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I Prayed have prayed
Father, do not let us live in fear. Help us to make no provision for the enemy to attack and give our nation wisdom and discernment.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

. . .During Levine’s time as Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Levine and Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Wolf drew headlines by engaging in a draconian campaign of threats against counties that questioned state COVID-19 guidelines and wished to reopen their local economies as local businesses fell further into despair.  

Additionally, Levine infamously forced COVID-19 patients out of hospitals and into nursing homes and long-term care facilities, exacerbating the spread of the virus to the elderly and infirm, among whom it proved to be most lethal. Levine repeatedly downplayed this criticism, arguing it was a necessary part of the state’s coronavirus response, and that COVID-19 was already present in those facilities. . . .

While Levine was actively putting these elderly residents at grave risk, Levine chose to personally play by a different set of rules by quietly removing a parent from a nursing home facility early on in the pandemic.  . . .

Transitions for Kids.

Most alarmingly, Dr. Levine has advocated for sex changes for pre-pubertal people, otherwise known as “children.”

A professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, Levine has given lectures in various settings since at least 2012 on how to perform sex changes and gender conversion therapy on children. . . .



“For prepubertal children,” Levine said in a 2017 speech at Franklin & Marshall College, “they might present in different ways. They might present at school in the gender they were identified at birth, or they might present as the other gender, or they might be more gender-fluid.” Levine has described children as young as five or six as “knowing” which gender they wanted to be.

Once, however, the child reaches the “young adolescent” stage, Dr. Levine recommends puberty blockers, a practice which Dr. Levine apparently followed at Penn State Hershey Medical Center as Chief of the Division of Adolescent Medicine and Eating Disorders. In speeches, Levine describes prescribing puberty blockers and cross-gender hormone injections to children who expressed anxiety about the natural process of puberty. . . .

The current protocols for gender-dysphoric youth, Levine stated in a 2017 speech, outline a two-step process: the prescription of puberty-blockers during the first stages of puberty, and then, after continued counselling, the introduction of cross-gender hormones between the ages of 14 and 16. Then, around age 18, the patient may undergo surgery. . . .

Levine, however, has noted that doctors may discard the protocol and significantly “accelerate” the process when dealing with “street kids,” who do not come into clinics with their parents, and who may be tempted to buy hormones off the street. In such cases, Levine said, doctors may skip the blockers altogether and go straight to cross-gender hormones, presumably at ages even younger than the 14-16 range described above. . . .


In addition to the Pennsylvania nursing home scandal, Levine has previously come under fire for other questionable judgments, including an order requiring that two-year-olds wear masks in public, a one-night suspension of alcohol sales in restaurants on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and a state recommendation that Pennsylvanians take up sexting or subscribe to a pornography service like OnlyFans in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

It is unclear whether any senators will question Levine on these judgments, or on Levine’s radical transgender ideology. Thus far, opposition to Levine’s nomination has been muted at best. Meanwhile, polls have shown large majorities of voters oppose subjecting minors to sex changes and gender conversion therapy. . . .

(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Article by Jon Schweppe. Photo by Anna Moneymaker-Pool/Getty Images)

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Danny N.C.
February 25, 2021

Dear Lord, let none of us back down on this matter. In Jesus precious name I pray Oa’ Lord, Amen.

Lynne Godfrey
February 24, 2021

I don’t understand Raheem being Atheist when he says” year of our lord” and has Christian prayer stuff on national pulse. This is a real question by Canadian Warroom and national pulse daily follower. Can you please square that Raheem?

February 24, 2021

So far, there is not one single thing that Joe Biden has done since being illegally put into office, to help make a positive impact to Americans or that helps our country.

Not one act, not one executive order, has put America and Americans first.

He hasn’t done anything to stimulate our economy or create jobs. In fact he destroyed over 11,000 jobs by killing the Keystone Pipeline. Thanks Joe for the higher gas prices at the pump.

He won’t open our economy back up and as far as his fake promise is concerning Covid-19, he hasn’t done anything to slow the spread. All of the policies Donald Trump put in place is the reason we have a vaccine in the first place.

Joe Biden’s foreign policy will put Americans at risk from attacks from our enemies and his domestic policies are a receipe for disaster.

He’s not supportive of our police officers and refuses to call out left wing violence against Americans.

He is willing to open our borders and allow illegal immigrants into our country. This will bring in some criminal element as well as increase Covid-19 infections.

His executive orders attacks families and religious freedoms. And he claims to be Catholic, yet he is willing to enact policies to murder the innocent through tax payer funded abortions.

He has promised to attack our 2nd Amendment rights and he has Big Tech working hard for him and his party to silence our free speech.

