I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to not be deceived by the illusions of this world. Help us to hold tightly to You and Your Word, knowing they are true.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Huffington Post ran this surprising, and apparently completely serious, commentary by a 40-something soccer mom. We share it because it clearly delineates the culture war we are experiencing as well as the vital importance of the Supreme Court. Let us know what you think in the comments.


ā€œI am a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I am not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a Satanist, but these are not normal times.

Like so many other women in the United States, when I learned of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgā€™s passing, my first reaction was not grief but fear. I fear that American citizens are inching closer to living in a theocracy or dictatorship and that the checks meant to prevent this from happening are close to eroding beyond repair.

When Justice Ginsburg died, I knew immediately that action was needed on a scale we have not seen before. Our democracy has become so fragile that the loss of one of the last guardians of common sense and decency in government less than two months before a pivotal election has put our civil and reproductive rights in danger like never before. And, so, I have turned to Satanism.Ā  . . .

Just like other faiths, the Satanic Temple has a code that their members believe in deeply and use to guide their lives. These Seven Fundamental Tenets include that ā€œone should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason,ā€ that ā€œthe struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions,ā€ and that ā€œoneā€™s body is inviolable, subject to oneā€™s own will alone.ā€

Reading through the Seven Tenets, I was struck by how closely they aligned with the unwritten code I had used to try to guide my own life for several years. I realized, happily, that these were my people and that I had been a Satanist for several years without even knowing it. When Justice Ginsburgā€™s death suddenly made combating the threats to reproductive rights and a government free from religious interference more urgent, I knew it was time to join them and support their conceptual and legal battles.

Even before Ginsburgā€™s death, the Supreme Court was unwilling to provide adequate protectionĀ for a womanā€™s right to choose and to control her body. The court was unwilling to keep church and state separate. Now, without her voice of reason on the court ā€• let alone her vote ā€•Ā Roe v. Wade is in imminent danger of being overturned not based on legal arguments or scientific reasoning, but because of religious objections to what is a safe and necessary procedure for the women who seek it out after discussion with their physician. Ginsburgā€™s replacement is all but certain to be vehemently anti-choice, with one of the top contenders belonging to a sect that actually used the term ā€œhandmaidā€ to refer to some women until the popularity of the TV series ā€œThe Handmaidā€™s Taleā€ gave the term negative connotations.

In the hours after Justice Ginsburgā€™s death, I sat wondering what the future would hold for my daughters. Their ability to live in a country where the religious beliefs of others would not play a role in their right to assert autonomy over their own bodies was suddenly, starkly, in danger. Traditional means of keeping abortion safe and legal seemed woefully inadequate to protect the rights that women in the generation before me had fought so hard to secure.

Almost immediately I sought strength in the Satanic Templeā€™s efforts to turn religious arguments on their head by pushing for religious liberty for their members on an equal basis with believers in the dominant Christian faiths. . . .

The temple has launched campaigns and filed lawsuits to compel the government to do this in matters ranging from exemptions from legal mandates to cover birth control to the ability to display religious symbols in government buildings or allow religious clubs in public schools. By pointing out instances where the government has favored Christian rhetoric ā€• and filing legal challenges to stop it ā€• the Satanic Temple has transformed belief into action and has demonstrated what freedom fighting truly looks like.

The Satanic Temple hopes to appear before the Supreme CourtĀ in a case challenging a Missouri abortion law that requires those seeking to terminate their pregnancy to first receive materials asserting that their abortion would end the life of a separate, unique person. The temple argues that these materials violate the deeply held religious beliefs of one of its members regarding bodily autonomy and scientifically reasonable personal choice.Ā The argument the Satanic Temple is using is the same one the Supreme Court effectively endorsed in the Hobby Lobby birth control case, for whichĀ Justice Ginsburg wrote the dissent ā€• that no one should have to follow a law that violates their deeply held religious beliefs. If a Christian should not have to do so based on their religion, a Satanist should not have to either. This is what equality under the law means on a fundamental level.

This is an organization I want standing up for my rights and for my daughtersā€™. While I support more mainstream groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans United for Church and State, my research has shown that the Satanic Temple is truly in line with my beliefs about protecting our First Amendment rights and fighting laws that promote or are based on religious doctrine and that it is willing to use radical, creative and yet legally sound strategies to make its case.

I was able to become a mother when I wanted on my own terms. Throughout my pregnancy, I had access to scientifically accurate information and the ability to make informed choices with my doctor. While I never had an abortion, I want the same opportunities to choose for my own daughters. . . .

