I Prayed have prayed
Almighty God, have mercy on us. We pray that Bethany Christian Services will change their decision to place children with homosexual parents. We pray that You would convict their Board of Directors and protect the other faith agencies who are fighting this Michigan law.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Bethany Christian Services, a global nonprofit adoption agency based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which was sued for refusing to work with same-sex couples, announced that it will start placing children with LGBT families as part of a settlement with the state. The agency insists, however, that its beliefs have not changed.

ā€œBethany will continue operations in Michigan, in compliance with our legal contract requirements. The mission and beliefs of Bethany Christian Services have not changed,ā€ the agency said in a statement last Thursday cited by WGVU. ā€œWe are focused on demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by serving children in need, and we intend to continue doing so in Michigan.ā€. . .

Prior to the settlement with the ACLU, which sued on behalf of the same-sex couples, the organizationā€™s contract with the state was in jeopardy. St. Vincent Catholic Charities, a former foster child, and an adoptive mother recently filed suit against the Michigan Department of Human Services alleging the new rules violated the groupā€™s First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion and free speech and its 14th Amendment rights to equal protection.

St. Vincentā€™s and other faith-based foster care and adoption agencies will have to shutter if forced to comply with the new state rules, lawyer Nick Reaves said.

Lori Windham, senior counsel for Becket, the religious liberty group representing St. Vincent’s told The Detroit News that while the First Amendment certainly allows groups varying stances on the issue, it does not allow the state to “shut down people you disagree with.ā€

(Read more at Christian Post.)


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May 9, 2019


sandra akatay
May 8, 2019

I am so sad reading about Bethany and agree with so many replies above–God will hold us accountable for the responsibility of caring for these children in His name. I heard the National Day of Prayer Breakfast and heard President Trump sign something re religious freedom and specific reference to businesses being free to practice their faith in these situations I would think Bethany would no longer be subject to such a law suit and God has provided an answer to our prayers. We should be thanking Him and praising Him for this restoration of religious freedom on many levels of not just businesses but faith based ministries that were quickly having rights eroded. I was literally jumping up and down for this wonderful decision and feel we should never give up on praying and thanking God for His answers. Yes God is serious about protecting children!

anne vanderziel
April 30, 2019

What a disappointment that Bethany got scared. Is Bethany afraid that God will let them down?

Jerry E Sauls
April 28, 2019

Our prayers and Our God only can bring a halt to such twisted logic.

Na Wehrheim
April 28, 2019

Beautiful and “wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove” Matthew 10:16

Trinette Mercer
April 27, 2019

Dueteronomy 8:18,19,20….

Trinette Mercer
April 27, 2019

I donā€™t believe these children will be protected as Godā€™s word says ā€œStand and stand until you can stand no more…let them sue….close the facialty and send the children to another facility. Many will be abused mentally, or, sexually. Your Church and leaders will be cursed will be cursed. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.

April 27, 2019

ACLJ–working with the Lord.

    Kathryn Bates
    April 27, 2019

    No matter how you cut it, this is wrong, will not be blessed by God, read Godā€™s holy word?

      Na Wehrheim
      April 28, 2019

      Agreed ! Lord help us and allow our work in the form of taxes to only go to that which You endorse, not murder; not evil.In Jesus

      April 29, 2019


Donna Nelson
April 27, 2019

Donna Nelson,
We know there is a Remnant of God in each Nation. The enemy is using all of his ammunition against the righteous to bring us down, but we intercessors will keep standing in the gap and watch the hand of God move. When we have done all to stand and to spread the gospel (the good news) we will stand! We will stand on the Word of God, our firm and solid foundation and Praise our Lord! Please keep your eyes on Israel it is our time clock!

April 27, 2019

From The words of Charles Spurgeon, like the Apostles:
“Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled.”
ā€” Matthew 26:56