If you tried your best to script a worst president than Joe Biden you would fail miserably. Joe Biden takes the crown for worst president.

Let’s recap please;

failed economy

failed Covid-19 plan

Failed job creations

Americans less safe at home and abroad

Failed immigration policies

Attacks our Constitutional freedoms and our Religious Freedoms.

Sounds familiar doesn’t it. This is the same record Joe Biden has had for the 47 years as a politician. He’s doing what he is best at, being the worst politician ever.

Not my president, I didn’t vote for him or his failed policies.

    February 25, 2021

    Me thinks you might not pay much attention to the world or politics or God if you believe all those things. Have a great life! I will pray for ya, sweetie.

    Danny N.C.
    February 25, 2021

    While I do not believe him nearly intelligent enough to be the anti-Christ, he does certainly seem to be a “lawless “ man on so many levels and in so many ways. What a sad and dark time for America. Dear Lord, only You can get us out of this mess.

February 24, 2021

Jesus\o/ we ask You to come rescue the children. Break the dark chains being forced upon them. Unlock the shackles and let the children see Your Great Glory Your AMAZING LOVE…please help all who are working to find them and comfort them wherever they may be. Though the children are being greatly assaulted…YOU ARE GREATER STILL…LEAD THEM OUT OF ALL darkness and INTO YOUR GLORIOUS LIGHT AND FIND LIFE\o/ In Your Name By Your Spirit…ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE…So Be It ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD\o/ and AMEN
Jesus, You said that You have no thoughts to do any harm to these little ones but eye has not seen and ear has not heard neither has it entered the imagination of man what GOOD GOOD THINGS YOU HAVE IN MIND FOR THE CHILDREN YOU DESIGNED THEM PERFECTLY FOR A GOOD FUTURE, OH Holy Spirit let Your message get through to the soul and the spirits each child. Deliver them all Lord to God’s Glory. Amen

    Barbara Hesch
    February 24, 2021

    Joyce, I do not know what children you are praying for. Would they be the ones that are being torn from their mothers wombs? They are the innocent of innocents who cannot do a thing to fight back the evil being committed. What have we become when we don’t protect these little ones or value their lives. I can’t stand hearing other people who pretend to care about children, and then call this slaughter a woman’s right, and fight against those who want to stop it. Will God hear our prayers for the children while this is continuing? I’m not sure.

      February 24, 2021

      Dear Barbara, I was praying for all of our precious children. All lost, stolen, enslaved, broken, used, abused, confused, bullied and yes, also, very much for the unborn. All are precious in the eyes of the Lord. I pretty much am in perpetual prayer for all of them and all of us. The times are calling for nothing else. May The Lord’s Mercy be upon us all.

February 24, 2021

There have been a number of studies that have disclaimed and debunked the findings and claims of Dr. Levine that the mental health of transgender individuals were improved as a result of the surgical and medical interventions. IFA has shared some of the research in previous postings including the testimonies of those who truly regret the lie they brought into after undergoing drastic procedures. Since the ultimate goal is to ruin the lives of children and grandchildren and depopulate the world since these individuals will be infertile in the end, the lies must be disclosed and Dr. Levine revealed for who he really is, a tool of the enemy satan.

Father God, you already warned us in Romans 1:32 (NLT) that the mind and intent of the reprobate (Dr. Levine) is to encourage others to be reprobate. We speak up right now that Dr. Levine is practicing evil and those in Congress must not support his nomination where he would have even a larger platform of influence. May those in Congress open up their “eyes” spirit and recognize that the decision they make is truly a sin against the natural and spiritual will and plan of God for His creation-man and woman which the creature is not to desecrate. May Dr. Levine have a ‘come to Jesus’ moment and recognize the true man He can be only by receiving Jesus as His Lord and Savior. Send laborers along his way to witness to him of God’s every lasting love for the sinner and need for all to surrender. May we as Intercessors contact our Congressional Reps and voice our non-support of this nominee. In Jesus

    February 24, 2021

    Father, we bind the messages from hell designed to lead children into evil. Let THE GLORY OF YOUR PERFECT LOVE COVER THE CHILDREN’S MINDS HEARTS AND SPIRITS. We plead Your Holy Blood over the children. Bless them and KEEP THEM FROM ALL evil. Lead them by You Spirit into YOUR GLORIOUS LIGHT. in Jesus’ Name thank You for prayer and authority and Your Spirit of POER of LOVE of SOUND MINDEDNESS… so grateful that where darkness abounds YOUR GRACE MUCH MORE ABOUNDS…deliver the children oh LORD \o/ PIERCE THE DARKNESS WITH YOUR ETERNAL LIGHT AND BRING THE INNOCENT ONES OUT OF THOSE DARK PLACES TRANSLATE THEM INSTANTLY AND HEALING THEM AS THEY ARE DELIVERED OF THE GOD OF ALL CREATION…LET EVERY PERSON KNOW THAT THERE IS INDEED A GOD TO TREMBLE AND FEARFULLY SURRENDER TO

