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Pray for an awakening of the true Church in America.

Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. (Acts 2:47)

America is littered with thousands upon thousands of church buildings that arenā€™t being used anymore.

… Between 6,000 and 10,000 churches are dying in the United States every single year, and that means that more than 100 will die this week alone.Ā  And of course thousands of others are on life support.Ā  All over the country this weekend, small handfuls of people will gather in huge buildings which once boasted very large congregations.Ā  At one time, America was widely considered to be ā€œa Christian nationā€, but that really isnā€™t true anymore.Ā  As an excellent article in The Atlantic has noted, even though most Americans still consider themselves to be ā€œChristianā€, the numbers are telling us a very different storyā€¦.

Many of our nationā€™s churches can no longer afford to maintain their structuresā€”6,000 to 10,000 churches die each year in Americaā€”and that number will likely growā€¦.

In fact, the ā€œnonesā€ have risen from just 6 percent of the population in 1991 to 25 percent today.Ā  That makes them the single largest ā€œreligious groupā€ in the United States.

Today, less than 20 percent of all Americans attend church on a regular basis.Ā  As a result, churches are dying in very large numbers, and this is a trend that appears to be accelerating.Ā  According to Thom S. Rainer of Lifeway, when you break the numbers down it means that ā€œaround 100-200 churches will close this weekā€ā€¦.

Between 6,000 and 10,000 churches in the U.S. are dying each year. That means around 100-200 churches will close this week. The pace will accelerate unless our congregations make some dramatic changes.

Any institution needs resources in order to survive, and churches are not any different.

As attendance has declined, so has giving, and at this point the percentage of charity donations going to religious institutions is at an all-time low….

Religious institutions are still the single biggest recipients of overall charity donations, according to the 2015 survey by the Giving USA Foundation. About 32 percent ā€” $119.3 billion ā€” of a total of $373.25 billion Americans gave to charities went to churches, synagogues, mosques and temples.

But that is down from about 50 percent since 1990, according to Rick Dunham, vice chairman of Giving USA, and the percentage has been ā€œin steady decline for some time.ā€

So when churches die, what happens to their buildings?

Well, some are torn down, some are renovated for residential or business purposes, and some are being put to other uses….

A large number of abandoned churches have become wineries or breweries or bars. Others have been converted into hotels, bed-and-breakfasts, and Airbnbs. A few have been transformed into entertainment venues, such as an indoor playground for children, a laser-tag arena, or a skate park….

Not only did early Americans identify themselves as Christians, but nearly all of them regularly attended church.

Now our society is moving very rapidly in the exact opposite direction, and many believe that this has tremendous implications for the future of our nation.Ā  (Excerpts from Michael Snyder article in InfoWars.com)

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Felicia Penner
December 9, 2018

Let our focus be on Jesus, for a true church is the Bride responding to the Bridegroom. Arise and Shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Rejoice, and again i say rejoice, be anxious for nothing but by pray and supplication let your requests be known to God, with thanksgiving, and the peace that passes understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

December 9, 2018

Lord, You are Holy and just God, Creator of all. Before we come before You in prayer and worship, let us repent of the sin in our lives, our families, our church body, our communities and nation. We have kicked You, Your name, Your Sons name and anything You represent out of our schools and public gathering. As a nation, we are closer to Sodom and Gomorrah than we are to being a Christian nation. Father we repent of the sin of abortion. We repent of the murder by tongue of our Brothers and Sisters that do not share same doctrine. Father, we repent of keeping men in the the pulpit that would rather give a cute joke, and a 15 min motivational speech loosely based on some noncontroversial verse in the Bible and expect their flock to be prepared to evangelise to a lost and hurting world. Father, these church buildings have become nothing more than a gathering place for prideful men to boast in themselves, to talk about their programs and we have forgotten to do the one thing we were created for -to glorify You alone, to boast in Christ and His saving work. So Father God, we have made a mess of this world, our time here is short, & yet You are eternal, You know no limits, may Your will be done on Earth as it is is heaven and may we see in our lifetimes a return to You, a desire, yearning for You, for Your Holy Spirit to do a work in us, may the church no longer divide over doctrine, healing our broken relationship beginning with the one we have in Christ. You have won the battle, victory is in Christ Jesus & may we go forth boasting & glorifying You in all we do, and especially when it comes to worship in the building we call ‘church’. Amen

Rose Goetsch
December 9, 2018

I read in a book where Jesus said that fully two-thirds of churches will close.

