I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for the protection of our families. We pray for a dismantling of deceptive gender ideology, and that our legal system would never again separate a confused and vulnerable child from their parents.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Biden administration, through government grants, is helping the legal system weaponize gender ideology against vulnerable families.

From Daily Caller. Parents increasingly find family court judges, who make life-changing decisions involving children, have fully bought into the agenda pushed by Biden-Harris administration-backed transgender activists.

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State courts have for years independently hosted transgender activist groups to lecture judges on appropriate pronoun usage and the importance of “affirming” a child’s perceived identity. But now the federal government is on board: In 2023, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a $1 million grant to integrate gender ideology into juvenile justice and child welfare systems nationwide.

The grant, awarded to the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), established a resource center to train judges, child welfare workers and other professionals involved with the juvenile justice system on sexuality and gender identity. The materials encourage judges to adopt an ideological framework that pits children against parents who do not support their self-selected identities.

“Gender identity is now being used as a cudgel to essentially break up family relationships,” Sarah Parshall Perry, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, told the DCNF. …

Elected state judges are able to initiate child protective services investigations or even send children to foster care, Perry told the DCNF. Multiple parents across the country who declined to affirm their child’s gender confusion have already reported losing custody.

In California, a judge stripped a father of custody of one of his sons in 2020 amid a divorce proceeding when he would not consent to allowing his son to undergo transgender medical procedures. In other states, including MarylandMontana and Ohio, parents have likewise reported in recent years losing their children to the foster care system after judges denied custody over their refusal to treat the child as the opposite sex.

To create the grant-funded Pride Justice Resource Center, the NCJFCJ partnered with the National Center for Youth with Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression (SOGIE Center).

The National SOGIE Center is run by several researchers who previously received a federal grant in 2016 aimed at transforming the foster care system, which funded the development of programs in Ohio designed to convince parents and caregivers to “affirm” whatever beliefs their children hold about gender identity, the DCNF previously reported.

Biden administration officials looked to the “Affirm Me” program developed in Ohio as a model when crafting their new foster care rule, which requires state agencies to place children in homes that do not oppose their desires to live as the opposite sex. The program is also listed as a resource on the PJRC website. …

‘Beyond Disturbing’

The DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention announced it was expanding efforts to “protect youth who identify as LGBTQI+” in response to a June 2022 executive order from President Joe Biden. To highlight the need, the OJJDP cites a 2014 study that found LGBT identifying youth are twice as likely to be arrested or detained. …

The grant-funded Pride Justice Resource Center hosts a number of resources for juvenile justice system professionals, including webinars. The materials are designed to support “system change, family engagement, and acceptance, identifying gaps in knowledge related to LGBTQ2S+ and the intersections of multiple identities,” according to the website.

Judges who know a child’s identity can ensure services like “gender-affirming care” are offered, which may be required for “effective rehabilitation,” according to a guide produced by the PJRC. The guide states placements should be “made based on the person’s gender identity and where the young person feels most safe.” …

A four-year systematic review of transgender medical studies conducted in England, the Cass Report, determined there is weak evidence for giving children puberty blockers. Standards from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) often used to justify such procedures for minors have also come under fire after unsealed court documents revealed the Biden administration influenced WPATH to remove age limits.

Yet judges are told — and encouraged to convince parents of youth who enter their courtrooms — it is crucial to accept all of a child’s claims about his identity. …

Parental rights advocates expressed concern the center’s resources on gender were unsupported by science and could bias judges against the rights of religious families.

“This is our federal government promoting with the force of its authority, with its vast resources, an ideology and an ideological agenda that disrupts and disintegrates the family,” Vernadette Broyles, president and general counsel of the Child and Parental Rights Campaign, told the DCNF. “That opposes parents who believe in biological reality, who believe that man was created male and female, whether from scientific processes or by a Creator. It’s beyond disturbing.” …

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(Excerpt from Daily Caller. Photo Credit: iStock)

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Brandon Maddox
October 25, 2024

It’s time to defund the DOJ and reform all 3-letter bureaucracies as they are the enemy of the people along with the Corporate Media!

Mary Beth
October 24, 2024

Lord, please intervene on behalf on those parents who are under fire, because of their stand for Biblical Truth – those who love their children enough to refuse to compromise that Truth. Truth will always either divide or unify people, depending on their willingness to accept it as Truth and live in accordance with it, or reject it. We can only know true unity when our unity is a result of aligning/uniting with YHVH – anything less is just cooperating to do evil, as they did at the Tower of Babel. I would ask, “How did that rebellion against God work out for them?”

Darlene Estlow
October 24, 2024

Father, protect our children. Change the hearts of our leaders so they will not push these lies about many genders. Protect our families. May parents stand firm and not walk in fear. May judges learn truth and stand firm in the truth. We come to you because you alone can change hearts. May we as your people stand firm and speak truth. We pray you would bless our families.

