I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for great, sweeping revival among the Native Americans. Break the strongholds against Your gospel and let these people come to know You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today, in many jurisdictions, is Indigenous People’s Day. A group of IFA state leaders and contributing writers collaborated on a thorough, biblical prayer guide on praying for revival in First Nations. We bring you this excerpt to intercede on this important topic.

In 1975, during a conference on American Indian evangelism, Dr. Billy Graham declared his belief in a coming spiritual awakening among the Native American nations. “You are a sleeping giant, the original American,” he said. “You are now awakening. Just around the corner, you may become a spiritual superpower in this country that could change not only America, but the world.”

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That belief took hold among many ministries and churches already established and at work among Native Americans. Then, in 2016, filmmaker Greg Miller produced a documentary titled Awakened: The Spiritual Destiny of the First Americans, in which many pastors and leaders expressed their sense that the spiritual revival predicted by Dr. Graham was beginning to unfold.

There are 574 federally recognized Native American tribes, most of whom live on 325 reservations. A Christ awakening among them is slowly unfolding — slowly, because the strongholds against the Gospel of Jesus are many and have deep roots. Satan is using those to resist the promised revival because he knows that its impact on America and the world will be great.

Perhaps that is why the Lord has begun indicating recently that He is preparing ignition points of spiritual revival around the country that involve Native American nations, and that each of those will require sustained, insightful, Spirit-led spiritual warfare and intercession to destroy the strongholds Satan has erected.

So far, two of those — the Upper St. Croix Valley, in Wisconsin and Minnesota; and Henderson County, in Texas — have seen catalytic prayer events touching off a movement of united, strategic prayer to welcome a move of the Holy Spirit. It is significant that the spiritual research ahead of these events led local leaders to the injustices and atrocities committed against Native American nations in the area as one of the footholds for resistance against the Gospel. This has encouraged us to believe that an awakening that begins with the Native American nations will lead to reconciliation and to a healing of the wounds of the past, as well as to a new, widespread brotherhood in Christ that has so far existed only sporadically — a brotherhood with the potential to be an example of unity and of a changing America.

This prayer guide is organized around three parts: Seven Strongholds Against the Gospel in Native American Culture; The Need for One Voice; Issues Facing the Native American Church.

Join us in daily prayer for this strategic and crucial part of God’s plan for a coming awakening and for the ingathering of a people of His own possession from every tribe and nation.

To download the rest of this prayer guide, click on the ad below:

Add your own prayers to awaken the sleeping giant in the comments below.

This prayer guide was written by Remco Brommet (IFA); Pastor Deloris Mosay (St. Croix Ojibwe); Dr. Debra Bennett (Covenant of Faith Church); and Martha Schmitt (Potawatomi). Photo Credit: Ambient Vista on Unsplash.

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October 14, 2024

Lamentably history records that the early Puritan settlers killed more native Americans than they converted to Christianity. White supremacy infected the founders as it did most colonisers around the world.

October 14, 2024

There are 5 known tribes in Appalacia affected by the hurricanes.
We Stand

October 14, 2024

I am praying that this is so. Most of my life, I have felt compassion for the American Indian and how wrongfully they were treated. How they were stripped of their freedom and pride as a people. My prayer is that they will look to the Great Spirit (El Elyon- God most high) and receive His power to once again become the people God intended them to be. We can and should all learn from each other.

Teresa Hall
October 14, 2024

I think Native Americans have a lot to teach us,in many many ways,but they have felt ignored and pushed aside for so long. Praying for their revival withing themselves and with help of Christians we empower their spirit to go out and tell how the good Lord has brought them thru and how in olden days alot of their beliefs were on the Great Creator as the Lord was sometimes called by them.
Praying Lord you move them to want to listen to those trying to bring them true salvation,and to Glorify the Lord as His will is done. Thank you Jesus

Jonathan w thayer
October 14, 2024

I absolutely believe Lord has not forgotten the indigenous Indian people in the US they are beloved of the Lord


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