I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank you for placing Ben Carson in the leadership role he is in. Thank you for giving him the ability to speak the truth in love even when it's not popular.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said Tuesday that political correctness “is going to destroy our nation” after Rep. Jennifer Wexton, Virginia Democrat, asked him to apologize for a comment that upset the transgender community.

During a House Financial Services Committee hearing on housing policy, Ms. Wexton asked Mr. Carson whether he would like to apologize for his reported comment during a HUD meeting last month about “big, hairy men” using women’s homeless shelters. Some people in attendance told The Washington Post at the time that they viewed the remark as disrespectful to transgender people.

Mr. Carson repeated his denial that the remark had anything to do with transgender people and explained that he was recalling a story he heard from a women’s group in Alaska about men pretending to be women in order to gain access to women’s shelters.

“Well, first of all, I didn’t describe transgender women that way, I was relating a story that a women’s group told me about big hairy men,” he said Tuesday. “Who are not transgender women by the way — coming into your facility and having to be accepted because of the rules that were in place.”

“You don’t feel the need to apologize for those comments?” Ms. Wexton asked.

“No,” Mr. Carson responded. “I think this whole concept of political correctness: ‘You can say this. You can’t say that. You can’t repeat what someone said,’ is total foolishness and it’s going to destroy our nation and we need to be more mature than that.”

Ms. Wexton later tweeted a clip of the exchange, writing, “Today I gave @SecretaryCarson the opportunity to apologize for his remarks slurring transgender women as, ‘big, hairy men.’ Regrettably, he declined that opportunity. Hateful words translate into discriminatory policy—and Secretary Carson has demonstrated that time and again.”

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Jessica Chasmar.)

What do you think? Is political correctness going to destroy our nation? Leave a comment.

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Ken Pierpont
October 31, 2019

Thank God for a man with common sense. Thank you Ben. Common sense has departed our leadership structire.

    marilyn poll
    November 4, 2019

    I appreciate Ben Carson but I say speak life! not death in the future and so should all christian news castors and politicians. All of us!

    A lot is at stake in what we say today. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21).

Patricia Moulton
October 29, 2019

Father, I bind the misuse of quotes in the media and loose the truth to be printed and repeated orally. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done which is perfect in all Your ways. Conform media by the power of Holy Spirit in a tool from Your throne for righteousness and justice as Jesus intercedes at Your right hand.

Oma James
October 29, 2019

Oma, Yes I absolutely agree with Ben Carson, and think it is time for us Christians to stand up and have a voice in raising a godly standard in our nation for truth to prevail; and stop all lies against our President and his administration. Thank God for men like Ben who are not afraid to speak the true in Love, rising God’s standard, alone with President Trump who are the most Pro-Israel, Pro-Christian, Pro-prayer, Pro religious freedom, and pro-life in our history. WE pray for continued Freedom to Reign in America and all opponents schemes shutdown and brought to naught, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Camilla Hicks
October 28, 2019

I am so encouraged by Ben Carson and I both agree and want to encourage all that have ever faced a “political correctness” comment to stand for the Word of God in such boldness and grace. I pray for our children and our influence on their lives that every knee will bow and confess that Jesus is Lord and His Word does not return void. It takes more courage to believe then it does to not.

October 27, 2019

Speaking the truth in love….thats what we are ask to do as Christians. Yes, I agree with Ben Carson, it has done great damage to our Nation. But I also believe that We The People are being awakened Thank You, Holy Spirit!!!! And we are starting to speak up and speak out.
And Father I thank You I thank You for Ben Carson. And I ask for more courage and Grace and wisdom to do his job in a way that will be pleasing to You Father God! I ask that You will give him a Divine strategy for HUD. That he will bring forth policies that will keep people from taking advantage of this program that do not need it and that it will help those who truly need our governments help.
Holy Spirit I ask that You will guide him in every decision made that You will give him great favor with those on committees and boards that those under him will respect the position of authority you have given him. Lord protect him and his family and his position as Secretary of Hud. In the Holy Name of Jesus I ask

Cathy Womach
October 27, 2019

Political Correctness began to destroy our country a long time ago….Ben Carson is spot on!