He never deserted them, but they in cowardly fear of their lives, fled from Him in the very beginning of His sufferings. This is but one instructive instance of the frailty of all believers if left to themselves; they are but sheep at the best, and they flee when the wolf cometh. They had all been warned of the danger, and had promised to die rather than leave their Master; and yet they were seized with sudden panic, and took to their heels. It may be, that I, at the opening of this day, have braced up my mind to bear a trial for the Lord’s sake, and I imagine myself to be certain to exhibit perfect fidelity; but let me be very jealous of myself, lest having the same evil heart of unbelief, I should depart from my Lord as the apostles did. It is one thing to promise, and quite another to perform. It would have been to their eternal honour to have stood at Jesus’ side right manfully; they fled from honour; may I be kept from imitating them! Where else could they have been so safe as near their Master, who could presently call for twelve legions of angels? They fled from their true safety. O God, let me not play the fool also. Divine grace can make the coward brave. The smoking flax can flame forth like fire on the altar when the Lord wills it. These very apostles who were timid as hares, grew to be bold as lions after the Spirit had descended upon them, and even so the Holy Spirit can make my recreant spirit brave to confess my Lord and witness for His truth.
What anguish must have filled the Saviour as He saw His friends so faithless! This was one bitter ingredient in His cup; but that cup is drained dry; let me not put another drop in it. If I forsake my Lord, I shall crucify Him afresh, and put Him to an open shame. Keep me, O blessed Spirit, from an end so shameful.

Terry Garber
April 27, 2019

Is Bethany the ONLY adoption agency in Michigan? Like Peter and John after they healed the lame man at the Temple and were commanded not to preach in the Name of Jesus, they asked the question,ā€Is it better to obey God or men?ā€ No option. Obedience to God, when you are asked to sin, is the ONLY way to go! Obey God and leave the consequences to Him. He is able to handle the outcome, and to bring good, in spite of the evil of this world.

    frances fink
    April 27, 2019

    You are absolutely correct…obedience better than sacrifice. no walking on the fence…other Christians may do the same as these, if they sell out, they should change their name…God is the Final Judge…we judge those in the church, those out side who are non believers are judged already….keep the faith…

      Terry Garber
      April 27, 2019

      Frances, I agree with you. We have many examples of people in Scripture choosing obedience to God and leaving the results up to Him. If we are obedient, then our consciences are clear and we have a true witness to others of Godā€™s provision and care for us. I cannot understand why Bethany is willing to compromise. Iā€™m praying for their leadership to make Godā€™s choice in this matter.

April 27, 2019

Heavenly Father. Draw us back to you! Let us all be lead by your Holy Spirit to live according to your word. Let our love and reverence for you be more powerful than money, any organization, or man-made law (basically an opinion). May our actions always reflect our beliefs. Lord, we realize Bethany Christian Services struggled with this decision. Open their eyes to see that this is not beat for anyone, especially the children. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen

    Kathy Olshefski
    April 27, 2019

    May Bethany Christian Service not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of their minds unto God.

      Alexis Lochner
      April 27, 2019

      I totally agree! Godā€™s word is very strong on this subject. Mark 9:42Ā Ā And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea … there will be strong consequences for those who puts children at the mercy of those who are walking contrary to Godā€˜s word and his will. The Lord states His opinion on this lifestyle: Sodom and Gomorrah!

      May 9, 2019

      What about the birth mothers? Are they able to insure a traditional family for their child? The birth Mom’s desire for their child must be honored.

Lara Ramirez
April 27, 2019

We cannot be quick to side against a Christian organization, obviously they have been under attack by demonic anti-Christ forces as so many other faith based business and non-profits. We must stand in defense of them in prayer, in mind and in heart. It would also be beneficial and encouraging to them if they heard from us in social media and in the streets. They are on the front lines, doing the work of the Lord, where are we? We must rally, we must not divide in judgement, we know not the intensity of the battle they have been facing.
Lord, inspire and encourage your Bride to come out of the closet and to stand bravely and valiantly in the face of the enemy, pushing him back because we have been given the all authority over him. Today we bind up division that comes from carnal minds who have not risen to the heavenlies in order to see the real battle. Forgive us for see ourselves as grasshoppers, give us eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to comprehend and understand that truly THERE ARE MORE FOR US, THAN AGAINST US.
Bring us together Father, so that revival might come through Us. In Jesus Name <3

    Greta Lee
    April 27, 2019

    Amen and Amen!!! Thank You Holy Spirit for inspiring us with this response of a laid down lover of the Most High God!

    April 27, 2019

    Lord, raise up a birth Mom who requests that her child be assured a family with a mother and a father, so that Bethany and other agencies, may have a test case to bring “standing” to the wishes of the birth parent. May the “rights” of the adoptive parents not preclude the desire of a Christian birth parent to have a Bible centered home for their child. Strengthen St.Vincent’s to hold to their Biblical principles and provide financial backing for their cause. Give courage and renewed vigor to Bethany in living up to the Christian vision of their founders. Greater are You who are in us, than he who is in the world! Amen.

