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Hillary R.
September 30, 2022

Father of mercies, forgive us and our nation for all evil speaking and for pandering to political correctness, and for silently accepting lies. The Finished Work on our Savior’s cross has removed all shame and fear caused by bona-fide guilt and false guilt. For this we praise you! We pray for those in Pres. Biden’s administration who have trespassed against us, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, amen. We ask and believe that your righteousness, through Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead and gift of the Holy Spirit, has given us power to proclaim our freedom of the human right to speak out, to write, publish, criticize, and assemble for the redress of grievances against the First and 4th Amendments to our Constitution – so help us God!

September 30, 2022

More and more the Biden administration is proving to be the Great USA homeland terrorists.

September 30, 2022

was there t o be a story…. i do not see one

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