I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for our border to be protected, and our nation to be protected from the overwhelming flood of illegal immigration. Above all else, we pray that those who come here illegally would not be able to vote.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Bloomberg is stressing the need for migrants to be dropped in red counties for “economic reasons,” but is that the real reason? 

From The National Pulse. Globalist media conglomerate Bloomberg is pushing for recent migrants to the United States to be settled in Republican-voting counties across the country. In a story ostensibly about the economic need for migrants in red-leaning localities, Bloomberg subtly alludes to the potential electoral impact the migrants could have.

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… [The] corporate news outlet laments that in “battleground states that will decide this November’s election, about 72 [percent] of migrants in 2023 went to Biden counties while less than a third went to Trump counties.” …

The Bloomberg story goes on to note that “[t]hese newcomers are unlikely to become U.S. citizens before the election, so they won’t be casting ballots of their own. But their arrival will nonetheless reverberate in the presidential contest…”

What the authors don’t acknowledge is that some of these migrants could potentially cast ballots in November’s election illegally. …

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(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Photo Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

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Ann Shaw
September 22, 2024

Abba Father, you know the future and your power and purpose will be accomplished. America could have easily been destroyed after Pearl Harbor, but God’s purpose stood and America has been blessed. Let us not forget God’s provision is still being accomplished. Let us be faithful to pray and humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways so that God will forgive us and bless America.
In Jesus’s name Amen

September 20, 2024

I pray that we come against this evil agenda. We need your heavenly support. God, Please make Pastors and churches bold to speak against this in Jesus’ name.
We rebuke the churches like the NGO that have been paid by the government to help allow this illegal migrations.- since we do not know who is coming into this country.


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