    Na Wehrheim
    April 28, 2019

    Agreed ! Lord help us and allow our work in the form of taxes to only go to that which You endorse, not murder; not evil.In Jesus protect your children ! Praising you for what you will do !

Carol Hedrick
April 27, 2019

Father, check the spirit of Bethany Christian Services. Awaken their spirit to not compromise what Your Word says. I ask that they reconsider their decision on allowing children to be adopted by same sex couples. I pray they will have a change of heart and use godly wisdom instead of going a long with what they have been told to do. It is better to go against the state government then to go against the LORD God.
Give them courage and backbone to stand up for what is righteous.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray Amen.

April 27, 2019

Matthew 18:6
If you cause one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and be cast into the sea. (Paraphrased)

    Greta Lee
    April 27, 2019

    Amen LORD! We love Your truth and we hate lies and the deception of Satan. Help all Christian organizations and agencies to be more discerning of lawlessness that creeps in as ā€œacceptable.ā€

Alan K Veasey
April 27, 2019

That contract with the state is not worth it. Bethany’s values
have been corrupted by money.

    Jeanne M Kitchen
    April 27, 2019

    Unfortunately, the only way to adopt is to follow the states rules. You can’t have a legal adoption if you go outside of the state. I’m not at all for this, just stating the fact at hand. I’m praying our country doesn’t fall into Sodomey and fall like Sodom and Gomorah, because of the lack of moral, ethical or Christian values. These governments are making it harder for the Church. We need to pray and stand for what we know is in the Bible. Teach the love of Christ without hate or prejudice, but be watchful of what our enemy is doing through the sins that we hate so much, without hating those who commit them.

April 27, 2019

You canā€™t have it both ways – to institute practices that go against the Word of God & then say your values havenā€™t changed. Iā€™m reminded of the quote in Godā€™s Not Dead 2: ā€œI would rather stand up for God and be judged by the world than stand up for the world and be judged by Godā€.

April 27, 2019

To show the love of Christ to a child would be to place them within families that have one female mother and one male father as defined by the word of God. I shudder to think of how easily a child placed with two men could so easily be raped. So that’s Showing Christian love? Is it Christian love to force a child to to grow up without being taught truth as defined by scripture? Thank God for St Vincent standing! May God bless and keep them.
Praying for Bethany to repent and stand for truth and TRUE protection of children. Praying for our LGBT communities to come to know truth and the love of God that changes all hearts . Praying for repentance for all of us in this nation on so many levels! May our hearts be pure and not divided before the One Who judges righteously .

    Kathy Olshefski
    April 27, 2019

    The statement that homosexuals would rape a child is prejudice. There are many loving homosexuals as well as heterosexuals. We are to love the people and hate the sin. Statements such as this brings division and an inability to reach the lost. Love opens the door to the lost.

      jr smith
      April 29, 2019

      I guess Kathy and others here do not know how evil that sin is or who their god is! I never heard of such spongy, soft Christian dribble in my whole life! Get a backbone or the devil will take you out on anything he chooses! Maybe not now but he knows you are compromising! jrs

        May 5, 2019

        Yes homosexuality is an abomination to our God. But our God is a God of love not hate. Jesus says to love the sinner not the sin. As an RN I was able to talk with many about the love of God and guess what even homosexuals listened to what I had to say about the Lord because they knew I loved them as people. They also knew where I stood on their lifestyle. I never compromised my principles nor would I ever think to do so. But love true unconditional love allows us opportunities to witness where contempt and judgement removes your chance to teach others about Godā€™s love. Why are you so filled with anger and not unconditional love, forgiveness, and a pure heart? Your tone is not one of brotherly love. Iā€™ll pray for the Lord to soften your heart. God tells us to test our faith and see if weā€™re of the faith? The bottom line to you was to examine your prejudices. Not all of any race, lifestyle, or religion is out to rape children. Thatā€™s judging saying all homosexuals will rape children. Wrong very wrong!!!!