There is a real chance that the Supreme Court will be lost for a generation or more to justices appointed for their religious beliefs rather than a deep understanding of the Constitution or a desire for justice to be carried out on an impartial basis. Because of this, I believe that the Satanic Temple ā€• and its membersā€™ dedication to fighting for true freedom ā€• represents our best, last defense against anti-choice lawmakers who are seeking to assert power over womenā€™s bodies and take away our right to choose. We need creative, resolute thinkers who are willing to stand up for what they believe in and take concrete action to do so, and the Satanic Temple is full of those kind of people. I am proud to now count myself among their ranks.

Everyone who cares about women having autonomy over their bodies should care about efforts to use religion to chip away at this right. We need to think outside the box to challenge what is coming and what is already here. The Satanic Temple is already doing that, and by becoming one of its members, I believe I have joined a community of people who will stop at nothing to safeguard my familyā€™s rights ā€• and all of our rights ā€• when they are at their most vulnerable.”

(Excerpt from Huff Post. Article by Jamie Smith. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

What do you think about what this woman had to say? Discuss in the comments!

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Cheryl Ann Rickards
September 30, 2020


We come against this demonic force that will try to use our freedom of religion to legitimize Satanism. I can see it now. Women saying abortion is a fundamental right of theirs because their religion, Satanism, gives them the right to decide what they do with their bodies. Satan, you lying devil, we rebuke you! WE BIND YOU IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! SATAN THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS AGAINST YOU! WE BLOOD BOUGHT SAINTS HAVE THE POWER TO BIND AND LOOSE! And WHATEVER WE BIND AND LOOSE IS ALREADY BOUND AND LOOSED IN THE SUPERNATURAL REALM . WE ORDER YOU TO BE LOOSED FROM OUR GOVERNMENT. WE ORDER YOU TO BE LOOSED FROM OUR ELECTION. GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!

Carol P. Edwards
September 28, 2020

The Bible tells us that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. This is exactly what your Satanist group aims to do. May Gog Almighty protect the nation from this.

Shirley Hewitt
September 27, 2020

This article was an eye-opener for me. Because I walk with the Jesus, the very name of Satan repulses me so I wondered how can someone willingly join something called the Satanic Temple? If someone does not have my same knowledge or connotation, he or she could be easily deceived. I also wondered what appealed to this woman about that organization, so I read up on it so I could assess the adversary.

It’s images and logo made me my skin crawl and feel nauseous but I read on. It presents itself as a non-theistic, scientifically-minded, rational, religious path to enlightenment with principles of liberty, equality, and secularism. Claimed to have been founded in 2013 by Lucien Greaves (a.k.a. Douglas Mesner) and Malcolm Jarry, they present well-articulated arguments for their religion with tenets about compassion, empathy, justice, and freedom. Greaves considers religion to mean “a metaphorical narrative construct by which we give meaning and direction to our lives and works”, not necessarily faith in a higher being. They consider themselves the true rebels of today, fighting for religious and individual freedom against autocratic authority and what they see as the oppressive superstition of Judeo-Christian beliefs. They claim not to believe in the supernatural nor an actual Satan but that the name is from the character in John Milton’s novel “Paradise Lost” and they satirically use it to rebuke superstition and change the meaning to mean someone who is civically-minded and socially responsible. I can understand how someone without the foundation of Truth could be deceived.

“For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” ~ Matthew 24:24 (NIV)

“And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.” ~ 2 Corinthians 11:12-15 (NIV)

The battle continues so keep praying, warriors of the living God!

September 27, 2020

We lift this lady to you and all who would be swayed by her influence with this article and in her life. Help her to see that her plans to teach her children and make abortion a protected right would kill her grandchild. Please bring people into her life that would pray for her and speak truth to her. Lord, we are suffering the outcome of being taught that we are only products of blind, pitiless chance and that we have no meaning and no future. Please help us to be proclaiming the truth that we are made in the image of God. Grant us opportunities to speak to people who are being led down these paths that we might share the living hope and the beauty of the Lord Jesus with them.
I praise you Lord for the light of your Word and the blessing you have given me and those who pray here to be hungry for your Word and to know you by that Word. Thank you for bringing us out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light – into the kingdom of the Son you love. We are mightily blessed. I could have been her but for your grace. I am blessed to have been raised in the church and in a family who valued life and knowing you. I pray that her proud spirit would be broken by truth. I pray that her heart would be softened by your Spirit. Jesus may she have an opportunity to see who you are. May she see that in you are true life, joy, peace and that all the beauty in this world comes from your hand. We ask that you would raise up people to pray for her salvation. Please surround her with godly influence and grant her and her children the opportunity to see that Jesus is Lord of Heaven and earth.

