changes in our country overnight?
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant. (Ps 25:9-10)
This is just part of the all-new Special Report by IFA–CLICK HERE to download your copy and PRAY.
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Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You that You Lord give safety, security and liberty. Lord may we be safe and secure and free as Americans. Safe in our country, secure in our values and free in our God given rights. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God calls for balance, wisdom, prayer and reason. We are to obey our “government officials” unless they call us into sin. Common sense says obey ‘stay at home’ orders, practice social distancing, wear protection for yourself which helps family and others. Take this time to reconnect and pray. But, the Globalist will try to steal ALL rights. People who do not push back and speak up when their society attempts to take away their Constitutional and Religious rights will cause all of us to pay. Like meeting properly, driving to an in car Church service or taking a walk or swimming in the ocean by themselves would not be violating common courtesy and care for others. For these reasons people are being arrested! We must stand up as the President allows common sense steps to open our economy OR end up like Germany during the time terrorizing the Jews during WWII. The gentiles and Christians did not speak up as the Nazis forced the Jews into box cars taking them to slaughter, and the Pastors told their congregations to “sing louder” to drown out the screams as the railroad cars passed by. Their churches were as guilty as the Nazis. Pray we do not come to that!
“How do we as God’s people respond in prayer and action when we are faced with these changes in our country overnight?”
I believe this is the wrong question.
As God’s people, we love, serve and call out to our God.
As American citizens,we love, serve and speak up to our government.
Let’s not equate our duel citizenships. We are blessed to live in a land that welcomes our involvement. Jesus, Peter, John and Paul (as well as most of God’s people today) were blessed to live in a land that did not.
Kay, yes, we do need to love, serve and call out to our God. We as intercessors are praying about the issues–many of them hidden from view–that are facing our leaders and nation. Informed prayer can be very strategic. That is why we must concern ourselves with what is happening in the natural and in the supernatural. Can we intercede for things we do not know? Yes, of course, and God knows that we cannot know all as we pray. But we feel we need to avail ourselves of the information as we are also watchmen–God has placed us as citizens of this nation not only to reside here and bear witness to Him, but also as the appointed prayer warriors for our communities, states, and nation. Thanks for your faithful prayers Kay!!
Kris AMEN, a good balance. We are not as dumb animals; He promises wisdom and Rhema Words to those who seek Him….like Yeshua.
If we don’t fight for our freedom as intercessors, who will? We cannot allow fear to guide us. it is what we believe because this battle is the lord’s and we must agree with heaven what He is doing. Many do not realize the Lord is taking this season for those who never trusted Him to run to Him, forgive their sins, turn around and repent not forsaking their first Love Jesus. There are many who sit in their churches listening to a watered down gospel without power. We must allow the Holy Spirit to do His work to save, heal and deliver people from their lukewarm mind-set and agree with what the Word says, he came to set the captives free. We must therefore pray for the leaders including governors who have forgotten the constitution or are too full of pride and control don’t know they need salvation too! I thank God for the ones who have been obedient and are interceding for our country with power and authority! This is the greatest hour for the church to take her place as the army of the Lord and defeat this heralding the awakening and harvest we have been waiting for!
I am waiting for someone to file a lawsuit challenging the above actions, including banning worship, as a violation of the US Constitution’s lst Amendment rights to freedom of religion and assembly. I e-mailed Jay Sekelow of Alliance Defending Freedom to file a lawsuit. He was President Trump’s attorney during the impeachment hearings and is a Messianic Jew.
I agree with you. He will do it too because he fights for injustices all the time! Pray for him to have wisdom and discernment to do the will of our Lord God! I will agree with you too! By the blood of the Living Lamb we will defeat what the enemy has meant for harm for God to turn it around for our good and His Glory!!
You are God of the universe. Nothing is impossible for you. All authorities you have delighted and chosen. May the fear of the Lord take hold of their hearts and may they fall to their knees in wonder and awe of your Name, Lord Jesus. I pray they call on you as their own personal Savior and as the Savior of this world. I pray they see the faces of their children, of their people and see Your face in their faces. Humble our leaders to Love you and to see their need for you. I also pray that they proclaim Your Name and Your greatness in their position of influence. Use our leaders to shepherd many into the kingdom of Glory by their influence, by helping make you known.
To be licensed as a CNA we had to leafn how to wash our hands, put on gown, mask, head covering and gloves. After your patient care, you had to remove gown,mask,headgear and gloves Correctly which meant they were inside out and disposed of properly.
