I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank you for the increased sales of Bibles in 2024. We praise you for the work you are doing in calling Gen Z-ers to your Word and truth. We pray that every new reader would come to know of Your great love, O God the Creator, of the saving grace of Jesus, God the Redeemer, and the power of the Holy Spirit, God the Sanctifier.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Good News! Bible sales in America soared 22% in 2024. These rising sales are driven by new buyers and Gen Z-ers (born between 1997 and 2012), and especially among young men.

Who is praying on the wall?


According to the Wall Street Journal, this Bible Boom is being fueled by increased anxiety, worries, and a growing sense of hopelessness. People are seeking answers to lifeā€™s challenges and difficulties and are turning to the Bible. They want answers to the age-old questions, ā€œWhat is the meaning of life? What is my purpose here? Where is the world going?ā€

HarperCollins Christian Publishing attributes this spike in Bible purchases to two groups: the spiritually curious and those desiring a deeper spirituality.

Gen Z-ers have expressed a ā€œdeeper craving for really understanding what it means to walk with God.ā€ They acknowledge that understanding starts with reading and studying the Bible. Or as Scripture states, ā€œFaith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Godā€ (Romans 10:17).

Who are Gen-Zers and why are they so interested in the Bible?

Gen Z-ers are the children of younger baby boomers and Gen X (born between 1965 to 1980.) Geb Z-ers are known as ā€œdigital nativesā€ ā€“ the first generation to have grown up in the information age. They have only known a world full of computers, mobile phones, internet and social media. They are extremely online, spending six or more hours a day online.

Jonathan Haidt, author of The Anxious Generation concludes, ā€œGen Z is the first generation to have gone through puberty hunched over smartphones and tablets, having fewer face-to-face conversations and shoulder-to-shoulder adventures with their friends.ā€

The Economist describes Gen Z-ers as the most stressed and depressed generation compared to prior generations. They have more fears and greater anxiety than any previous generation. Gen Z is also considered the least religious generation in history. The McKinsey Report reveals Gen Z-ers have the least positive outlook on life and the highest occurrence of mental illness.

Itā€™s no wonder Gen Z-ers struggle to find positivity when they are bombarded with news and information 24 hours a day. Theyā€™re the most fearful generation of wars and rumors of wars as well as mass shootings. Theyā€™re told the climate is collapsing and the world will soon be unlivable. Theyā€™re warned that democracy is ending and dictators will lock them up. Biology is fluid. Masculinity is toxic. Marriage is temporary. America is racist and evil at its core ā€¦ and on and on the negativity goes.

The worldā€™s ā€œreligionā€ instructs Gen Z to find fulfillment in yourself. Love yourself, take care of yourself first, be your ā€œauthenticā€ self ā€¦ and other such self-worship.

Maybe Gen Z-ers are fed up with such navel-gazing nonsense. Maybe Gen Z-ers are growing weary of the alphabet religion of the rainbow. Maybe theyā€™re tired of the ā€œif it feels good, do itā€ mentality and of being sexualized at an early age. Maybe theyā€™re finding sinful pleasures meaningless and degrading.

Maybe theyā€™re simply tired of the doom and gloom, self-serving attitudes, shallow relationships and casual pleasure that surrounds them. Maybe theyā€™re longing for true deep connections with one another and to someone and a belief system that is real and eternal.

Tyndale House Publisher, Amy Simpson, attributes the surge in Bible reading, particularly among Gen Z-ers and college students, to a ā€œgeneration that wants to find things that feel more solid.ā€

The American Bible Study in its report, State of the Bible USA 2024, concludes, ā€œYoung adults who engage with Scripture flourish just as much as older folks. The Bible, meaningfully applied to their lives, makes up for many of the negative issues that affect Gen Z more than older generations.ā€

Maybe God is revealing to their hearts that the way forward is to reach out to the God ā€“ the Great I AM ā€“ who changes nought. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Maybe theyā€™re ready to hear the truth of the prophet Jeremiah 6:16ā€¦

Thus says theĀ Lord: ā€œStand in the ways and see, And ask for the old paths, where the good wayĀ is,Ā And walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls.

Are Gen Z-ers Hungry for a New Way?

While Gen Z-ers have been described as the least religious generation America has ever seen and are considered twice as likely to become atheists, there is hope. God is moving within this generation.

Remember, The Asbury Revival in 2023? It was sparked by Gen Z-ers at Asbury University in Wilmore Kentucky. For 16 days, young people repented and worshipped God. Asbury attracted 50,000 to 70,000 students from over 200 colleges. Many said it was ā€œa genuine authentic outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Gen Z.ā€

Gen-Zers have also been encouraged to read the Bible by social media influencers and celebrities who have become more open about their faith, such as Mark Wahlberg, Chris Pratt, Kirk Cameron, Reba McEntire, Dennis Quaid, and many others.

Even President-Elect Trump has spoken out on reading the Bible. He said, “All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It’s my favorite book. In the end we donā€™t answer to bureaucrats in Washington, we answer to God in Heaven. Letā€™s make America pray again.”