Bill Dean
September 27, 2020

To the 40 something attorney:
Have you not seen videos or ultrasound videos of a so call fetus with just flesh and no form. They are perfectly formed little human
beings who by 3 months or less feel pain, sense voices and attitudes being spoken around the mother, especially her own voice.
They suck their thumbs and respond to certain stimuli.
How can we not say aborting a baby at any time is not murder!
We are created by God and as such are owned by Him! Christ even furthered that ownership by shedding HIs blood for us out of
His amazing unconditional love. He ransomed us, purchased us with HIs shed blood to be His very own. So how can any woman
claim to have a right to end their baby’s life when God knows and is forming us in the womb. Have you ever considered how we
are interrupting a destiny and purpose for this new human being that comes from God Himself?
I pray you will change your mind by His grace and choose to live the rest of your life in light rather than the darkness of Satanic
worship which will seal your eternal destruction if you continue down that road. Jesus loves you so much more than you can even understand and He grieves over your choice to serve Satan. Please, for your own good, come to the lover of your soul!

September 27, 2020

First, this woman keeps saying that a person’s religious beliefs are being violated if they are not allowed to do what they want according to their ‘religious beliefs’. Well, if your religious beliefs will harm or end the life of another living thing, you DON’T have the religious right to continue in an action that will do the harming–whether that is screaming “Fire” as a hoax or purposefully taking the life of that living being. Since scientific evidence has proven how separate & individual an unborn actually is, there is not justification for taking the unborn’s life based on ‘scientific reasoning’ or one’s ‘scientific personal choice’. Huh? I think she just created an oxymoronic statement.

2nd, by using such twisted ‘logic’ that scientific reasoning (Man’s reasoning of course, not the use of morality) she shows us just how the enemy disguises himself & his main agenda and ‘sanctifies’ the shedding of innocent blood–one of the most heinous crimes to God, but a delight to Satan & his followers.

And 3rd, but not least–she is concerned about her daughters. Well, God help them, she should be if she indeed embraces Satanism! She would rather they shed innocent blood then have to give birth??
Someone quoted from II Timothy–I would also add Romans 1:22–professing themselves wise, they became as fools.

September 27, 2020

I’m sorry that you published this article!
It was not at all edifying, and this woman’s plight could have been shared in an abbreviated form and we could have simply prayed for her.

    September 27, 2020

    It gives us a good look at why and how some people will make a decision to follow after something that most Christians would think ‘reasonable’ people would not entertain. Her ‘logic’ is very skewed– and to take herself to the extreme that she favors joining the Satanic ‘church’??!! We know it’s out there, but to think that a ‘regular, suburban mom’ would come to this type of conclusion and might be living next door to you–is an eye-opener for me.

    Cheryl Ann Rickards
    September 30, 2020

    Dear Mari,
    True, this article was not EDIFYING. Instead, I found it ENERGIZING! It energized me to lead others in prayer for this nation.
    I also found it EVANGELIZING! I was surprised that the lady was an attorney, presumably a smart person. This is a perfect example of how Satan can blind the heart of an unbeliever! She fell right into the trap of Eve: believing what the devil says. It made me realize the need to pray for more laborers to go out into the fields and preach the truth to get men saved.

    Again, I am sorry that you were upset by this article.

Cynthia McCaleb
September 26, 2020

This could have been me many years ago. A change of thinking for her would be a spiritual enlightenment. When Jesus reveals himself the reality of Satan becomes clear. She obviously doesn’t understand the spirit realm, but likes the tenets that they espouse to her. We pray for all those soccer moms out there.

September 26, 2020

It saddens me to see how far we’ve fallen as a country. The problem is this woman doesn’t know the Bible, doesn’t know the Lord, and doesn’t have the Holy Spirit inside to guide her to the truth. So she (and everyone else like her) is susceptible to the devil who masquerades as an “angel of light”. She is opening up herself to demonic attack, and she is completely unaware of that possibility.The arguments she is spouting don’t add up. Part of the government’s job is to protect human life, to protect us from hurting ourselves and others. When I had my hysterectomy a couple years ago, I was required BY LAW to wait at least six weeks (in a sickly condition) before I could actually have the surgery. I’ll spare you the gory details, but it was a miserable six weeks. How come women can have an ABORTION and not even wait 24 hours! For the taking of the life of their child! By the way I live in VIRGINIA.

