I Prayed have prayed
Father, the crisis at our border has only led to more suffering and pain. We pray for real action that would solve this crisis.
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The Senate is once again pushing a bipartisan border bill, and President Biden is in full support. What do you think of the bill?

From Breitbart. President Joe Biden is lobbying House and Senate lawmakers to increase immigration. …

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On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the Senate would again attempt to pass an immigration bill. …

… Biden is lobbying for the bill. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the administration “strongly support[s] this legislation”

The bill would increase overall immigration to the U.S. and carefully manage large inflows of migrants into the nation’s interior, even as the foreign-born population has already hit 51.6 million on Biden’s watch. …

While increasing the annual number of green cards given to foreign nationals by 50,000, the bill also provides work permits to the adult children of H-1B visa holders, green cards to the tens of thousands of Afghan migrants who have arrived under Biden, expedited work permits to those migrants released into the U.S. interior, and taxpayer-funded lawyers to certain unaccompanied alien children (UACs) and mentally incompetent migrants.

Among the most controversial provisions, the bill allows some 35,000 migrant encounters at the southern border before the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can use fierce border controls to detain and quickly remove new arrivals. …

Share your prayers for our border crisis below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: CBP Photography)

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Michael Briney
May 24, 2024

There are many people who immigrated to our country legally and are proud of it because they did it the right way. I believe that the only reason President Biden is doing nothing to stop illegal immigration is that he believes it will provide him with more votes to win the election. He has no concern for the damage it is doing to America. The true church needs to stand strong and to pray for God’s will to take over in this matter!

Karen Secrest
May 22, 2024

May the God of Creaton manifest to care for All His children. May those who follow Him and His ways be Blessed and those who choose t o follow the beast be condemned

Thus saith the Lord. AMEN
Prepare for an 8
0 Shaking
One you’ve never even gained but restrains

Detains the enemy

So Be It


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