October 27, 2019

I completely agree with Ben Carson about the problems with political correctness. I applaud him for standing his ground and not issuing an apology. May God continue to give him wisdom.

    October 27, 2019

    I, too, applaud Dr. Carson for speaking the truth. The truth shall set us free. Political correctness will keep us in bondage.

Sue Stulting
October 26, 2019

Thank you for this opportunity to comment. I agree with the previous statement that Political Correctness is a religion. Since we Americans are supposed to have freedom of speech and freedom of religion, whenever one group is told by another group that they cannot say what is their understanding of reality, that is shutting down freedom of speech. My cousin likes that we can talk about our different views of reality without getting mad or disrespecting the other. That is maturity. Few democrats and few republicans I watch on C-Span do this. Why not? I don’t think one brand of view of reality should hog being the only ones allowed to talk about their view.

Jeanie B.
October 26, 2019

Dear Father,
We thank you for the stand that Ben Carson made regarding political correctness and we ask that You continue to raise up others who will stand for Your truth. You created male and female and said it was good. We ask that you open the eyes of those who are believing this lie about gender and that they can be delivered and come to a saving knowledge of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We pray for America to repent of her wicked ways and that You hear the prayers of Your children as we intercede for our nation. Thank You Father as we pray in the Name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Caroline Eagan
October 26, 2019

Matt. 22:37 “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,and with all thy soul,and with all thy mind.”
Matt. 22:39 “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (KJV).
Thanks to the Lord for Mr. Ben Carson,for always being such a wonderful example of being a Christian in such an uncomfortable climate we live in. The Lord Jesus showed how they hated Him and they will hate us too. May the Lord put His Hand on Mr. Carson everyday in everything he does. God bless him and all of us in the household of faith, everyday,as we share the love of Christ, to all. All Praise and Honor and Glory be to The Only One Who loved us first, Jesus Christ,the Son of God!!!

    Carol Lynn Baird
    October 26, 2019

    Yes, I agree that political correctness has gotten way out of hand. Anne it will ultimately lead to destruction of our nation if we aren’t going careful!

October 26, 2019

Ben Carson is a gentleman and a great American. He lives his faith every day. I am so sorry he does not get the respect he deserves, but he is a role model for everyone in our nation. I pray that he continues to speak to our nation, and especially the younger generation.

    Jane Savage
    October 26, 2019

    I totally agree. He is a true gentleman The reporter wanted to cause him harm, very obvious

      Ellen Shinn
      October 26, 2019

      The left doesn’t know what to make of him. He is brilliant, articulate, and a deep thinker. I worked with a woman who took her daughter to Johns Hopkins for brain surgery. He removed half of her daughter’s brain. She went on to college and has one or two children. Her mother wouldn’t support him in the last election because he is not a democrat.

        Janet M Brion
        October 28, 2019

        amen and amen ,Ben Carson is a brilliant man and a great physician , Pres Trump made a great choice when he put him on staff

    Carol Baird
    October 26, 2019


Ingrid Claussner
October 26, 2019


    John Douglas
    October 26, 2019

    Yes, & according to Is. 54:17 we declare that there is no weapon that is formed against him that will prosper & condemn the lying tongue that rises up against him in judgement. His vindication comes from You our God. So we ask that You rises up & scatter your enemies. Expose political correction as a lie & tactic of hell. Use our president & leaders who are called by Your great name to expose this enemy of political correctness. Spirit of God, rise up in our leaders & give them the courage to lead in righteousness & not succumb to this enemy any longer.