I’m going to start praying for all the soccer moms and the LOST. They need the LORD!

September 26, 2020

She has issues, and is not of a sound mind. In fact she is double minded and deceived. Murder is taking life. Abortion is murder. satan Copies and perverts everything the Holy Bible stands for. She needs much prayer.

Betty J Harrison
September 26, 2020

she has my pity if she turns to satinism because she wants to kill the unborn then SHE IS WHERE SHE BBELONGS

Amy Price
September 26, 2020

Lord, Have mercy on her soul. Shine the light of your truth and love into the darkness. Dear Father in Heaven, please strengthen your Church in this hour. Guard our hearts and minds in this day of evil. In Jesus Name. Amen

Leta Fry
September 26, 2020

ANOTHER DELUDED WOMAN. Satan isn’t our friend…..he is our sworn enemy.
Almighty God will end Satan’s wikedness.

September 26, 2020

See how bold she is to come on this site that is dedicated to the believer and our desire to petition our Creator to help us overcome our sins and put us on the right track. My first thought was what a reprobate mind! But truly only the Father can make that call. As long as a person has breath in their body, they can reach out for forgiveness! That life, after this one, is eternal, not just a mere 50 – 100 years but forever. There is no heart or mind that God will not change if that person comes in repentance. What we are witnessing in our nation today is corporate evil and we need God to help us overcome. We, each one of us, are responsible for where we are today. So we, each one of us needs to repent for our own sin. This woman is an example of what can happen to us if we do not repent. Selah

    September 26, 2020

    Just for clarification, Gail, this was an article posted on the Huffington Post not on this site. The admins of this site shared it so the readers could be informed. It is so very sad to read and know how lost she is.

September 26, 2020

Where would it stop? The right for a woman to choose to kill an unborn child has already evolved, in one state, the right for the mother to choose, AFTER the child is born, whether the child be allowed to live or die. From there, a motherā€™s ā€œright to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessā€ in having the legal ability to sacrifice her 4 year old child because heā€™s too much responsibility and infringing upon her right to live her life as she so desires. Where does it stop? The right to kill a spouse because their life now infringes upon ones own pursuit of happiness. One evolves to the next. She herself admitted the satanic temple was a religion. This country was founded upon Judeo Christian beliefs. Our founding holds others before ourselves. If they want to push their own me-me-me religious agenda, they should all move to an empty island somewhere and institute its founding upon their beliefs and leave ours alone. Lord, remove the veil from their eyes. Bless them Lord. We pray for encounters with You. We pray for their salvation Lord. Draw them to You.

    September 27, 2020

    Yes,Bobbie, where does it end? For decades abortion was allowed to only under 3 months, then it became 4-5, and the last few years they pushed it up to 6 months, and now! God help us! some states allowing it to the 9th month and/or birth!! Incredulous!!

    Where it could also ‘end’ is seeing more of our children killed in mass shootings, or horrible disasters, wars or twisted murders. Sad..

Caroline Eagan
September 26, 2020

Isaiah 5:20,
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
I pray for her Salvation/soul as this lost soul has opened up the gates of hell in her life/family.

Tracey J Fentem
September 26, 2020

She doesn’t know God – prayers for her and her families souls.

September 26, 2020

This is a classic example of Satan at work in society.
Lord, I pray that You would open the eyes of those who have been deceived; forgive their straying, and draw them close to Yourself. I pray, also, that You would intervene and wash away the deception that ruins us and our lives. Have mercy and protect weaker believers from falling into such traps. All glory be to You. AMEN