October 24, 2024

The Biden administration, true to form, again battles against anything normal. With their deep state ties and internal personnel placement (many of those took place during the Obama tenure “under the radar”), Biden and his systematic group of thieves & anti-God, anti-family people continue to do damage through non-stop, 24/7, behind the door policy making. Many do not realize that these are people that were hired and put in place to strictly do some of the following: 1) write policy & create language/terminology changes aimed specifically at the destruction of the Constitution 2) legal warfare through the systematic dismantling of existing laws – this includes purposely violating present laws, no accountability for blatant ethics violations, internally created laws / protection for those that are exposed or caught, strict adherence to the use of appointed leftist judges to move their agenda forward, appointment of specific or “purchased” individuals to head up the police departments or DA offices of major cities 3) use of gullible or easily deceived private citizens to do their dirty work 4) continued targeting of messages to certain political groups or voters who refuse to do actual or fact based research (politicians behind closed doors sometimes refer to them as idiots, stupid, etc.) 5) relentless targeting of the normal nuclear family through taxpayer paid messaging, Hollywood or paid protesters – the main messages being that abnormal, perverse or life threatening / mental & physically damaging personal conduct is “normal” or just a given choice with no consequences 6) the squashing of medical science reports that reinforce that perverse conduct has severe consequences, short and long term
It is sad that many Christians do not see the battle and how intense it is or the long term damage that has and continues to be inflicted. Many churches continue to practice “church” as usual, never addressing what is happening around them.
God – deliver us from evil, cowardly, ungodly leaders and spokes people. Show us the truth of what is happening. Remove our blinders, that we may see and actually get involved in the battle taking place. Remove from office, power or positions any people who seek or continue to do damage to our nation, our families and communities. USE ANY MEANS necessary Lord – our hope is that those who lose those positions will be faced with the truth that they are and have been on the wrong path. Save them if possible Lord. Hear the prayers of your remnant Lord and intervene in our nation’s affairs. amen

October 24, 2024

This is a lawless administration using lawless ”judges” to attempt and destroy the family as well as God’s order in the universe. By the way the cartoon character known as Comrade Walz thinks that the fact that same sex animals hump one another proves that perversion is “natural”, overlooking the fact that the fall of man tainted the entire created order. But that aside, this country is being pushed into a nightmare foretold in Orwell’s “1984” through the willful ignorance of gender reality, the breakup of family units and total dependence on a clumsy, lumbering totalitarian state. Anyone who does not see this is, frankly, asleep and being brainwashed by people such as a president with dementia and a candidate who is the picture of a DEI hire. Their obsession with torturing babies to death and extreme perversion (which is intended to lead to the legalization of child sex, then sex with animals since the objective barrier has been breached and all is subjective now) is based on a satanically motivated globalist agenda which vainly wishes to overthrow God. This is why this lunacy is happening.

October 24, 2024

In the night name of Jesus we ask that every parent who has lost or is in danger of losing custody of a child in this way be surrounded by support and resources and effective help that bring them victory and restore their ability to parent their child.
Lord God we cry out to you to change our government, remove this wickedness, and give us leaders who will put a stop to it.

October 24, 2024

LORD thank You for the exposure of these plans to You people. Now provide Your direction, means, provision and opportunities for the dismantling of these plans and grant US ALL the courage to be taking our part in these actions!

October 24, 2024

Many lower judges are elected. In my area, the majority are Christian. Many of the higher judges are appointed, but Trump appointed hundreds while he was president. he actually has appointed more than Biden has been able to.

Brian Lynch
October 24, 2024

How sad and WRONG. Lord Jesus, please, convict all those involved, and cause them to repent. Thank You, Jesus.

Allena Jordan
October 24, 2024

Father, with outrage and yet a heavy heart, I cry out to You. The government has overstepped its boundaries. I ask You to intervene on behalf of those parents whose children were removed from the home. Return them in tact, Lord. Let the children cry out for their parents. I come against the powers of darkness who rear their proud heads against the knowledge of God. May the Lord Jesus Christ Himself rebuke all of you. Return to the abyss from which you came. Father, deliver the children from evil. Save the children, O God. Forgive this nation for allowing other groups to invade our families with sin and lies. Raise the moral standard. Let deliverance come, Lord, for children and families. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

October 24, 2024

Father , America is being attacked by your and our enemy the devil as never before . The silliness of a minor child being supported by our legal system to choose their gender is straight from the pit of HELL. In our savior Jesus name we ask for your heavenly hosts to assist as we stand shoulder to shoulder arrayed in the full armor of GOD and proclaim to Satan ..NO MORE because JESUS is Lord of THIS land !!! Hallelujah


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