My question has been: how many people were instructed on care of mask and gloves in a sanitary manner. If you take them off without care,you contaminate yourself and your environment. Do the manority know commercial masks have to be changed frequently because theyose their effectiveness?
Is this backlash from the true flu pandemic of 2018. It was noted then that there were four strains of flu that season and the vaccine used was ineffective against that strain predominant.
When I hear a doctor saying things that are questionable, then I assume there is a hidden agenda.
When I hear even Christians question whether Samaritans Purse is treating everyone in need, I wonder why the hate continues. The fear mongers so insistent.
Those who are protesting have my support. It’s time to say ENOUGH loud enough to be heard. Amen and Amen
Father God, just like You called forth light out of darkness and order out of chaos at creation, I pray that You will do it again now for our nation! Shed Your light in every child of Yours to wake us up and revive us, and use us to light up the dark world around us, so that those lost in darkness may see Your light and turn to seek You and be found by You, so that Your children, no matter what position You have placed them in government, will follow Your light and see clearly the right path to take to lead our nation out of this coronavirus abyss. In the most powerful name of Jesus I pray, amen 🙏
Put God first in everything. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Father, I pray that You impart wisdom to our government leaders to do what is right and just in Your sight. I pray that You will destroy the agenda and the influence of those leaders who refuse to heed Your Word and who continue to plot to do evil. I pray also that You will give your people courage to speak out boldly against injustice and to take right action to preserve and protect our God-given freedoms. I pray that you, Father, and you alone be exalted in all the Earth!
If big box stores can sell clothing than why can’t clothing stores sell clothing!
There are some who don’t want the big box stores to sell clothing. Michigan has banned it.
Once again those in power seek to use it unwisely, justifying its use as a measure to protect the people … but selfishly using it to serve their own purposes. The American people are not stupid, they are willing to make “reasonable” lifestyle changes when necessary. But they will also stand up when an injustice is perpetrated on them. The Michigan Governor may have a hard time getting reelected to a second term!
Unfortunately, her re-election is years away. This is her first year. Our misery here in Michigan is great.
get the commi governors other organizations out office
I can envision these fear tactics being an ongoing thing. I feel for those who have lost a loved one during this time but think about this. If they constantly reported each and every person who died every year from complications due to having the flu it would be like this every year. I think the social distancing thing is because they keep bring up words like tracking and surveillance. They can more easily get a clear facial recognition if we aren’t grouped together. The more they talk and restrict, the less I trust. And I had little trust in them to start with. They are definitely showing that they have a clear agenda with what they decide to restrict. My rights are God given and unalienable, not man given. Unalienable rights can not be given away or taken away. Our elected officials and the “experts” working with them need a refresher on our Declaration of Independence. I keep praying for conversions similar to Saul becoming Paul. Matthew 16:18b I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Lord give us wisdom and understanding.
Amen. Amen. Amen!!
Globalist ready to seize control . Why do you think that their trying to destroy the 2nd amendment.
“A house divided can not stand”
Praying God will grant our leaders a spirit of wisdom, knowledge and Unity.
The same thing is happening in New Mexico. Governor Grisham is closing “non-essential businesses” including churches. She decides who will stay open & who won’t, abortion clinics are open, gun stores are closed. This whole scenario makes me very uneasy. I can see Satan in all of this. Dave thank you for crystalizing the prayer points.
I live in Michigan and agree with the organizers of this protest…our governor needs to stop dictating what is “essential and non-essential” and look at what is “safe and not safe.” It is ridiculous to order mature, responsible people to abstain from going to and sheltering in a cabin they own, or to abstain from going out alone in a motor boat if they live on a lake…of which we have over 10,000. It is as though she wants to punish us as much as possible by banning all constructive activity. We can buy alcohol, lottery tickets, and abortions – but not seeds, plants, mulch or paint. Where is the logic there? As you stated in the article above, her character and values are on display. I have been involved in many intercession events for our state. Though we may not always see it, God is moving!
Thank you and we are praying
Governor of Michigan needs to go. She is as stupid as can be.
Sisters and Brothers are we seeing the overreach of our spiritual enemy? Fear, manipulation and control?
Is this the hour for the anti-Christ spirit to begin to rise using control over every aspect of our lives?
Is this the hour the church sits by and does not respond except only with fear joining the rest of the world?
Is this the hour we only think of our fleshly needs and losses?