Ron Bangert
October 26, 2019

Unfortunately, no one was minding the store when all this, seemingly harmless notion of a correct political position took root. In 1972 Nixon won 520 Electoral Votes and McGovern 17. The Democratic Party was decimated, their platform destroyed. The New Democratic Platform of 1976 (www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/1976-democratic-party-platform) is a lengthy overhaul, simply based on what they hate about Republicans at that time. (remember Watergate). The DNC in those days had to create a New Base for their Platform, and, as the DNC feigned to always be for the little guy, they reached out to every disenchanted fringe group in America. Indigenous Indian groups, Gay & Lesbian Societies, N.O.W, Anti-War Groups, Pro-Abortion, and the list continued, until the DNC had established a New Clientele. The unrest of the fifties & sixties, organized, slowly, and calculated, they moved forward, wanting to replace a Christian-Judeo world view to their World View, PC., attacking everything that stood in their way. So PC is really a Religion, and as we all know, Government shall not Establish Any form of Religion. Yet, PC has, or is moving, towards that, chipping away at the Founding Fathers purest form of government in modern times.

https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cpseea36.htm is a table of today’s labor/employment statistics. Lower than what is reported in 1976 Dem. new platform! PC wants to rewrite Moral/Ethical World Views and remove God from any public forum. This has been part of The Long War Against God. PC must be exposed for what it is, a form of Religion that denies the power of God. Remember all your sociology course in college?, how the idea that Man creates his own religions to deal with the cosmos around him? When in reality, all societies are god-less and through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil attempted to be gods themselves? (Satan is a fallen Cherub, entrusted with the patterns of the Garden and Creation, the great deceiver of the brethren, twisting everything about the Trinity), ultimately Man & Women, Family, Society.

This freight train must be derailed. The DNC has empowered every god-less group and have become the Party of Hate, they march to a different drummer, opposed to everything they hold to be Right and True. They want complete power and rule, let them not succeed. We Must Pray and Work. Like the Builders in Nehemiah and Ezra’s time.

    Marcia Smith
    October 26, 2019

    Amen! I agree. I call on the Body of Jesus Christ to fast and pray, Matthew 17:21, 2 Chronicle 7:14, Isaiah 54:14-17 and 58. Satan’s time is up! He is afraid and so are his followers. He is using every diabolical tactic to silence the Church, but we say not so devil, not so, John 10:10. We are redeemed and we say so. We have been redeemed from the hands of Satan, Psalm 107:2, and Revelation 12:11-13. We are in a spiritual battle, Saints. Jesus Christ is the Commander-in-Chief–we are His soldiers; we must align/equip ourselves with the Word of God, 1 John 3, 4, and 5. Speak the Word, think the Word, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth, John 14, 15. 16, and 17. Be of good courage–the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ! ~Ephesians Chapters 1-6…~

    October 26, 2019

    Amen and Amen!

Virgil & Lea Ullom
October 26, 2019

Thank you, Lord, for Ben Carson & his courage to stand up to the “political correct” issue which is truly destroying our nation and our Constitutional free speech. Do protect him and his family and others like him who are standing for God and for truth!

October 26, 2019

Praying for our elected officials and Ben Carson. Jennifer Weston is not a reporter… our elections are having ungodly consequences: in Virginia she served as a state Senator, and is now a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia’s 10th District.
Praying for all elections in November righteous men and women of God would stand up and be elected.

    Lavonne Baker
    October 26, 2019

    To me, poltical correctness, has nothing to do with “Freedom of Speech” in a democracy as stated in the “First Amendment.” To try to distort a citizen’s words to make them politically correct should be declared unconstitutional. I agree with Ben Carson.

      October 26, 2019

      I agree with Dr. Carson as well. The point here is Wexton is in the U.S. House of Representatives, not “a reporter” as some comments have indicated.

October 26, 2019

Ben Carson is right. I am glad he is a fine leader who kindly but boldly speaks the truth and stands his ground. We need more leaders who are like him.

    October 26, 2019

    Amen and Amen! Ben Carson is a faithful example to follow!!

George E. Saurman
October 26, 2019

Thank goodness for the Ben Carsons In our government, although they are rare. In order to accommodate or keep from offending some individuals who have already upset the masses of women with their confused attitude, Ben Carson, above all else, is keenly aware of he differences between men and women. It is called nature and we had better not try to change its laws. George

Cindy Gilmer
October 26, 2019

Father God, thank you for using Ben Carson to shine the light on the word manipulations of the left. This example plainly shows that truth isn’t the goal, rather hunting for ways to assert an offense and then control the response is. I pray for his continued strength and integrity, his honesty and candor. I pray that your Holy Spirit protect him and his family as he shines for kingdom good.
In Jesus’ holy name,

Charlene Gelsinger
October 26, 2019

Speech control is thought control. Read Animal Farm, or 1984 by George Orwell.

