I Prayed have prayed
Lord, keep our nation from socialism. Protect the freedoms we experience in our nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The plan to make public colleges and universities tuition-free for students marks a “socialist takeover of higher education,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said Tuesday.

During Tuesday’s virtual 2020 Federal Student Aid (FSA) Training Conference, DeVos highlighted her department’s accomplishments over the past four years, and spoke against proposals championed by progressive politicians, including student loan debt cancellation and free college.

Policies should never entice students into greater debt. Nor should they put taxpayer dollars at greater risk,” said DeVos. “There are too many politicians today who support policy that does both, still more advance the truly insidious notion of government gift giving.”

“We’ve heard shrill calls to ‘cancel,’ to ‘forgive,’ to ‘make it all free,’” she added. “Any innocuous label out there can’t obfuscate what it really is: wrong.” . . .

The campaign for ‘free college’ is a matter of total government control. Make no mistake: it is a socialist takeover of higher education,” she said. “None of you would like the way it will work. You won’t like being forced to tell students they aren’t eligible to attend your school, or that they aren’t allowed to choose the degree program they want, or that your quota for ‘free college’ students is full and that they now have to pay full price.” . . .

“Legislation passed by the Democratic House calls for immediate $10,000 forgiveness of student loans,” Biden said during a press conference in Delaware. “It’s holding people up. They’re in real trouble. They’re having to make choices between paying their student loan and paying the rent, those kinds of decisions.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said earlier that if Biden wins the election, he should in his first 100 days erase $50,000 of student debt for each person, pointing to a proposal he put forth with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

“I have a proposal with Elizabeth Warren that the first $50,000 of debt be vanquished, and we believe that Joe Biden can do that with the pen as opposed to legislation,” Schumer told MSNBC analyst Anand Giridharadas.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by GQ Pan. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your prayers about the promises of free college. . .

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Mona Webster
December 5, 2020

There is NOTHING truly free except salvation and the forgiveness of Sin and that came at the highest price for our Father and His Son!!
FREE in any other capacity means someone has to pay the piper!! Consider the admonition from Scripture- if we insist on supporting the agenda that promotes Government control- God will grant what we ask But He will also send “leanness” into our souls (and pocketbooks)!! Wake up CHURCH!!

December 4, 2020

Father God,
I ask you to bless Betsy DeVoss as she leads the Department of Education. I pray that she will continue the good work she has begun, during the next four years of Trump’s presidency. I pray that her department will be cleansed of all who are treacherous and oppose godly education.

I pray for college students and graduates that You will help them pay back the loans they took. I also ask that You will intervene on their behalf to give them relief from the high interest rates.
I pray You will help all Americans find gainful employment that uses their skills and talents and contributes to a thriving economy and a strong and stable society.
May we be generous and help others around the world be blessed by hearing the Gospel and receiving humanitarian aid.
In Jesus name. Amen.

Carole Ann Neve
December 3, 2020

I believe we are going to get a refund from what was stolen from us from the corrupt bad actors. I am expecting that from Trump’s second term. I am not expecting the shadow government to have it their way by their corrupted rules. The wealth of the wicked is saved up for the righteous.

December 3, 2020

A reprieve from student loans would be nice but we will not sell our souls to socialism for this.
Some exceptions could be proposed. Student loans of people over 60 years be forgiven or at least allow them to refinance at a lower rate 2.5%.

Nancy Bryda
December 3, 2020

Jesus is Lord over America. I bind socialism and manipulation and loose the mind of Christ over the educational systems in this country. I decree the truth of socialism will continue to come forth and educated people as to the antichrist roots and need to avoid this path. The ekklesia is rising up and infiltrating the education mountain and we are territorial takers in the education systems. Jesus is Lord always over America and we hear and do His will only.

December 3, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, our education system can trace its roots to the Puritans, who believed all should be able to read in order to read Your word and thus build a stronger personal relationship with You. This was a many-layered blessing in that it not only helped us to become a more Godly country, but also one that was prosperous, since literacy also contributes to the prosperity of the individual and their community. But now evil forces seek to undo much of the good that has been done by our forefathers’ thoughtful emphasis on education. They seek to do this by seizing control of education at all levels, making it less about learning and more a means of indoctrination and control. I have witnessed this with my own eyes and see it for what it really is. Lord help us to drive these false and evil teachings from our schools and let our classrooms again become places where students of all ages and backgrounds will receive an honest and virtuous education, free from the divisive rhetoric and propaganda of the left. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen!

Sandra Casteel
December 3, 2020

Actually we’ve seen socialism coming for many years as our children have been indoctrinated in many areas one being through the lack of History.

    Pam L.
    December 3, 2020

    Yes, John Dewey’s Humanistic Manifesto, I think it’s called, sounds very similar to how the former USSR’s Communist Manifesto read.

December 3, 2020

Lord bring to the surface the truth of what is really at stake in our nation. There is no such thing as “free”. It is a perverse and twisted lie being continually sold by corrupt socialist or deceived politicians whose only goal is to remain in the position and power of their office. Move Lord God to the forefront leaders or anyone that will publicly show the documented and so called free cost of what it will really cost. More so, expose publicly the agenda that these people have. Let it in no way be hidden. Allow those selling these lies to make mistakes that will reveal their agendas.
Protect Betsy and get administration working to better our education system as that it continues to fall in line with your will for our nation. Direct her to remove those within the department that are working against the people of our nation.
In Jesus name we pray amen.

December 3, 2020

Father God, You have given Holy Spirit as our Teacher, Guide, Comforter. Thank You for Betsy DeVoss exposing what we have known by its fruit for many years. Protect her, her family and staff with Your heavenly host. Embolden her to stand and speak Your righteousness.
Only You can correct the damage done to our society who like sheep have been led astray. We appeal to You, we appeal to Heaven for solutions. Education not based on Your Word is a humanistic false idol that opposes the Creator. The father of lies is good at deceiving, but You are a God of Justice, Truth, Love, Light and Life. We choose You and Your ways. Amen

Joan Diane Bartruff
December 3, 2020

Father, In Jesus’ Name, bless Betsy DeVos for speaking out about “government gift giving”, and forgiving all student loans. Lord, prevent the takeover of our education system by Socialists. Strengthen and renew those in leadership who uphold the Constitution and adhere to sound economic policies.

Grant wisdom and common sense to all citizens as they deal with truth, “nothing worthwhile is ‘free'”. Who is going to pay salaries of teachers, and all personnel that work in education?? If you borrow money, you have to pay it back.

Expose the lies and vain promises of the those in power who deceive by pretending to want to help others when economically it is disastrous to the welfare of all people. Heavenly Father, thwart the evil plans of leadership who would deceive and manipulate with evil motives. Amen.

Ginger, Virginia
December 3, 2020

Dear Lord, please protect our citizens of the USA from the many evils of socialism and loss of personal freedom and opportunity to excel with responsibility! I pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


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