          Kris Kubal
          May 5, 2019

          We need to always remember to love the sinner and hate the sin. People who are choosing this lifestyle usually do so out of a hurt, unmet need or traumatic past. We want wholeness and restoration for those people. One on one we can show that love and compassion and share the hope of Christ. But there is another part we cannot ignore-there is a very aggressive movement to lure, recruit and deceive others into this lifestyle. They are targeting our children. There is a need for us to stand for truth and righteousness and not just roll over and allow legislation, school curriculum, public policy, etc to favor, promote and indoctrinate this lifestyle choice. Yes, it is a fine line but we need to do bothā€”love the lost, but stand our ground against validating and favoring the lifestyle and agenda of the powerful LGBTQ lobby.

    Na Wehrheim
    April 28, 2019

    May it be so ! in Jesus Amen

Mary Ahlborn
April 27, 2019

Prayer and revival is the only thing that will save our nation. We must pray against the principalities and powers in high places, bringing down those strongholds in Jesus Name.
Dear Heavenly Father please dismantle this organization (ACLU) which is out to destroy our religious freedom under our constitution in Jesus Name. Let us stand for your righteousness today.

    Minister Maggie
    April 27, 2019

    You are very right. Revival. O I wasn’t even saying Catholics are Christians but I was saying if they could take a stand what is wrong with Evangelical Bethany? Bethany Christian services michigan. Their number is on their website. Let us call them please. They need pressure and encouragement from the right side. This is sad. If they do this many of the unGodly organizations will now think they can force Christians to go against conscience. Now church of Satan says it’s has designated them a church. We need revival indeed. God have mercy on America.

      Minister margaret Musa
      April 27, 2019

      Church of Satan says IRS has designated them a church, and that their main goal is hinder Christians, and that now when they go for court cases now they will go as one church against another church. Wow. Was on Fox news yesterday. They need to go look up what the word church. Satan is such a loser. He makes a lot of meaningless noise though he has lost like the liberal Democrats. But prayer and revival is the key. Believing God for it. He is faithful. God of covenant. His zeal will accomplish it.

    Na Wehrheim
    April 28, 2019

    In Your Holy Name Jesus agreed and amen

    ming miley
    May 5, 2019

    Yes Lord, Please dismantle ACLU and also FREEDOM FROM RELIGION, Thank You Jesus.

Minister Margaret Musa
April 27, 2019

It’s sad and a shame. Bethany is compromised and they are setting a bad precedent. Instead of them standing and fighting for what’s right they are practically denying God’s word. Compromise is so easy but the cost so high. What monetary benefits are they getting from the State that they are so desperate not to lose? I thought Christian based organizations do such good deeds for God’s pleasure and Glory? We were appointed to do good works for him. So if they are scared to lose their lives and try to keep their organization while denying Christ they will lose it anyway and all their works worthless to Christ if compromised. Besides this is a simple matter. If the catholic? St Vincent can sue the state they should have gotten behind them, there is power in unity. If only we Christians will unite to stand for what’s right, not loving our comfort money or life unto death. God is taking note. God save the USA. Now Vexes one soul like Sodom. We need to unite and pray. Christ is at hand. Blessed are those who remain faithful, loving not their lives, refusing to compromise truth, these are they who will endure to the end and be saved.

    Debbie Johnson
    April 27, 2019

    If you donā€™t stand for your faith, you wonā€™t stand. They have defiled Gods word by being double minded and exposing these children to harmful and wrongful teaching and training. They are no longer what the Lord defines as a Christian organization. Shameful and the Lord will judge this. Just disgusting.

    April 27, 2019

    I agree with every post comment that is against this subject. How sick and shameful to sleep with the enemy. And totally go against Gods word.
    A real Christian organization would never have allowed this kind of
    demonic thing to take place, They would have stood on Gods word no matter what came against them . God would have went to battle for them. How sad that they stood on the side that the Bible is against.

April 27, 2019

The expression on each of the male’s face looks like a demonic sneer. I can see their motivations and potential plans for what they intend to do to the little boy. Not being paranoid, but coming from knowledge and wisdom. I pray daily for the end of what God calls an “abomination.” And fear terribly for the children under in their private control.

April 27, 2019

The ACLU’s lawsuit should have been dismissed w/out standing. The state’s rules are in violation of the Constitution. It’s better that St. VIncent close down than to support or comply w/providing such a dangerous environment to its children.

Deborah Rush
April 27, 2019


    Teresa Pena
    April 27, 2019

    Yes Lord Jesus. Be with USA. We need you more then ever. Amen šŸ™šŸ¼

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