    Robin Sonstegard
    October 26, 2019

    And, that is why either or both are still required reading in high school. We must teach our children to be critical thinkers and to not be duped. Bravo Dr. Carson.

October 26, 2019

May the Lord bless Ben Carson for his boldness and standing for truth. Let him be an example for others to follow.
Political correctness is just another way for Satan to again a foothold

October 26, 2019

I agree. Sadly it already has taken it’s toll on our country. We have freedom of speech too, we need to exercise that right. Speak the truth in love. We need more leaders like Dr. Carson who will do just that. Thank you, bless you and know many are praying for you.

Lisa Stout
October 26, 2019

Not only Political Correctness, but woman themselves are destroying this country. This woman reporter was way out of line. A man can’t say anything these days without a woman taking it out of context.

Linda Lange
October 26, 2019

It’s a very sad day if we don’t have freedom of speech in this country.

Lewis Turner
October 26, 2019

This is a good case of the Left not fully sharing what said. Leaving out part it of what was said makes it look like Ben Carson was focusing on the ‘transgenders’ which he was not doing.–

Much prayer for our leaders is needed.

Tom Dickard
October 26, 2019

I agree with Ben Carson. Political Correctness has already made great strides in destroying our nation. We are now a nation embracing complete and utter foolishness and outright stupidity. Our leaders have lost their way and embrace ungodly practices that confound common sense. Our leaders have thrown the moral compass that our Creator gave them out the window. God has given them over to a reprobate mind where every kind of evil and wickedness is acceptable and everything God calls good is now shunned.
We shouldn’t be surprised because the holy scriptures told us this would happen in the last days. Even so, come Lord Jesus!

    October 26, 2019


    Ronda Orchard
    October 26, 2019

    Thank you Ben Carson for your boldness to correct the reporter. The media is yoked together with the enemy of blind faith and hypocrisy. Let us stand with Ben Carson and take back the airwaves and journalistic towers of communication from the Babel of confusion inflicting death on our speech and the ownership of our speech. Speak up and set straight the lies of the enemy in Jesus name, amen.

    Jacquelyn Y Miller
    October 26, 2019

    Thank you very much! At last I find someone on these posts who puts God ahead of any party or person. It is true: we are a mess in America and many refuse to admit it. If we, as Christians, don’t stand up for truth, who will? God is holding each of us accountable. It seems our ‘leaders’ think they are in control of this nation, but they are sadly mistaken. John the Baptist was beheaded because he dared to call sin exactly what it was-SIN. Man looks on the outward appearance; God looks at the heart. The heart is where the true person resides and what comes from our mouths proves that. To whom much is given, much is required. Our leaders have been placed in those positions to lead our country in the way God would have them. We are going down the sewer of moral depravity at an alarming rate. What is this saying to our children? The Church cannot sleep while the enemy is working so hard to destroy souls. Father, forgive us and have mercy on us. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.

R. Showell
October 26, 2019

We are so focused on being ‘Politically’ correct and not ‘ Biblically’ correct to where it is causing us to leaving the foundational principles of our country. Soon ‘freedom’ of speech will be no more and worse ‘freedom’ of religion.
GOD have mercy on America.

Carole Ann Neve
October 26, 2019

My hairy father would not have gone in the women’s bathroom, period. The women want to feel safe and protected! Pray that the women in the world will be protected from the evil devices of the enemy! We need freedom of all harm of the enemy. Psalm 91 over the women! Pray in the Holy Spirit over this one! Pray also for the people who are confused over their gender to be awakened to the truth, and be without excuses and shame. God Bless You Intercessors For America (IFA)!

Gerald Martin
October 26, 2019

Political correctness and the moral decadence that motivated it will be huge contributing factors to our demise. Even greater than that will be our nation’s individual and collective rejection of God.

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