February 24, 2021

There have been a number of research articles that have disputed the claims of Dr. Levine that medical intervention with transgenders has improved their mental health. Furthermore IFA has shared articles about the testimonies of those who have undergone this surgery and truly regret their decision. Ultimately the goal is to ruin the lives of our children and grandchildren because ultimately those who undergo this drastic surgery are infertile.

Father God, you shared in your Word that individuals like Dr. Levine would pursue such a path to fool the world. You said in Romans 1:32 (NLT) that those of the reprobate mind would encourage others to be of similar mind. We therefore pray for Dr. Levine, that his mind be renewed to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior; that he may come to know who he is in Christ and to accept that his stinking thinking is sin however if he truly repents God will forgive him and he will no longer be reprobate. Send laborer along his way to bring him to the knowledge of you. May those in Congress come to their senses and recognize the sin that is being pushed as “normal” behavior and that transgenderism represents the ultimate abomination against the creative plan of man where the creator now thinks he is the creator (25). May we as Intercessors not only contact our Reps. to vote against this nomination but encourage others to do similarly. We thank you Father for deeming us as watchman to come against the plans of the satan by informing us of his plans. In Jesus authority and character do we pray.

Marlene Bickel
February 24, 2021

God has done and will do all He can but He expects us to be His hands, His feet, His voice, etc to actually do what Holy Spirit directs us to do. He’s given us a job to do and we better get busy before it’s too late!!!
It’s wrong and against the Word of God for us to think we can just sit back and tell God what to do and how to do it and then complain because He didn’t do what we told Him to do.
He gave us His instruction manual (Holy Bible) and Holy Spirit. It’s very late so we must WAKE UP, STAND UP, GET OUR “MARCHING ORDERS” AND GET TO WORK. Like—– NOW!!!!!

    Susan CC
    February 24, 2021

    Marlene, I just sent a prayer message to all of my state leaders…through this website. We have been given great opportunity and access in IFA’s website but more importantly access to God the Father, the Immortal, the One and Only God by our Savior’s sacrifice on the cross. Peace to you and keep working, I am one of countless who will join you!

Susan CC
February 24, 2021

“The wicked cannot sleep until they have done something evil. They will not rest until they bring someone down. Evil and violence are their food and drink.”

Father, there is no end to wickedness. But none of it takes You by surprise. The plans and strategies of the wicked are so many and so convoluted only YOU can understand and follow. “I remember the depth of the riches of YOUR wisdom and knowledge Father God! Your judgements are unsearchable and Your ways untraceable! No one has known Your mind or EVER counseled You. No one has ever given to You and had to be repaid. Everything is from YOU, through YOU and to YOU. Glory be to God forever.”

I am choosing not to be disturbed Father, I am choosing not to be distracted by the ongoing plans of wickedness but I cry out for children who are in the hands of evil men and women. I pray You would rise up and demonstrate Your aversion to this and all things unGodly. Show Your displeasure Father and let them be fearful as they know they have fallen into the Hands of the Living God. I pray all of us who love you would remain in Your hands! I pray in the Name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen

Proverbs 4:16-17 ERV
Romans 11:33-36
Hebrews 10:31

February 24, 2021

His nomination must be stopped from going forward!

    Susan CC
    February 24, 2021

    I am with you and praying that Democrats will speak up against this as well and these disastrous nominations would fall flat with the help of ALL. Undivided and unified.

    February 24, 2021

    I agree in Jesus’ Name. Father fill all place of authority over children’s lives and futures with GODLINESS ONLY…You have already said Your Plan for the children is to do them good. So Let Your Spirit fill these places of authority and stop those who only have the mind to kill steal and destroy the future of children. In Jesus’ Name Let It Be So and Amen…LET YOUR PERFECT LOVE FILL US FOR OUR CHILDREN ALL CHILDREN TO YOUR GREAT GLORY\o/

February 24, 2021

Please make this a “Take Action” item to facilitate contacting Senators Casey and Toomey.

    February 24, 2021

    Yes, that would be great.

      Mel PGM/PA
      February 24, 2021

      Robin, In case they don’t make this a “Take action” item, here are their email addresses. We can write on our own. What you say doesn’t matter too much. Just let them know you’re not happy with him/her. /Mel
      [email protected]

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