I Prayed have prayed
Father, we have strayed so far from You. Our nation needs Your help, our hospitals need Your help and guidance. Strengthen the citizens of this nation to stand up against evil.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Biden administration on Tuesday filed an appeal to find a way to force physicians and hospitals to perform potentially harmful gender transition surgeries on patients – including children – even if they have religious objections.

The Daily Caller reports Biden’s appeal hinges on a 2016 Obama-era interpretation of a nondiscrimination clause of the Affordable Care Act, resulting in a mandate that did not include conscience or religion exemptions. The mandate required doctors and hospitals to provide transgender surgeries upon a mental health professional’s referral.

As CBN News reported in January, a federal court in North Dakota struck down a directive known as the “Transgender Mandate” that was issued under the Obama administration, forcing members of the health care community to violate their medical judgment and religious beliefs. . . .

“The plaintiffs are religious doctors, hospitals, and clinics who joyfully serve ALL patients regardless of sex or gender identity. They routinely provide top-notch care to transgender patients for everything from cancer to the common cold. They also provide millions of dollars in free and low-cost care to the elderly, poor, and underserved – care that is jeopardized by the government’s attempt to punish them with multi-million dollar penalties,” Goodrich wrote.

The legal scholar denounced Biden’s appeal noting the Transgender Mandate not only threatens religious doctors and hospitals, but it also threatens patients, and there’s substantial evidence showing certain gender transition procedures can be deeply harmful.

Goodrich also explained multiple federal courts have reached the same conclusion:  “There is no medical consensus that sex reassignment surgery is a necessary or even effective treatment for gender dysphoria.” Gibson v. Collier, 920 F.3d 212, 223 (5th Cir. 2019).  . . .

Goodrich also pointed to a study commissioned by NHS England which found “very low” evidence for the effectiveness of “puberty blockers” and cross-sex hormones.

No Psychological Benefits 

During an interview with CBN News in January, Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., explained that patients undergoing sex-reassignment surgery don’t receive the highly-anticipated happiness they are seeking.

“The cultural moment in which we’re living suggests that there’s only one allowed conclusion to this question,” he said. “And the only allowed conclusion is that (gender) transition is the best solution. The biggest data set shows that there’s no benefits, psychological benefits, to patients of hormonal and surgical transition.”

“So what we need to do is find ways to help patients feel comfortable in their own bodies. We need to be respectful. We need to be compassionate,” he added. . . .

Meanwhile, The Daily Caller reports Brian Burch, president of the Catholic Vote, slammed President Biden on Wednesday for filing the appeal.

Burch noted that even though major media outlets, reporters, and Press Secretary Jen Psaki have advertised Biden’s Catholicism as “devout,” Biden continues to enact policies directly contradictory to Catholic teaching.  . . .

As CBN News reported in March, Biden’s position on abortion is also creating quite the divide among his fellow Catholic faithful.

His critics say the President is “cloaking himself in Catholicism” by talking about his faith, while not following Church teachings. Many question whether he’s going against long-held tenets of the faith in favor of a more progressive approach.

Share your prayers for these doctors, surgeons, and hospitals as they make these tough decisions. . .

(Excerpt from CBN. Article by Steve Warren. Photo Credit: The White House Flickr.)

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April 27, 2021

O, Father it cannot be that Your image in us, the individual identity you saw in each of us before You even formed any of us, that Your will in creation should be so mocked that men You created could force others to change the outward appearance of any one of us, as male and female, created by You to be fruitful and multiply and subdue all the earth.

You saw our creation, on the sixth day, as not only good, but “very good.”

Even today, You look on our hearts, the hearts of those who know and love you, as well as those who are confused, who believe outward appearances can change the heart – as well as on the confused hearts of those enforcing such mockery of Your will and Your creation on their fellow men and women – and you look with love.
You, Father, are NOT the author of confusion. But, in Your hand alone is power and might so that NO ONE is able to withstand You.

I know that You have shown Your truth to many who have already been deceived in this area, and granted them repentance and reconciliation.
For the sake of Your glory, I ask that You rescue those still stumbling to this attempted slaughter of Your identity in us. To do this, please equip us to stand in the gap, with the Sword of Your Spirit, just as you equipped Jonathan and his armor bearer at the pass before the garrison of the Philistines, to slaughter those who tried to pass, so that the land trembled, and the Philistines fled. “For nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few.”

Dear Lord, our Abba, You made each one of these people, on each side of the question. Only You can open the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf, that they might hear Your voice of righteousness say “This is the way; walk in it.”
For it is Your will that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance, and the knowledge of the truth.

Father, let us rejoice and be glad in every aspect of Your creation of each one of us: male or female, our parents, our siblings, our birth order, our appearance, our time, our days, our gifts, our place. You alone are faithful!

Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS!

    April 28, 2021

    Father we also take a spiritual stance in Your authority against the evil spiritual entities directing this debauchery and bind them. We pull down their strongholds and release truth, grace, and mercy to those who have been deceived. We nullify all attempts to subvert Your will against our God ordained sexuality. Restore Your holy purposes of creation for male and female expressions. Give us revelation of Your purposes for marriage and families. Cleanse our families and our nation from this rebellion and curse. We thank You for hearing and acting on this prayer In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Juan Ordonez
April 26, 2021

Father God, in the name of Jesus we praise your name for all the great detail and care you demonstrate in the creation, especially in the creation of the man. There are many things undiscovered and not seen enough to appreciate your love and your magnificent purpose, not even doctors can explain every detail we find in the human body. But we know how the wrong direction, treatment, counsel, or procedure experienced in the body can permanently harm our minds and behavior. Please Dear God, I ask you in the name of your loving son Jesus Christ, to give our nurses, doctors, and healthcare system workers the knowledge and ideas to discern and understand the evil behind these legal arguments that hide the pain and suffering that pose the gender transformation procedures. Give our healthcare philosophers and main voices in the church the space to make their voices heard and expose the real danger in establishing these laws. We ask you to stop these efforts of dangerous laws and protect our brethren in gender confusion ( and they find their way back to your amazing love!) and our children. In the name of Jesus we pray for wisdom and arguments to debate, refuse, expose, bind and mute those “legal arguments” with the kindness and scientific evidence supported only in the love and understanding our healthcare workers and people opposing this transgender mandate can only receive through your holy spirit in us. I thank you Father for listening to the many voices of your people calling for help in these prayers. Blessed be Your holy name, in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

    Darlene Estlow
    April 26, 2021

    Amen and amen. Father we pray for right decisions on the part of our leaders and a turning away from cultural evil.

April 26, 2021

Father you see the hand of the enemy attempting to force his will on your children by requiring them to perform procedures on patients that are completely contrary to their beliefs & Your Word. We ask Father that you move in behalf of the doctors, surgeons. hospitals & staff to protect them from ungodly legislation. Let your truth & righteousness prevail & let those government officials that have to weigh in on this matter yield their will to your will & come into agreement with you word concerning these issues which would seek to usurp their authority over the true authority which is your Word. Raise up godly leaders who will stand up for what is right & true in Jesus Name. Let your kingdom come & your will be done regarding this situation. Show yourself strong on the behalf of those who are being threatened to conform to the world’s way of doing. Let religious freedom remain intact in Jesus Name. Amen & Amen


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