September 26, 2020

This women’s letter is a perfect example of the extent of the effect of the deception and propaganda served up in the name of education since at least the 1960’s. I was there. I had a Socialist instructor for Civics in high school in 1960. I went to secular state universities in California and Washington and received what I politely call “yard waste” in both of them. They tried to teach me “secular humanism” the doctrine that humans alone can make this a better world. “How is it working for you,ladies and gentlemen?” “Secular Humanism is the door to Satanism. One of the Enemies subtle tactics. Anything to replace God… then get people out of panic to turn to him!! The main reason I did not fall for the “yard waste” was my analytical discussions at my parents dinner table. We reasoned through what would work in reality of human society and what was a naive assumption. Underground deception was always present in my classes. My Marxist professor, Dr Karl Wittfogel from Columbia University, was brilliant. He had been there-on both sides- and knew first hand the dangers. He warned about Marcuse’s foolishness. MY friend from childhood was in many classes with me but her father was a Humanist (belief that we do not need God, foundation of secular humanism). She ate all the “yard waste” and now is deceived into believing the current mantras, as the above writer has been. I feel very sorry for the above writer, she is in over her head in deception now. When one is deceived, you do not know you are deceived because you are deceived,(!) and your mind is corrupted and taken over actually. You could not see the truth if it bit you on your nose, because the free mind is gone. Prayer is the only answer for the above lady and a whole generation or two who have been completely deceived. This is the heart and depth of our real battle. The church in my childhood was asleep (no analytical discussions of Truth), only my parents saved me.

    Jane Fain
    September 26, 2020

    Amen, Mary. The verse God brought to mind is found in II Timothy 3:7.always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
    Your article is spot on as to what has happened to this woman. I read pride in her article. Pride in what her education has brought her to in life. There are children with Bible truth in them that have more wisdom. I pray that the “fog of this war” will be removed from her spiritual eyes and that she will see the truth about Satanism, abortion, and her spiritual life. That she will turn to Jesus who is the truth.

    September 26, 2020

    I totally agree with you about this deception. The real problem is that people who believe this are blinded from seeing a baby at conception as a viable person. They have been told that it is a blob. Therefore, they are not choosing to kill their baby, but only to kill a blob that has invaded their body like a cancerous growth. They don’t understand that life doesn’t start when you are fully formed, it begins at conception. If it doesn’t, then what do they think started their own life. Did it just appear with no beginning? If someone chose to burn them and dismember them before they were fully formed, they would be the first to say it is not right and that they should have the right to live if they chose to do so even if their mother didn’t want them. Once her life began, there would be nobody to protect her except her mother. The mother is the only one who can stand up for this newly formed embryo to become a fully formed person or be disgusted by an invasion of life not her own growing inside her. She could not become anyone who could make choices without the right to live. The devil is slick and has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not know the truth (the glorious Gospel of Life in Christ Jesus.) It is our right to pray for her and millions like her.

September 26, 2020

This woman has been totally deceived by Satanā€”so sadā€”only pray she will find the truth of God, our Creater and hope.

John Hinzman
September 26, 2020

Well, this woman is a complete and utter imbecile. I cannot believe she is so utterly depraved and morally bankrupt as to join a satanic temple. I pray for her children. I pray that angels of God will be dispatched to war on behalf of her household. I pray that the Holy Spirit of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) will convict her of her SIN and that she and her family will repent, turn from their wicked ways, and receive Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha Mashiach) as their only Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

September 26, 2020

As I read this I thought that this lady is so wrong and she needs to see the light of Jesus Christ so we all need to pray for this lost soul Father God please open her eyes to the wrong that is in her life In Jesus Christ I pray foe her Amen

September 26, 2020

This woman is playing a very dangerous game! If she does not turn away from the Satanic Temple and come to Christ, she will learn the hard way that she made the wrong choice. I will be praying that she makes the right choice and receives Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. She definitely needs a wake-up call, and the only One who can give her the wake-up call she needs, is Jesus.

Mel Teoh
September 26, 2020

I pray for Jamie Smith who wrote this article. I pray for her salvation in Christ Jesus. Your will be done God. In Jesus’ name we pray and thank You. Amen.

Pamela J Emery
September 26, 2020

God, I Pray that President Trump would declare that the Satanic Temple be flaged as a non – religious company/ministry. The Democratic party/The Satanic Temple are one in their By-laws, we as Conservative and Christians need to start actively praying and coming together as one and FIGHT.

Cindy Hoffer
September 26, 2020

This article proves we are close to end. I would like to scream!!! You have a choice to not get pregnant!!!!!! Why do we ignore this simple truth? Of course in satan’s cult sex on any level will be supported. In this so called religion of satan, a Christian holds opposite beliefs. A war between good and evil is brewing. Come quickly Lord Jesus!! Pray America! Pray! Jesus is the only answer.

Kenneth Carpenter
September 26, 2020

I point to the simple fact that none of us has the ‘RIGHT’ to destroy the Life of another human being. “Thou shalt not kill(murder)”. The baby in the womb is NOT a womans own body but is a unique individual who temporarily lives in what is intended to be a God ordained ‘safe’ environment , and nurtured within and without….The argument that “it’s My body” is willful ignorance!