Brother Amartey
December 8, 2018

@Jerry Sauls, that’s the way to go my brother! Revival is the only way, and yes, we need to cry out until the Lord hears us and sends a mighty revival to awaken dead churches and dead believers, not only here in America, but across the world!!

Jerry E Sauls
December 8, 2018

This has been one of the greatest burdens of my life of ministry, the dying of the church. This is what has happened to Europe-Germany in particular, the bastion of Christianity-where less than 6% of Germans attend Church. There are many churches in this nation that are fulfilling the call of God upon It’s life. However, there are many others that are dying. George Barna told us 10 years back that 37% of Evangelicals believe that Salvation through Christ is not the only way to heaven. Forty plus years ago prayer was kicked out of our public schools so we are now reaping from the seed we have planted. I thank God for the intercessors in America praying for this land and prayer is our only hope. God Jehovah of the Bible is greater than all of the past failures we as a nation have made. He is able to rectify the wrongs and bring a great awakening to us again. Let us pray. Pray with all of our strength, spirit, heart and mind that He will revive us again. This I believe and pray in His Name. Amen!!!

Brother Amartey
December 7, 2018

There you go, you have need of nothing, thousands coming in with many “services” and everyone is excited! Is it any wonder that the dead don’t k ow they are dead?

Brother Amartey
December 7, 2018

Is it not a shame that churches cannot even pray anymore, or worse, don’t even know how to pray? O Lord, teach us to pray, let the spirit of prayer and intercession come upon us!

Linda Safir
December 7, 2018

Just one more comment from Linda. Dios Incomparable , Elevation Worship, is an amazing video worship song. It has 86,000,000 views. You don’t need to know Spanish to enjoy this one.

Linda Safir
December 7, 2018

I want to leave an encouraging word. We have a church in San Antonio , Community Bible Church, that has five services on the weekends and has an average of 20,000 people coming. The really good news is that many of them are young people. Also, I have a friend that has been going to a prison on Saturday mornings for many years. He says that he has never seen God move in this prison like He is now. There are about 285 men wanting to be baptized and that will start this Tuesday with 35 being baptized that day and more the following day. Regarding worship, I believe the Lord led me to a site that showed the worship of a group called Elevation Worship out of North Carolina. Beautiful music in English and Spanish. One of the Spanish versions called Here as In Heaven has over 60,000,000 views. (A few of those are mine) Also the song La Cruz is very beautiful. Keep praying against the demonic forces. The battle is going to get more intense as God moves in our nation , but of course, Jesus is the Victor. “May the God of all hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope” “Live by the principles of love and justice and always be expecting much from the Lord your God”

Ray Brensike
December 6, 2018

Maybe instead of asking for revival, we should just start doing the things we are supposed to be doing when we meet for church.

Ray Brensike
December 6, 2018

Does anybody have a church where the congregation prays together, where we all can hear what each person is praying for? I can remember a time in my past, where I was with those who prayed for an hour this way every Sunday morning, and that was Sunday morning church, no teaching, no singing, just prayer, for the most part, then in the afternoon there was what we might think of as regular church, with some preaching and singing. But does the Church even pray together, anymore?

Ray Brensike
December 6, 2018

The thing that I noticed is that churches seemed to leave behind all the wonderful hymns of the second great awakening. There were so many, wonderful ones, where they sang the gospel. In it’s place, people wanted to write their own worship music, and for the most part it was so bad, I think most Christians didn’t even want the words coming out of their mouths. Most of us didn’t have much of a clue what we were singing.

So the first thing to go, seemed to be the worship.

Does anyone have a church where every time they meet, people from the congregation are asked to speak in tongues and interpret, at some time during the service, where the one who speaks in tongues gives the interpretation, and where this is done by 2 or at the most by 3, where we are comforted, and exhorted by the words the Holy Spirit teaches? This would tend to set the atmosphere, would it not?

Brother Amartey
December 6, 2018

Yes indeed, the churches are dead, all of them, and those still standing are like dead men walking! Didn’t the Lord say long time ago, that we have a name that we have “church,” that we’re alive, but dead (Rev 3:1)? And others say, we’re rich….and have need of nothing, but don’t know that we’re wretched, and miserable and poor and blind and naked, and (let me add, stupid!) Rev 3:17. Unless we acknowledge our blindness, nakedness, wretchedness and powerlessness and seek the Lord for revival, every church in America would die, sooner or later, and the church would become irrelevant. But God is faithful and merciful, and is stirring up a remnant to intercede for revival, for His own glory and for His name sake. Would you join us at http://www.revivalnowamerica.org, as we seek the Lord for revival?

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