No this is the hour for us to stand up and be praying as never before for Souls, for God’s timing and plans not the enemies timing and plans. Regardless of what we see or hear around us. Listen to the Holy Spirit get into His Holy Word and pray to build yourselves up in the Holy Ghost.
Soldier of the cross, members of the Church of Jesus Christ. We are not the kingdom, we are His Church and His bride preparing herself for HIM. We were told to occupy until I Come.
God our Father is in control and we need to focus on Him and the harvest that is full and white.
Let us stand firm in prayer and faith for the Will and Timing of God’s plans to be established and those of the enemy of our souls to be pushed back and pulled down from their lofty place.
Let us keep our eyes on Jesus Christ and trust Him to bring godly men and women of wisdom to the President of the US. There is only one savior.
Let those who would bring about evil plans be pushed back from his ears. Remove from leadership any who go against the plans of our Heavenly Father.
Let us remember our president is a man, placed there by God for such a time as this, to do the Fathers bidding for His Will to be accomplished. May he hear the voice of the Father and receive His wisdom for this hour.
Pray and stand in Faith believing our God will bring about whatever He Wills for the release of the captive
soul. That we may see our loved ones and friends and neighbors world wide come to Faith in Christ now.
Let this be the hour the church reaches out as a true missionary for Christ Jesus.
Blessings to those who are called for such a time as this. May we all be faithful to our Christ.
Amen!! Agreeing with your prayer🙏
In prayer the Lord said, “We will either come out the worse for this virus or the better.” Lord I pray that people with personal agendas will change their priorities and stand for life in the freedom of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that cold hearts will be warmed by your love and grace. I repent for those who would intentionally place other lives in danger by selfish acts of disobedience. Take control gentle Savior and Lord! I ask this in Jesus name. Amen
Pastor Regina
Father we call ourselves humble, but we still demand our rights over Your righteousness. We seek to make our own presence known, instead of seeking Your face. We spend more time in matching intellectual wits than praying. Help us grow beyond memorizing and regurgitating this well known passage, to actually living it. Help us understand that we signed up to advance Your kingdom, not our own. Help us recognize that You stand ready to deliver a people who love, honor and bless You. May we be a joyful, grateful people who look for opportunities to reflect Your goodness and love. May the mountain of YHVH be exalted,and may the idolatrous mountains that exalt themselves above You be brought low. Create in us pure hearts and cleanse our hands, that we might ascend to Your mountain and be a blessing in the earth. Holy Spirit we ask You to brood over us and restore order. Pour out Your mercy Father, and extend Your grace for an end time harvest season. Prepare us and fill us so that we stand ready, alongside You Yeshua, the Name above all names, who carries the government upon Your shoulders.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling the attack on America’s freedom. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.
Nearly half would be stated by the “other”side as less than half. America is slipping away from God. We, the church, need to become right with God; so the world can be won to Him.
Once I was born again, recieved Jesus, I had a new prism to view God, Myself, & Life.
The more I was transformed in the inner man, the more I saw the Wisdom in the Foundations set forth by our Founding Fathers that created our sacred documents which govern our sovereignty as a Republic & Democracy.
We need Revival. When God moves & speaks, men will think new thoughts. Salvation belongs to our God!
As we cry out to God in our bunkers ask for a soft heart towards repentance and restoration. As He responds, His light will reveal our darkness, all included. When Jesus returns, will He find Faith in the Earth?
Agree whole heartedly. Praying for revival
“Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His son Yeshua return to and revive the hearts and minds of all his children. Please pray for the return of our, once, God-centered country.
Heavenly Father,
I come humbly before You binding up these false schemes and deceptions and call them canceled in the powerful name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. And I loosen safety, protection, health and wellness. and the unhindered flow of goods and services in our nation in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen
It is essential that we keep praying about this. We also need to pray that all Chirstians vote in the next election. Why a large number of Christians feel it is biblical not to vote is beyond my understanding. Jesus was involved in the politics of the day and he was not afraid, and felt it His duty to call it out. If Jesus were alive today, he would be voting. Let us pray that Christians see the light about this and stop using G-d as a crutch. G-d expects us to be strong and courageous just like Joshua and other G-d appointed leaders in the bible.
You mean if Jesus were here on earth 😊 but amen to the rest of your prayer 🙏
We need to pray that the first commandment becomes first again in our nation. To honor and love the Lord our God with all our heart soul mind and strength.