    September 26, 2020

    Very true! I am so sick of hearing women who are pro-abortion say “My body, my choice.” That is just pure nonsense. I’m a woman, and I know for a fact that it’s the body of the unborn baby we’re talking about, not the body of the baby’s mother. It’s not the same thing. I pray that one day, women everywhere will wake up and learn this truth.

Mae Winkler
September 26, 2020

This woman is clearly deceived.
Twisting if words is always satans way of deception.
While promising freedom it only ensnares the person into deeper rebellion against God.

We have many people educated in our universities that clearly believe a woman has control over herself. Namely her choices.

The truth is we are not our own we have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus. All the talk about choice is deception drawing away from the real issue… choose life… or death. Choose to receive Jesus or go into eternity without God, to a devils hell.

Ann Dubie
September 26, 2020

I pray Father that you would release the Spirit of the fear of the Lord over this woman. You tell us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and those who know You have been given a spirit not of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. May this woman be delivered from the fear that has driven her to partner with the demonic and embrace a lie. You are the Spirit of Truth. Break-in and shatter the deception that has ensnared her. Deliver her and heal her mind. Set her free, for the Glory of God in Jesus name.

September 26, 2020

This woman is fighting for the same rights that she speaks against. She is fighting for the right to choose which she says is based on her beliefs. Unfortunately her fight does not include the right of the unborn person being created within.
As a follower of Christ we fight for the right of the unborn while offering help to the mother.
This article shows the depth of deception so clearly.
Father open the eyes of their understanding.
Many of our laws are based on godly principals. Gods law which is to live one another as He has loved us. The very basis of this premise is lost on the unborn.
Lord we pray that the blind may see. Open their eyes Lord.
We must fight even more boldly than before. Where light is, darkness cannot be. Darkness exists but we serve a Mighty God.

September 26, 2020

This is shocking and disturbing to the maximum. How can research bring one to such flawed and cold hearted beliefs.
I don’t have words. save her soul, convict her as she watches the creation of her own children.

Sue C.
September 26, 2020

My heart grieves for this woman who has condemned herself – and her family – to an eternity in hell! Father, let her words fall lifelessly on deaf ears, without power and influence. Expose the church of Satan for the evil it is. It may begin sweet but will end in pain and death.
Father, open her mind to Your goodness and how You have loved her, given her children of her own, and always been there for her, given her the ability to provide for her family. We cry for mercy and grace upon her and those who read her words. Reveal the dark plan that this “church” has – the light imitating the true light. Father, we know that you have broken the power of darkness and evil by the blood shed on the cross and so we break, shatter, destroy, and unroot the deception of this organization and call upon the heavenly host to fight against this deception. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

September 26, 2020

You are under the deception that a grown woman has the right to take the life of an infant ā€œ woman!ā€Why have you not considered teaching your girls abstinence before marriage and a safe birth control after marriage to control when having a baby might be more convenient for the couple?I pray you will see the Light of Truth before you get too ingrained in Satanism. A baby in the womb has rights also!

B. D. Smith
September 26, 2020

She needs our prayers. I don’t think she knows the depth of what she has done. She has totally rejected Jesus Crist. Also Ginsburg agreed with the Satanists.

Doris Boyd
September 26, 2020

I think she is coming from an Antichrist point of view My thoughts was on judgement day is the satanic temple going to help u there!! See how that works for u!!! Seriously I hope someone reaches her with the gospel of the Kingdom

September 26, 2020

I pray against recruitment into satanist organizations because of this woman’s article or by any other means. Americans have been nominated through our prayers for God’s Revival and eternal Life, and I pray against anything that comes against those prayers!

While those who see nothing wrong with killing babies could fall for the idea that they have “been a Satanist for several years without even knowing it”, instead let that tenet of the satanist’s manifest be exposed as the ugly death and theft of life that it is. Clarify the thinking that freedom over our own bodies includes the decision to have sex or not (which is why God made rape punishable), but our freedom stops once another separate life is created due to that decision. Expose that instead of respecting creatures, satanists skin animals alive during their rituals. Expose that instead of believing ā€œoneā€™s body is inviolable, subject to oneā€™s own will aloneā€, satan’s priests often initiate and manipulate their members by having sex with them. Expose that their god is the prince of lies, and that lies are all people will get out of him.