The Word of God is living and active

As Christians we know that the Bible is not simply words on a page. Itā€™s ā€œliving and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.ā€ (Hebrews 4:12).

And who is the Word of God? Jesus. Or, as my favorite Christmas hymn O Come all Ye Faithful describes him, ā€œWord of the Father, now in flesh appearing.ā€

Let us pray that every single soul that has bought a Bible for the very first time this past year will find Jesus and ask Him into their hearts. Let us claim Godā€™s promise for these young seekers of peace and truth, ā€œYou will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.ā€ Jeremiah 29:13.

Let us pray that theyā€™ll discover the God who loves them so much that He was born to save them and died on the cross to pay the price of their sin. May they come to know the truth they will find in the Bible that it is only God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who offers true hope to not only live victoriously in this world but offers the hope of eternal glory. ā€œI write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal lifeā€ (1 John 5:13).

I encourage you to give a Bible to someone you know and suggest they begin with Genesis 1-11 for the foundation of why weā€™re here and our need for a Savior. Then the Gospel of John to understand who Jesus is and why He came. Then Romans which explains the gospel and salvation by faith in Christ. Thatā€™s a good place to start.

Let us claim Godā€™s great promise for all who turn to the Bible, ā€œSo is My word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to Me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.ā€ Isaiah 55:11

Let us pray for the seed of Godā€™s Word planted through the increased Bible sales in 2024 will lead to a bountiful harvest of souls in 2025. In the mighty name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.

ā€œFor the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.ā€ Zephaniah 3:17

Share your prayers for God’s Word to go forth and change hearts below!

Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belindaā€™s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: Timothy Eberly on Unsplash.

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Helen Whittle
January 4, 2025

Praise God . I’m believing for a great out pouring of God’s spirit.

January 3, 2025

Heavenly Father
We adore You. Your amazing love is so wonderful we desire as You do that all would come to know You and follow the lead of Holy Spirit into Your plans and purposes for our lives. May You be glorified and exalted through it all in Jesus name

January 2, 2025


Susan CC
January 2, 2025

Psalms, “Your Word, O LORD, is everlasting; it is firmly fixed in the Heavens.”
Isaiah, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God stands forever.ā€
Jesus’ Words as reported by Matthew and Luke, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.”
John 1, 10
2 Timothy 3

Dear Lord and Eternal God, thank You that by Your Word all things were made and in Your Word we receive instruction, conviction, correction, and training…Your Word is life itself. Your Word became flesh and dwelled among us, bringing to the world grace and truth. You say, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Lord, You are our Shepherd and I thank You as I continue to pray for all people to hear, “follow Me” and may they do so with all their hearts, minds and souls. I believe Your Word. In Your Word I am saved and I know this and all things through reading Your Word. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Amen

January 2, 2025

God in Heaven. Letā€™s make America pray again.ā€ in Jesus amen.

Darlene Estlow
January 2, 2025

Father, may this growth in Bible sales bring a revival and reformation. You are reviving us, I ask that you would reform us, teach us to live as you teach us to. Reform our society, our culture, to live as you ask us to live, putting our faith to action.

Margaret Ike Farnow
January 2, 2025

I am thankful that God is turning things around! The Bible was removed from schools in America about 50 years ago causing many Americans to grow up without any knowledge of God or any moral compass. I thank you God for the awakening and the revival that is here in America and will spread around the world! A billion-soul harvest and beyond! Yes Lord! Come Lord Jesus! Transform the Lives of President Donald Trump (Baptize him in the Holy Spirit and cause him to become a father to this nation), Vice President J.D. Vance, their entire Cabinet and their entire families! Lord, I ask for revival and transformation in our government, in our culture and in the entire world! Thank you, Lord Jesus! There is nothing you cannot do! Thank you for your Power!

Shpend Shyti
January 2, 2025

May the Lord Almighty open the eyes the hearts the minds and guide the youth not only in America but everywhere towards the truth toward Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
May the Lord Almighty keep us firm at the foot of the Cross and guide us to be light to the youth and to our communities.
In the Name and in the Blood of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Brian Lynch
January 2, 2025

Lord Jesus, I thank You for stirring up a hunger in these trying times. The people who have lead to an increase in Bible sales indicates that there are people particularly the Gen-Z group, who are searching for the Truth. May they fervently seek Truth in Your Holy Word, and live their lives in obedience to You. Thank you Jesus.

Mary Beth S
January 2, 2025

Yes, Belinda, I to pray that the Word would: open blinded eyes; unstop blocked ears; soften hard hearts; fill the atmosphere with the sweet scent of heaven and the presence of YHVH; sensitize to the touch of Holy Spirit conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment; enable them to taste and see that the Lord is GOOD. Above all may it reveal Yeshua and the plan of redemption that fill it’s pages from the beginning in Genesis to the end in Revelation. Holy Spirit, be their teacher, so that what they learn will be unadulterated and pure – not the doctrines and traditions of man.


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