I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we ask for Your intervention in Afghanistan. We ask You to hold back forces of darkness and for Your standard of righteousness to be raised up. We ask You to send Your angelic protection to this nation. Amen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Taliban has gained control of Afghanistan’s major cities and is expected to gain control of Kabul in the coming days.  This advancement includes the capture of U.S.-made military vehicles, guns, tanks, and artillery, making the Taliban an even more lethal threat. Read below for more information.

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly pleading with Taliban terrorists to spare the U.S. Embassy in Kabul as the the extremist group has rapidly regained control of the majority of Afghanistan…

The news comes as the Taliban seized Kandahar and Herat on Thursday, two of the largest cities in Afghanistan…

“These captured systems will increase the mobility and lethality of the Taliban, making them a more formidable adversary,” said Bradley Bowman, senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “We have already seen the Taliban using captured humvees to patrol Kunduz and Sar-e Pol.”…


The U.S. announced on Thursday that it was deploying thousands of troops to Afghanistan to assist with evacuating Americans. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said three battalions – one from the Army and two from the Marines – will enter Afghanistan over the next 48 hours to assist with security at the Kabul airport, and that a brigade of 4,000 Army soldiers was being sent to Kuwait to be on standby if more troops were needed…

Robert Gates, who served as defense secretary for the Obama administration, previously warned that Democrat President Joe Biden had “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

What are your thoughts about the Taliban’s substantial gains, and the U.S. administration’s apparent lack of action? Share your prayers and comments below.

(Excerpted from The Daily Wire. Article by Ryan Saavedra. Photo Credit: Majid Saeedi/Getty Images).

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August 14, 2021

As the wife of a combat veteran who was there for multiple deployments, this is beyond tragic for America’s veterans and their families, and proof of moronic leadership. As a human being, the drastic shift of Afghanistan (and Middle East) in pictures/history from the 1950s to 1970s before Afghanistan’s (internal) War simply triggers a human response of shock, sadness, and lamenting. As a biological female, I thank God for America and the Christian love through governance. The blatant regression displayed worldwide by the current Democratic Party administration is disastrous. Kabul’s American Embassy is about 5 miles from KIA (airport). This means convoys which is probable deaths; 3,000 Marines is a Force heading back to Kabul. This is so mismanaged, it is foolish. The fluid Afghanistan borders can build up Islamic rogue jihadist within hours. Charlie Wilson’s War in Afghanistan provided the (American) weapons American troops faced during a 20 years war as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mismanagement of weapons resulting in Extortion 17 or 31 American citizens dead (trailing to Benghazi). NOW, American troops return to Afghanistan (because America’s Democratic Party leadership is weak-minded) to possibly be killed by the weapons America left behind for the Afghan National Army that ran away from the Taliban who then took America’s “gifted” weapons. In addition, the Taliban now has even greater weapons to intimidate and threaten Afghan citizens who reject their interpretation of tribal Islam. Natural man will always pursue chaos. This is in no way over. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem… courage and Godspeed

August 14, 2021

Really Joe? You’re asking a terrorist military group that is intent on controlling and undermining an entire nation to “please spare our embassy”.
I just shake my head in disbelief at this imposter who pretends to be a president. You and your leftist flunkies on your administration made this decision. Nobody wants a 20 year ongoing war but the Biden administration is made up of ideological fools who refuse to follow protocol and established principles that actually work. They are convinced they know what is best and so they blindly proceed and keep going even though they fail repeatedly because they keep trying to build on quicksand. They refuse to depend on God other than using his name vainly for a photo op or to try and force people to do what “they think you should do”. Instead of putting a real military leader in charge of defense, he puts a woke leftist that was groomed and prepped on ideology. Biden and company has turned their back on the people they said they would help and they have turned their back on America. If he actually thinks asking “nice” with the Taliban is going to work, he really is out to lunch. Sorry if this offends anyone but there is no way to sugar coat this and we shouldn’t even think of doing so.

    August 14, 2021

    Amen, CN! It’s Biden and this administration that offends me! Thanks for telling it like it is!!

August 14, 2021

This catastrophe was predicted by our US military experts before Biden made the terribly wrong decision to leave the country. It is even worse than Obama did when leaving Iraq. Biden now has the blood of thousands and thousands of innocent Afghans on his hands. This is really a crime against humanity and he knew this would happen if we left. I pray that God brings justice to the Biden Government for this terrible crime against the people there. He is unwilling to repent of his sins and needs to resign.

    August 14, 2021

    Not only the Biden administration is under judgement, but our nation. We receive the leaders that we elected, that is, if you believe the Nov 2020 wasn’t stolen. Lord have mercy on the USA.


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