It’s easy to see the difference between Light and Darkness when people are able to see. Open people’s eyes, Lord Jesus! For whatever reasons these people were made blind, heal their spiritual eyes so they can see what’s obvious–Light and Darkness!

Over all America I pray Ephesians 1:17-19a: “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.”

    Pamela J Emery
    September 26, 2020

    What a great prayer. I completely agree.

Rose Kelly
September 26, 2020

This is an atrocity to women and unborn children. God gave life and no one has the right to take it God help us and for give us. We have murdered millions of unborn babies here in America. God says we are blessed when are house hold is full of children, but people today call it a curse. Satan and the satanic chruch hates human life and believe in sacrificing it even in rituals. From the moment of conception a baby is a human bean everything is there the fetus just has to grow and be allowed to thrive inside the mother where it belongs. God give life and he is the only one who has the right to say when it over. Not us not satan who hates mankind with a cruel hatred. Lady God help you and your misconception of life.

Mary Nadwodny
September 26, 2020

The Constitution May be the law of the land but there is a higher law, the Bible. Are we not under judgement for the 60M aborted baby. She was already on her way to hell fortunately there is still a way out for her if only sheā€™ll repent and believe.

Cari Conaway
September 26, 2020

This just goes to show how deceptive the devil is. He comes as an angel of light, deceiving many. Heā€™s so slick and sly that even some of the elect will turn away from the faith. How sad that we as the church didnā€™t share the love of God and truth of God with her so that she was convinced that Jesus is the only way. I pray for her soul and that of her daughters especially. I pray those girls come to know the love and truth of God almighty! Forgive us Father for failing these people who think Satan is the way to go.

    September 26, 2020

    “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” –Isaiah 60:1-3.
    The church needs to be such a great light so that we can dispel this darkness. We need to be a warm, welcoming light so people want to leave the darkness and come into the light. The Church needs to be a light to our nation so the United States of America can be a light to a hurting world.

Warren Davis
September 26, 2020

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, ā€œHas God indeed said, ā€˜You shall not eat of every tree of the gardenā€™?ā€

2 And the woman said to the serpent, ā€œWe may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ā€˜You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.ā€™ ā€

4 Then the serpent said to the woman, ā€œYou will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.ā€

6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was [a]pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves [b]coverings.

8 And they heard the [c]sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the [d]cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

9 Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ā€œWhere are you?ā€

10 So he said, ā€œI heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.ā€

11 And He said, ā€œWho told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?ā€

12 Then the man said, ā€œThe woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.ā€

13 And the Lord God said to the woman, ā€œWhat is this you have done?ā€

The woman said, ā€œThe serpent deceived me, and I ate.ā€

    September 26, 2020

    True but to suggest only women can fall to Satan is a huge lie.

September 26, 2020

How very lost this woman is and headed for damnation and hell unless the lord opens her eyes to the truth that the life of an unborn child is just as important as her own. May the Holy Spirit draw her to Jesus Christ who is the way the truth and the life and give her the understanding that there is no other way to the heavenly Father but through him. Also may the Lord show her that Satan only seeks to steal kill and destroy.

September 26, 2020

What an incredible example of how satan operates in his attempt to steal, kill and destroy in a personā€™s life. God, we pray that You would sovereignty intervene in this womanā€™s life and that what has been meant for evil, YOU will turn around for good, in Jesus name. Kingdom of God, come, will of God be done.

Gloria A Robles
September 26, 2020

The fact that the first tenet is “one should strive to act with compassion to all creatures in accordance with reason” but denies compassion and supports the murder of the most harmless creature of all;a human being in the womb shows the deception. The tenets paint a false image of what they truly believe. Very deceiving. Father have mercy on this deceived woman. I pray that many just like her that were looking for something more to fill that void, would come to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Father I thank you that through Covid and riots, revival and repentance are happening too. Lord I pray that many satanists eyes will be opened to the undeniable truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the blood of Jesus.
In Jesus name,

September 26, 2020

I was a women who believed the lies of Planned Parenthood and Family Planning Associates that I had a right to choose abortion. So I had one at age 19. In the years following I was grieving and had all the life effects or side effects of abortion. I believe that the Lord has forgiven me for my abortion. I had an abortion for selfish reasons. I regret my abortion but I believe I will see my child again. I pray that Roe v.Wade will be overturned in Jesus name.

