I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, please give us the discernment we need in these days.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

We bring you this warning from Donna Jessip of The Return.

The International Women’s Day is Friday March 8, 2024. I am sounding the alarm on this celebration, alerted in my spirit about its deceptive narrative. Unsuspecting prayer groups, churches, and followers of Christ are believing that this day elevates women for the good. In the days that we are in, we must be diligent to seek out the Spirit in every matter in order to be the light that exposes the darkness.

While many are being drawn in to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD), do we truly understand what we are celebrating and the true agenda of this organization? There are several unsettling questions that need to be answered in the light. At the root, is this day to celebrate all women?

As I began to delve into the background and agenda of IWD, I felt it crucially important to alert Christians organizations, prayer ministries, and conservatives. Please be aware of the origin and current agenda of the IWD.

First, by a simple google search “Worldview of the IWD,” I learned that they do not hold a biblical worldview.

The IWD began as a National Women’s Day and was founded by the Socialist Party of America in 1909. Then in 1910 it became an international organization with the help of the German communist Clara Zetkin. Later it was adopted by communist China and Spain. It remained as a communist organization for decades.

In 1967, the Daughters of American Communist group revitalized it in America. Later, in 1975, the IWD was marked for the first time by the United Nations (UN). The IWD agenda for women now includes “reproductive rights,” “gender parity,” and “feminism.”

Also included are these familiar-sounding buzzwords: “Diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion.” These are the same words often used from the White House, and the (WEF) World Economic Forum from Davos Switzerland, which consistently markets these same words throughout the media and the globe. The WEF is more recently known for the statement “you’ll own nothing and be happy.” IWD, the UN and the WEF, all heavily promote the UN Climate Change agenda 2030 and other globalist agendas.

In 2024, International Women’s Day theme is “inclusion.” Their agenda does not feature biblical views. In fact, most of their agenda is cloaked with “nice words” and a convoluted message. They desire women to “accelerate progress” in the LGBTQI+ global community, and advocate a new “feminist climate justice growth. I could find nothing to find about character growth or being a virtuous woman.

Under the missions tab “equity” on their website, you will find that you should no longer use pronouns that identify yourself as a male or female in your email signature, because it’s not “inclusive” or “equitable.” They are training employers and employees to become “progressive” to the trans community” so we “will understand the breadth of gender identities.”

The first woman, Eve, is described as Ezer in Hebrew, which means “helper” or to rescue, save. or be strong. A woman as a helper is not a demeaning title when put in its rightful context. Ezer is used 21 times in the Old Testament of the Bible, used to describe a woman, a powerful nation, and God as our helper. The use of Ezer for woman, then, is a great compliment by the Lord.

As Christians we embrace our God-given identity. Christian women must know that we can celebrate our femininity, as we were created by God fully loved, fully embraced, and fully secure in the identity in which we were formed in our mother’s female womb.

International Women’s Day seems more about pushing a liberal, progressive narrative rather than celebrating the uniqueness of women as an Ezer that we were beautifully created to be.

Does this post help you understand God’s view of women better? How can we pray for all the women who are deceived?


(Article by Donna Jessip, The Return. Photo credit: alessandrobiascioli on Canva Pro. )

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Grant Windholz
March 9, 2024

That’s exactly right for all women to be the light of Jesus Christ, exposing the darkness 🙏. AMEN!

March 8, 2024

Thank you.

Mary Beth
March 7, 2024

Thank you for your research, and providing this info. It is important to support only what we know is based on Biblical Truth and values. Give Your people wisdom and discernment, LORD!

bobbie trunk
March 7, 2024

Yes, thank you. In all honesty I didn’t know there is such a thing as IWD. But I’m glad there are those who are alert to this so called day of celebrating women. As a female believer in Christ I celebrate every day and thank Him for creating me a woman as He chose and as all true believing women should. Oh Lord God deliver us from the many deceptions being put forth by the enemy. Keep us true to your word and proud of who you’ve created us to be.

March 7, 2024

I am a widow now and it used to be widows were still identified as: Mrs.; then they changed all women to Ms. so no one would know if one was single or married. We all sort of accepted it but maybe this was the beginning of that slippery slope.

Terri B
March 7, 2024

I pray all women’s eyes be opened to this evil deceiving agenda. Expose, expose, expose Lord, in Jesus’ name!!!!

Jeane Whiteside
March 7, 2024

I knew it was not good but didn’t know the depth of it. And probably most of their members don’t either. Open eyes and give revelation Father. Forgive us as Your church for quenching Holy Spirit as You are the One who leads on paths of righteousness for Your name sake.

Faith Lopez
March 7, 2024

Thank you for opening up our eyes regarding this International Women’s Day. I had no ideal. This is why it is very important that Christians know what they are celebrating. As this article indicates we need to be informed and know what exactly is International Women’s Day. We are children of the most High, He made us male and female and no matter how much this World tries to erase this truth, we as children of GOD must prevail and speak the truth. John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (KJV). Women should be honor and be celebrated, but in a correct way. Many women have contributed so much to our society, and we should be thankful for each one of them. As women of God let us stand together and be an example to young women and to a World that is so lost and hurting.

March 7, 2024

As daughters of the Lord we can celebrate our identity in Christ every day of the year. Help us Lord to make our goal to bring as many women as we can into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That is something to celebrate!

Arlene B. Muller
March 7, 2024

There is a difference between a positive feminism that celebrates the contributions of women to our society, that encourages women to get a good education & to develop our God given gifts, talents & abilities to make a positive difference in this world, that promotes opportunities for women who are mothers to work their careers around the needs of their families, that honors what St. Pope John Paul II called the “feminine genius” & that is pro-life & pro God vs the radical feminism that promotes abortion & every form of sexual immorality & that promotes bitterness, resentment & hatred for men & for GOD.

Let International Women’s Day become a day in which we acknowledge & appreciate & promote the many contributions of women to our society, especially many strong, courageous, faithful women devoted to GOD & tireless in seeking to fulfill the mission GOD has given to them throughout history, from the devoted wife & mother to the saints who established religious orders, built hospitals, schools & orphanages & to many women blazed the trail for women in medicine, law & other professions & overcame stereotypes & obstacles.

This year on International Women’s Day the movie CABRINI is being released. This film celebrates the life, perseverance & accomplishments of St. Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini, a strong, courageous & spunky consecrated religious woman who was totally devoted to GOD & empowered by the Holy Spirit to persevere to overcome all obstacles to fulfill her mission of helping Italian immigrants, even making several trips across the ocean. Her whole life was a life for GOD & for helping others & for a purpose higher than herself. This is the type of wonderful role model for women of all ages to emulate.

Barbara Quarles
March 7, 2024

Excellent article! Truth must be told!!! Thank You Lord!!!

Jeanette Sills
March 7, 2024

Father reveal the truth by the power of your holy spirit and cause your perfect will plan and purposes to be revealed we ask in Jesus mighty name amen

March 7, 2024

No, it does not. It demeans women in the worst way.


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