    September 26, 2020

    Sweetheart, you have repented and God has forgiven you. I applaud your courage in sharing your story and I pray that God will use you mightily to bring that same healing to other women(and men)that suffer the pain from decisions that they now regret. I send you a virtual big hug and say God bless you. You will see your baby one day and all tears will be wiped away! In His love, your sister in Christ, Barbara šŸ™ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

      September 26, 2020

      Amen, Teresa, you are loved, and God will use your testimony to help many other women to see the truth and the light. In the powerful name of Jesus!

    jeanne sophia
    September 26, 2020

    Yes! They donā€™t advise the depression and loss a woman may feel… the backwardness of I can do what I want with my body but this soul without a voice, this baby is my choice to condemn to death because … service to self belief rather thAn the light of God…your Greig is a true honesty you feel love from God…. Bless you for speaking up as that side of the equation is not represented by them! ā¤ļøšŸŒ¹

    jeanne sophia
    September 26, 2020

    Yes! They donā€™t advise the depression and loss a woman may feel… the backwardness of I can do what I want with my body but this soul without a voice, this baby is my choice to condemn to death because … service to self belief rather thAn the light of God…your grief is a true honesty you feel love from God…. Bless you for speaking up as that side of the equation is not represented by them! ā¤ļøšŸŒ¹

    jeanne sophia
    September 26, 2020

    Yes! They donā€™t advise the depression and loss a woman may feel… the backwardness of I can do what I want with my body but this soul without a voice, this baby is my choice to condemn to death because … service to self belief rather thAn the light of God…your grief is a true honesty you feel love from God…. Bless you for speaking up as that side of the equation is not represented by them! ā¤ļøšŸŒ¹

    Heal your soul in God , let it be healed! Much love!

Teresa Jenkins
September 26, 2020

Lord Jesus may your power prevail over the evil war against our families, our children, and our way of life. In your holy name I pray. Help us be strong in your power and might.

joy oviedo
September 26, 2020

I pray that this attorney and others like her who are emboldened in this lie from the pit of hell that
these people would first of all be drawn away from the pit to you and then that they would see how wrong
it was to protect abortion and the reasoning that liberals have to justify their actions..protect these babies
and may all truth abound so that people can walk away from ungodly thining.

Cynthia Bagsic
September 26, 2020

I truly believe in Good VS. Evil… and the Good and the Word of God would always prevail… I prayed that God will put this country into the right path or direction in order to serve him with all our hearts, with all our minds… not the other principalities saturating this nation! I believe in prayers and we pray that our Almighty God will obliterate and stop this demonic activity in our great country!

September 26, 2020

We declare in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, “Not one more child in our land! Not one more will be murdered by abortion. Christ upon the cross did not call upon one angel to protect him so that He could save us all, but now to save what God has created in the womb we call upon the mighty angels of the heavenly hosts to stand against the murderous tide of the depressed, misinformed, manipulated, and the wicked. That women will turn around, cancel their appointments, and fall in love with life. We declare that every lie and every demon behind those lies that desire the death of our future be bound, muted, and paralyzed. Let truth vibrate from God’s throne to the lips of the saints. That righteousness will prevail as the heavenly hosts protect every child from all wickedness that tries to pirce and suck all life away. Every high place and place of sacrifice be cast down in Jesus name, the glory of God fall upon you and sanctify your land! Only the praises of a mighty loving father be heard upon you and all the wickedness and murders be washed away by the blood of the lamb – the only sacrifice that needed to be made and already is made. Mankind is purified from sin by his blood and stands holy before a righteous judge who expects nothing but perfect righteousness. All other sacrifices to all other god’s are a stench upon the earth, the blood of the innocent cries out! And God hears them! Their cry is not in vain, He will not ignore them but pour upon the wicked the wrath of their own iniquity. Hide yourself under the blood of the pure sacrifice, call upon Him to save you! There is only one redeemer and that is Christ, who can save, who takes the most wicked, most vile, most murderous of humans, cloaks them in his righteousness and calls them saints. Call upon Jesus Christ and be saved, turn now, turn today from your wicked ways and be counted amount the righteous.”

    September 26, 2020

    I love this prayer. Only one sacrifice is needed and it has already been made once for all. Thank you, Jesus. We cannot participate in the sacrifice of an innocent life.
    Dear God open and anoint our eyes!! And give us pliable surrendered hearts as truth, love and peace fill the earth with Jesus.

    September 26, 2020

    WOW! There it is, the gospel in a prayer! AMEN and AMEN!


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